The Evangelion Mecha Information
Warning: This information contains major spoilers and should be viewed with caution if you have not seen the entire series. You have been warned.

What Exactly is the EVA

We all know what the EVAs' purpose is. To combat the angels and eventually to combat each other in an attempt to bring mankind to a higher evolutionary level. EVA translates into Eve. Eve was created out of Adam by God and therefore they made the first two humans. EVA was created out of Adam as was Eve meaning the EVAs are human *thus proving Ritsuko Akagi's claim in Genesis 0:12 about the EVAs true essence*

Evangelion Unit-01 is piloted by the main character, Shinji Ikari. Ikari is the third child and was brought to NERV by his father who is in charge. EVA-01 is the most powerful of any of the Evangelions and is the most controversial. EVA-01 has moved without power on several occasions to save Shinji inside NERV. It also beserked on three occasions and destroyed three angels (the third, twelth, and fouteenth.) Unit-01 was part of the Tree of Life formation that started the third impact. We all know who's soul is in Evangelion Unit-01. Shinji's mother Yui Ikari. If you haven't gotten that after watching the entire series and watching the movies *even though I haven't* you weren't paying attention. Eva-01 is a clone of Lillith. Remember Lillith was captured before Adam and EVA-01 was created and Yui chose to merge with the EVA. This explains why Rei can sync with EVA-01 because she is part Yui Ikari, giving her a geneticlink to it. This is also the reason why Kaworu couldn't use EVA-01. If had used Unit-01 nothing could have stopped him because Shinji can't pilot Unit-02.

Eva Unit-00 is the test model of the Evangelion series. It is piloted by the first child, Rei Ayanami. The Evangelion beserked and injured the pilot during a test with it a few weeks before the 3rd angel, Satchiel, attacked Tokyo-3. It's first task was to defend EVA-01 at all costs, even if it meant being destroyed so that EVA-01 could eliminate the fifth angel. After that mission, EVA-00 is out of action for a while and is given a paint job from Orange to Blue. It is unknown as to why. Unit-00 is responsible for the destruction of the 15th angel after hurling the Spear of Loginus into space and piercing the angel. Unit-00 was destroyed after the pilot decided to contain the angel within her AT field and destroy them both rather than witness Shinji die as well. EVA Unit-00was created AFTER Unit-00. The question asked is who is the soul of Unit-00. Many people THINK it is Nakao Akagi. This is wrong! Despite some evidence to support that claim the soul is none other than Lillith. The mother of all human life. This explains why Shinji could do a test with Unit-00 and that means Asuka could have as well. Unit-00 is NOT a clone of Lillith and simply has its soul. This explains why Lillith attempts to kill Gendo, Rei, and Shinji in the two tests. It hates Gendo for creating Rei out of her. She obviously doesn't like Rei. And Shinji because he is Gendo's sole offspring. Unit-00 is made out of Adam but isn't a clone of him. It also gives a little backup why Lillith was freed from the cross in the movies because Lillith's soul was free with the destruction of Unit-00.

Unit-02 is, debatably, the weakest of the Evangelions. It was the first Evangelion production model or as its pilot, the second child, Asuka Langely, says, "The first Evangelion designed for combat!" The soul residing in it is Asuka's mom. Asuka's mom went insane after a test with the Evangelion and committed suicide. Asuka discovered her hanging with her "Asuka." Unit-02 is used by Kaworu to delay Shinji as he tries to get to Terminal Dogma. In the movies Unit-02 is destroyed just as it is about beserk when it is pierced by a duplicate of the spear of Loginus. EVA-02's record *I am giving it a win and loss against the EVA-05 series because of what happened* is 5-5 (lost to Israfel, EVA-03, Zuriel, the fifteenth angel, and EVA-05 series.) Likes EVA-00 it is made out of Adam but is not a clone. Unit-02 has the soul of Asuka's mother. Its obvious in the Tv series and the movies. In some ways its like a doll and is used like one by Asuka as her mother *whose soul resides in it* created her own doll to represent Asuka after going mad. Eva-02 is like Unit-00 and is created out of Adam but is still not a clone of him. This also explains why Kaworu controlled it. Kaworu is an angel and he is therefore related to Adam because all Angels attempt to return to him. Since the EVA's soul was dormant *or so I have heard* at the time, and he could connect to it.

Unit-03 doesn't have much of a lifespan. It is created in the US and is sent to Japan. At Matsushiro base it is schedueled for a test but the EVA is infected by an angel. The pilot, Touji Suzahara, is trapped inside. EVA-03 appears to be a very tough EVA and probably almost as strong as Shinji's though the angel lacks fighting ability. It takes out EVA-02 in no time. And after Rei hesitated it took her out of commision for a while too. Then it moved on to Shinji who refused to fight. It began to choke Unit-01 until Gendo activated the dummy plug system and we see the horrors as Unit-01 turns into a monster and rips EVA-03 and Touji apart with Shinji's own hands. Touji survives though he loses his left arm and leg. Why Touji? Number one... he was a fourth level candidate. Two... he was in the entry plug with Shinji once. Third, he is probably the most physically and mentally fit of all the pilots. All the pilots are motherless which explains who is in the entry plug, Touji's mother. Can I prove this. No. I can't prove it but its fairly safe to assume. It like Unit's-00 and 02, created out of Adam. Therefore the angel could take it over.

Almost nothing is known about Unit-04. In fact I think it is only shown once in Death & Rebirth for only a moment. The only other way you can see what it looked like is by buying some model kit. It looks generally the same as Unit-03 except it is white. It had no pilot and was the first to attempt to use an S2 engine but apparently it malfunctioned and destroyed the EVA along with the enitre second branch of NERV. I don't know if it had a soul or not. In fact the only thing I know really about it is that it was created out of Adam like all the rest of the Evas. I don't even think there was a dummy plug for it. In a test with an S2 engine, it exploded taking out all of Nevada and branch 2 of NERV in the prosess. If anyone actually has an idea please email me.

There is some information on the Unit-05 series.It was built by SEELE opposed to NERV. It is believed that one was created in each of the G7 nations and two others (The USA, Russia, China, UK, France, Germany, Israel, Korea, and Japan.) They are responsible for the complete dismantling of EVA-02. They have wings, S2 engines, and can regenerate *as Asuka sadly found out.* They form the Tree of Life formation off of Unit-01 and begin the third impact. Well, EVAs 00, 02, 03, and 04, are all part of Adam but in fact are really EVE. Eva translates into Eve, which holds true. The third impact could not occur with Eve in place of Adam even though she was created out of him. They are piloted by the Kaworu dummy plug. Now, who could Kaworu be genetically connected to since these EVA's needed a soul. None other than ADAM. Thats right! The Unit-05 series are clones of Adam! Thats why Kaworu's dummy plug can work as well as the reason the third impact could occur. In order for Human Instrumentality to occur, SEELE needed Adam, Lillith, and the spear of Loginus. Adam was there in the form of the EVA-05 series. Lillith was there in the form of EVA-01 which is a clone of Lillith. And of course the spear of Loginus was returned inducting the Third Impact.

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