The march of Civilisation
Victoria before 1848
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Arrivals in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848,
voyage of the Georgiana 1841 recounted by the Surgeon Superintendent,

They came by ship - Assisted Immigrants who arrived 1839

Passenger lists - NSW lists as families or singles, Victoria has age of individual, or C=child, A=Adult.
Some are not on both lists, people slip between the lists - Vic includes crew and maybe the paying passengers.
From What to Bring

Emigrants were also provided information prior to the voyage to prepare them for the new world.
The following excerpts are taken from The Immigrant's Guide to Australia, by John Capper which was published in Liverpool, England by George Phillip & Son in 1853 and is inexcess of 130 pages.
Each passenger, whether steerage or intermediate, is allowed to take baggage to the extent of fifteen or twenty cubic feet, free of expense, and which is quite sufficient for most persons. The regulation regarding passengers' luggage is, that only one box or bag be allowed in each sleeping berth, sufficient to contain a fort-nights clothing, at the end of which time they have access to their chests in the hold, replacing the clothes used by clean. In this way every emigrant should be provided with two chests, one large and one small, or one canvas bag, the large chest being painted, and having their names distinctly marked on them. The above measurement allowed, includes the cabin box, which must not be more than one foot six inches long, one foot ten inches broad, and one foot two inches deep. (A carpet bag is far more useful than a box.)
With the view of promoting order and health on board passenger ships the following rules have been put in order:
1. Every passenger to rise at 7 A.M. unless otherwise permitted by the surgeon, or, if no surgeon, the master.
2. Breakfast from 8 to 9A.M., dinner at 1 P.M., supper at 6P.M.
3. The passengers to be in their beds at 10 P.M.
4. Fires to be lighted by the passengers' cook at., and kept alight by him till 7P.M.,then to be extinguished,unless otherwise directed by the master or required for the use of the sick.
5. The master to determine the order in which the passengers shall be entitled to the use of the fires for cooking. The cook to take care that this order is preseved.
6. Three safety lamps to be lit at dusk, one to be kept burning all night in the main hatchway, the two others may be extinguished at 10P.M.
7. No naked light to be allowed at any time or on any account.
8. The passengers, when dressed, to roll up their beds,to sweep the decks (including the space under the bottom of the berths),and to throw the dirt overboard.
9. Breakfast not to commence till this is done.
10. The sweepers for the day to be taken in rotation from the males above 14, in the proportion of five for every one hundred passengers.
11. Duties of the sweepers to be to clean the ladders,hospitals,and round-houses,to sweep the decks after every meal, and to dry holystone and scrape them after breakfast.
12. But the occupant of each berth to see that his own berth is well brushed out, and single women are to keep their own compartment clean in ships where a seperate compartment is allotted to them.
13. The beds to be well shaken and aired on deck and the bottom boards, if not fixtures, to be removed and dry-scrubbed and taken on deck at least twice a week.
14. Two days in the week to be appointed by the master as washing days, but no clothes to be washed or dried between decks.
15. The coppers and cooking vessels to be cleaned every day.
16. The scuttles and stern ports, if any, to be kept open (weather permitting)from 7 A.M. to 10P.M., and the hatches at all hours.
17. Hospitals to be established, with an area, in ships carrying one hundred passengers, of not less than forty-eight superficial feet, with two or four bed-berths;and in ships carrying two hundred passengers, of not less than one hundred superficial feet, with six bed-berths.
18. On Sunday the passengers to be mustered at 10A.M.,when they will be expected to appear in clean and decent apparel. The day to be observed as religiously as circumstances will permit.
19. No spirits or gunpowder to be taken on board by any passenger. Any that may be discovered to be taken into the custody of the master till the expiration of the voyage.
20. No loose hay or straw to be allowed below.
21. No smoking to be allowed between decks.
22. All gambling,fighting, riotous or quarrelsome behaviour, swearing and violent language, to be at once put a stop to. Swords and other offensive weapons, as soon as the passengers embark, to be placed in the custody of the master. 23. No sailors to remain on the passenger deck among the passengers except on duty. 24. No passenger to go to the ship's cookhouse without special permission from the master, nor to remain in the forecastle among the sailors on any account.

And if you thought you would party on your cruise...
In each of the ships there is a matron's committee, composed of six females of an appropriate age, which is selected. They undertake the motherly duty of seeing that all the young females are in their sleeping apartments at a proper hour, and are earnestly solicited never to retire to rest leaving any young girl on the poop or deck of the ship.

Arrivals in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848,
voyage of the Georgiana 1841 recounted by the Surgeon Superintendent,
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Victorian Pioneer families
England - Tetbury around 1735
First site was our Anglican parish
This latest is Victoria to 1847