My Award: The Ass Kicking Page Award

NERV HQ's: Ass Kicking Page Award

There are a few requirements to win this award.
#1) You must sign the guestbook. I like to know my visitors have opinions on my site.
#2) Your site MUST be on Evangelion. If it has other sections, they will be taken in account but the bulk of your site will be judged on the Evangelion content.
#3) If you end up not winning don't send another application the very next day hoping I'm in a better mood. I'll probably give you suggestions to improve upon so fix those things I perscribe and I will review it.
#4) If you have any stolen graphics, pages, or information from other sites ANYWHERE on the site, your site will not be accepted, ESPECIALLY IF ITS FROM THIS SITE!

Fill Out the Form Below

Your full name:
Your Page's Url:
Your Page's Name:
Your email address:
Have you signed the guestbook:

Basically Describe Your Site


As of late I decided to retire both the Shinji's Satisfactory Award and Evangelion Award of Excellence. I decided to create just one award, the "Ass Kicking Page Award." It is not a give me but isn't the most elite award either. Below are the awards recently retired. Click here to see the winners both the current award and the old ones.

Evangelion Award of Excellence - RetiredShinji's Satisfactory Award - Retired

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