The Maelstrom Fantasy Campaign Setting. Copyright © 1998 Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.

The Saga of Roil

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World of Roil
Legends of Roil
Saga of Roil
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The Saga of Roil

begins, appropriately enough, with the creation of the Roil universe.
To this end, there are many instances in which religious transcripts are
relied upon in lieu of the writings of the legenders or other historians.
It is important to note that the clergical authors to whom the story of
Roil's creation is attributed may be approaching the subject from a
viewpoint neither entirely objective, nor at all free of personal bias.

In the beginning, there was nothing save Olhantam, the All-Father. At
least, this is written in the holy tablets of the Creator. There is mention
in these writings that there came a time when Olhantam the Creator
grew weary of his singular consciousness, and willed other beings into
existence. These individuals became Vendaneran the Wise, Sethanit
the Lord of Evil, Chaulatae the Binder, and Kaichea the Loner.
Ultimately, they began to perceive the necessity for change, and to
realize that their tremendous emotional capacities needed to be
fulfilled. It was their needs which led to the creation of the universe.

The History of Roil | The History of Kaladia

Chronicles of Kaladia

The Rise of Dark Furies (Posted 4-15-98)

Reworking the Maelstrom pages has excessively delayed the continuation of the Sagas of Roil. Please accept my sincere apologies, and check back. I will get the Chronicles of Kaladia's Rise of Dark Furies updated as soon as I can.

Holy Symbol of Motara the Warrior, goddess of Law and War. Copyright © 1998 Brian K. Moseley Symbol of Motara the Warrior

The Chronicles of Kaladia

Prologue to the Rise of Dark Furies

A storm was brewing, that much was certain. The horizon was dark with rain, lit by scattered flashes of lightning. The thunder was faint, only a distant murmor. Through the storm, the crimson haze of the Mists thrashed and tore at the gloom, refusing to be contained...

Enbredir shuttered the window and moved to the fireplace. The wind was chilling, but the fire would warm the room quickly enough. Again he arranged the collection he had arrayed upon the small table. Parchment, a full vessel of ink, three quills, freshly sharpened.

The chair was overly large and quite cozy, and Enbredir savored the feel of the down cushions. As he nestled himself into its comfort, he looked about the room. Quite a plain room actually. Were its walls of wood and not of cut stone, he fancied, he might well have been in an inn or tavern, or someone's home, but not in a novice's quarters within the Citadel of Knowledge.

In an tavern he would be, too, had not his master directed him to this chamber. Even the great Nadamis ate and slept, Enbredir thought scornfully, unhappy with his task. And he had waited alone for some time now. True, such was the life of a novice scribe in service to a Legender, but he could not help but feel some anger in waiting for someone who had never come. The fire was warm though, and the comfort of the chair enticing. Enbredir settled deeper into the chair and closed his eyes, and opened them again.

His gasp was barely audible, but carried through the silence of the room. The light of the fire danced upon the wizened face staring at him. The old man shuffled toward Enbredir, coming full into the light of the fire. The face was at once ancient, and terrible. As he stumbled up and out of the chair, Enbredir could not help but stare at what could only be an unholy apparation. A single eye glared back at the scribe, and a dull fire burned from within a blackened wound where another eye once lived. There was no hair upon the face, and scars covered all the flesh that Enbredir could see.

As the man settled into Enbredir's chair, the scribe cautiously approached. He knew of legends which spoke of one who looked such as this man; a wizard, sorcerer perhaps, if there were a distinction to be made.

Somewhat regaining his composure, Enbredir realized his manners. With resolve, he met the oldster's glower. "My lord, if I might offer you - ". The grating whisper drowned Enbredir's words as the old man began to speak.

"You are here at your master's instruction, to record into the library of the Citadel what I tell you. Be silent, be still, and listen..."

Hear you now, of the rise of Dark Furies

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