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A baby is born

Brooke was devastated when she drove up to the cabin at Big Bear. She was crying hard all the way up. Stephanie had made it perfectly clear that nobody cared about her any more. Eric and she was in the final stages of their divorce. Eric and Sheila seemed to be growing closer by the day. And Taylor and Ridge were married. Even though Brooke was carrying Ridge's baby, nobody seemed to bother if she was alive or dead. The whole Forrester family was going to celebrate the holidays at the Forrester mansion, and Stephanie had been utterly cruel in her clarification that Brooke was NOT welcome. Eric and Erci jr were both welcome, even Sheila, but Brooke wouldn't even get past the door, that was a sure thing!

"And if you even try to talk to Ridge about this baby and his responsibilities I will snap you like a twig!"

Thus Brooke's mood, thus her fleeing up to the cabin at Big Bear. Up there she would be out of everybody's way. She'd be there - only her and her and Ridge's baby. But when she got up there. Of course the cabin was cold. The wind was blowing outside and the weather was working itself up to a real snowstorm. The wind was blowing so hard the electricity went out. And she had to get some wood for a fire to get the cabin warmed up. Brooke got to the cabin in the nick of time. The weather was so bad that she couldn't see five feet in front of her.

Back home Ridge and Eric started to worry about her and Ridge left for Big Bear to try and stop Brooke or at least find her. Taylor didn't like it one bit when she found out. Ridge got to the road that lead up to Big Bear, but the weather was so bad that the road was closed off. Ridge however ignored this and ran right through the roadblocks.

Taylor however when she found out the road was closed didn't get any further. She had to stop at the roadblocks.

Brooke out in the snow tries to get wood but the wood falls all over her and she is trapped and hurt, and scared. Not to mention after Stephanie's outburst she feels like this is what they all wanted.

Ridge reaches the cabin, but doesn't find Brooke right away. She calls for him but he doesn't hear her. She is freezing cold out in the storm, and she keeps screaming for help. Eventually Ridge finds her, and helps her inside. He asks why she ran off like that and she explains how she felt, that nobody cares anymore, and she just wanted to get out of their way. Ridge said "You and I are always going to be close, don't you forget it". Brooke agrees to come back to L.A., but then her water broke and she goes into labor and there is no way of getting back to the city. The storm outside is really bad and Brooke doesn't have the time, she is already giving birth.

Over the phone Ridge gets help from Taylor who tells him how to deliver the baby. Helps him by telling him what he needs, like hot water, scissors to cut the cord and things like that. But the connection is really bad and the line is broken. Brooke says she isn't scared as long as Ridge is with her, and then she goes: "Oh god, here comes the kid". Ridge finds himself all alone. Delivering Brooke's baby. Luckily the whole thing goes well and both Brooke and the baby are healthy.

Brooke had a baby girl. Brooke tells Ridge, "our daughter, our beautiful baby daughter". After a while the storm is fading and they can call for help.

Brooke tells Ridge that she loves him, that Ridge has been her best friend and lover. She says she will never stop loving him. Then the helicopter arrives.

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