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Caroline's last moments in life

Caroline was married to Ridge and they were living a happy life in the Forrester Guesthouse, looking for a house of their own and trying to start a family when Caroline found out she was suffering from leukemia. Caroline was of course devastated at the news, but decided not to tell Ridge the truth. She knew how much this news would pain him.

Caroline went to a doctor named Taylor Hayes. She tried to convince Caroline she should tell Ridge that she was sick, but Caroline refused. Her illness progressed rapidly and she looked up Brooke, who was at the time married to Eric, Ridge's father. She urged and pleaded to Brooke to be there for Ridge when Caroline was gone. Brooke promises her to be a friend to Ridge, to try and help him through the terrible grief, once Caroline is gone. But Caroline was not satisfied with this. She told Brooke she thought that Ridge would need her as more than a friend. Ridge would need Broooke's love and support. In every way. And that they were meant for each other.

Brooke was still saying no, she was carrying Eric's child and she said she was in love with Eric, and that she had promised to stay true to him.

Ridge however found out about Caroline's illness. At the time Caroline was very sick and didn't have much time left. Ridge was totally heartbroken, but determined to stay strong, for Caroline's sake. But he went to Taylor Hayes for help and consolation. They became friends.

One day at the guesthouse Ridge and Caroline were celebrating their wedding day. Ridge bought Caroline a bracelet on the day they were married and told her that he would give her a new charm for her bracelet whenever something important was happening in their lives. Now, Ridge gives Caroline all the charms at once. A little golden house among other things. Caroline looked up at Ridge with tears in her eyes and said.
"You know, oh Ridge, you know - don't you?"
Caroline was in tears. She had been so determined to let hers and Ridge's last few weeks together be filled with happiness and joy, and not let it be clouded by her illness. Now that Ridge knew it is like her whole spirit just fell apart and they both cried ineach other's armsy. Only days after Caroline died.

The weeks after Ridge was in total shock. Caroline planted flowers in the garden with her illness in mind. She tried to plant flowers that would make the garden blossom all year around, to remind Ridge of the love they shared.

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