Addenda pp 445-456

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The following biography was written about their son on pp 799 & 800 of "Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography by Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Vol V (NY: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1915): “George Gibson Worsham, of Richmond, is a son of John Henry and Mary Bell (Pilcher) Worsham, who had children: 1. Bell, married S. Edward Bates, Jr., and had daughters, Mildred and Mary. 2. Jessie, died in infancy. 3. George Gibson, of further mention. 4. Natalie, wife of W. Wirt Henry, and mother of John W. Henry. George Gibson Worsham is a grandson of Richard and Clark R. (Goddin) Worsham, the latter a sister of Wellington Goddin. Mr. Worsham's father, John H. Worsham, was a Confederate soldier, having served throughout the war until he was wounded at Winchester in 1864. He is the author of "One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry." Shortly after the war he went to Scottsville, where he engaged in the milling business and operated a line of boats on the old James river and Kanawha canal until the canal was sold to the Richmond & Alleghany railroad, when he returned to Richmond and engaged in the insurance business.

George Gibson Worsham b November 26, 1874, at Scottsville, Virginia, and was educated at his mother's knee and in the public schools of Richmond and Scottsville. Mr. Worsham took to printing early in life, and earned enough to pay for his small press and buy a bicycle before leaving school. He then went with Joseph Bryan who shortly after acquired the "Richmond Times." Mr. Worsham then went to New York and learned the operation of the linotype machine, and in 1892 set up the first of these machines in this section of the country. Mr. Worsham met the late Otmar Mergenthaler, the inventor of the linotype in Baltimore, on his return from New York, and had him explain the working of the wonderful machine to him.

When the "Evening Leader" was reestablished in 1896, Mr. Worsham took charge of the mechanical department of the newspaper, and made up the first forms of that paper, which attracted wide attention and were the first display or modern newspaper pages made up in Virginia. In 1899 Mr. Worsham left the "Evening Leader, and with Harvey L. Wilson, now editor of the "Ledger-Dispatch" of Norfolk, Virginia, established the "Richmond News," and when they sold this paper to the John L. Williams interests Mr. Worsham formed an association with Charles A. Zincke and they organized the "Richmond Press." This printing establishment is one of the largest of its kind in Virginia, and occupies spacious and convenient quarters in Richmond. Some years ago it bought from the late Dr. Hunter McGuire's heirs the old St. Luke's Hospital building at the corner of Ross and Governor streets, and erected upon the site the present mammoth Richmond Press building. In 1913 Mr. Worsham acquired the Patterson tobacco factories, at the corner of Seventh and Canal streets, and there erected the present modern Express building.

He married, November 27, 1907, Julia Pilcher, of Petersburg, daughter of Rev. John Mason Pilcher, D. D. for three years president of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and his wife, Mary Lucy Du Val. Children: Bell, born September 25, 1908, John Gibson, October 1, 1911; Sarah DuVal, July 7. 1913.”

John Henry Worsham, an “Old F.”, in Richmond, VA, who wrote the Civil War book “One Of Jackson’s Foot Cavalry, His Experience and What He Saw During The War 1861-1865, Including a History of "F Company," Richmond, VA, 21st Regiment Virginia Infantry, Second Brigade, Jackson’s Division, Second Corps, A. N. VA”, New York, The Neale Publishing Company, 1912. He was a member of the 21st Virginia which was a part of the Stonewall Brigade. In the preface he wrote August 1912:

“In writing my experience and what I saw during the war as one of Jackson's "foot cavalry," it is not my intention to make a comparison of commands, but simply to state what was seen and experienced by me. When other commands are mentioned, it is done to give their position so that the reader may the better understand the situation; and when I have a word of praise for them, it is because they came under my eye. It is needless to make comparisons between different commands of the Army of Northern Virginia. The world never saw such courage, devotion, and patriotism as was displayed by the men of that army, and every man in it who did his duty was a hero.

On page 145 John wrote, “Old F Company had reached low water mark! After Second Manassas there were only three men to answer roll call,--Malcolm L. Hudgins, Reuben J. Jordan, and John H. Worsham. As we had no officer, we were ordered to report to Capt. Page of Company D, and when we did so, he called us young gentlemen, and told us we might march and camp anywhere we chose in the regiment, reporting to him once daily, and in the event of a fight, reporting at once; and ended by saying we might call the roll as often as we chose!”

The following are the names of the members of F Company who left for Staunton, June 22, 1863 (page 162, we only listed officers): Captain, William A. Pegram; Second Lieut., Reuben J. Jordan; Jr. Second Lieut., Malcolm L. Hudgins. First Sergeant, William S. Archer; Second Sergeant, John H. Worsham; Third Sergeant, J. Porter Wren; Fourth Sergeant, T. Walker; First Corporal, E. Gouldman; Second Corporal, W. C. Tiney; Third Corporal, George J. Floyd; Fourth Corporal, Henry F. Munt…”

John wrote about his service on page 316: “Worsham, John H., enlisted April 21, 1861; promoted second sergeant April, 1863; first sergeant Dec. 1863; adjutant of 21st Va. Regt., Sept. 12, 1864; wounded at Winchester Sept. 19, 1864; permanently disabled. Worsham, Thomas R., enlisted April 21, 1861; promoted”

