Neon Genesis Evangelion Character Profiles
Detailed Information on the characters of Evangelion.
Shinji Ikari Shinji Ikari
The third child. Pilot of Evangelion Unit 01. Son of Gendo Ikari. Main character of the series. Very round character.
Asuka Langely Asuka Langley
The second child. She is the pilot of Evangelion Unit 02. Has a superiority complex.
Rei AyanamiRei Ayanami
The first child. Pilot of Evangelion Unit 00. Almost a Vulcan.
Misato KatsuragiMisato Katsuragi
The head of operations for NERV. Appointed guardian of Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley. Likes to drink beer.
Kaworu NagisaKaworu Nagisa
Fifth child and the seventeenth angel!
Ritsuko AkagiRitsuko Akagi
Is responsible for the Evangelions. Mother created the MAGI. She likes cats.
Gendo IkariGendo Ikari
The father of Shinji Ikari and head of the UN organization NERV. Glasses stuck to head.
Kozo FuyutskiKozo Fuyutski
Second in command of the UN organization NERV. Gendo's lackey and accomplice in crime.
Touji SuzaharaTouji Suzahara
The fourth child and for a very brief period of time was the pilot of Evangelion Unit-03. Has a mean right hook.
Ryoji KajiRyoji Kaji
Works for NERV and a spy for SEELE. Evangelion's version of Shaft!
Aida KensukeAida Kensuke
A school mate and good friend of Shinji. Wishes he were an EVA pilot. Next Martin Scorcesse.
Maya IbukiMaya Ibuki
Techinician and lieutenant in NERV. Good friend of Ritsuko and computer whiz.

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