John provided a link to his father, Richard and his mother Clarke Goddin, when he wrote on page 220: “Brig. Gen. Stewart, captured; Brig. Gen. Walker and Col. W. A. Witcher, who commanded the Second Brigade, were wounded. F Company lost W. B. Edmunds and P. S. Richeson, wounded; and W. C. Seay died a few hours after being wounded. While we were engaged in these battles, Sheridan with his cavalry left Grant's army May 9, 1864, on a raid to cut Lee's communications, and capture Richmond! On the morning of the 12th, he arrived at Brook schoolhouse, about three and a quarter miles from Richmond on the Brook turnpike. At that time my grandmother, the widow of Capt. John Goddin, lived on the west side of that road two and a quarter miles from Richmond, her house fronting south. In front of it, several hundred yards off, was a fort, situated on the turnpike at Laburnam. On the Hermitage road was a similar fort, and they were connected by breastworks. On the morning of the 12th grandmother got up early to do the churning, preferring to do it herself, taking her position on the front porch. When the butter "had come," she went to the well at the side of the house to cool the churn dasher, and get some cold water to take the butter up. At the same moment a squad of Yankee cavalry came around the other side of the house, and, perceiving the churn, helped themselves to buttermilk, and when the old lady came back she found the Yankees on the porch, one with the churn to his lips, drinking! It made the old lady hot, and she whacked him as hard as she could with the dasher, and said some very plain words to the party. They ran off in a good humor, saying they would see if our breastworks were manned. Going down a dividing fence until they reached the Laburnam fence, they fired a few shots and at once discovered the breastworks were manned! Running back to the house they went to the barnyard, took possession of a mule and cart, filled the cart with corn, and drove off towards the main body, which was at Brook schoolhouse. All at grandmother's home lamented the loss of the fine mule and cart, but about two hours after the mule came back with the empty cart!

That party of Yankees went nearer to Richmond than any during the war. I should say the distance by the Brook turnpike was about two miles and one hundred yards.”

John's brother Wellington Godding Worsham was also in the 21st. The book is used as a source material for several Civil War books. John's father Richard was "born at the family's Bermuda Hundred estate in 1804."(James Noel Worsham, 1/21/99) The entire book may be viewed at:

The following is recorded on a page of Pvt. John H. Worsham's diary of 2st VA. “As we returned a Yankee battery of eight guns had full play on us in the field, and our line became a little confused; we halted, every man instantly turned and faced the battery. As we did so, I heard a thud on my right, as if one had been struck with a heavy fist. Looking around I saw a man at my side standing erect, with his head off, a stream of blood spurting a foot or more from his neck. As I turned farther around, I saw three others lying on the ground, all killed by this cannon shot. The man standing was a captain in the 42nd Va. Regt., and his brains and blood bespattered the face and clothing of one of my company, who was standing in the rear. This was the second time I saw four men killed by one shot. The other occurred in the battle of Cedar Run, a few weeks earlier. Each time the shot struck as it was descending - the first man had his head taken off, the next was shot through the breast, the next through the stomach, and the fourth had all his bowels torn out. ( - The Civil War Artillery Page - Effects of Artillery Fire - Death Four Ranks Deep) Children: Bell Worsham b abt 1872 (8-1880) md S. Edward Bates, Jr. Children: Mildred Bates Mary Bates Jessie Worsham died in infancy George Gibson Worsham b 26 Nov 1874 Scottsville, Albemarle, VA. (5-1880; Nov 1874-1900) He md Julia Pilcher 27 Nov 1907. Julia b Mar 13, 1874 d/o of Rev. John Mason Pilcher & Mary Lucy DuVal. They are on the 1910 Richmond City, Richmond, VA Census. He is age 35 & Julia is age 36. Children: Bell Worsham b 25 Sep 1908 of Richmond City, Richmond, VA. (1-1910) John Gibson Worsham b 1 Oct 1911. Sarah DuVal Worsham b 7 Jul 1913. Natalia Worsham "Natalie" b 16 Feb 1876 Albemarle, VA (4-1880; 1900) md William Wirt Henry. They are listed with her parents in the 1910 Richmond City, Richmond, VA Census. She is age 34 & Wm is age 34. Children: John W. Henry. (Age not reported in the 1910 Richmond City, VA Census) Ann Worsham b. abt 1724 md. Francis Dison.

Pages 447-474

2.1.2.  GEORGE WORSHAM III & MARY ARCHER  George Worsham III b abt 1685 Henrico Co., VA s/o George Worsham II & Mary Farrar md Mary Archer abt 1712. George wrote his will 7 Dec 1734 Henrico Co., VA & presented in court 5 May 1735. Descendants lived in Henrico Co., VA; Amelia Co., VA; Chesterfield Co., VA; Dinwiddie Co., VA; Mecklenburg Co., VA; Petersburg, VA; Shelby Co., TN; Hamilton Co., OH; Wilkes Co., GA.

Children: George Worsham b abt 1713 md Sarah Irby abt 1732 & d 1769 Chesterfield Co., VA (Page 447)

Page 453 John Jennings Worsham b 7 Mar 1812 Broad Rock, Chesterfield, VA.  John Jennings Worsham md Sarah Martha Ann Greer Sarah Martha GreerA.JPG (67760 bytes)John Jennings WorshamA.JPG (78618 bytes) (pictured) 25 Nov 1846 Holly Springs, Marshall MS. Martha b 25 Aug 1829 Parish, Henry, TN d/o James Greer & Rachel Brackin Williams, a widow when she md James Greer. This is a picture of John Jennings Worsham in his civil war uniform and one of Martha Greer. The following was on the back of the picture which Mrs. Thomas  Taylor (Annie Laurie Worsham) obtained from Mrs. Pappas: “John Jennings Worsham born March 7, 1812 Chesterfield Co., VA. Moved to Tenn. 1829. Died July 31, 1871 at his home in Arkansas-buried Memphis, Tenn. Ancestor Col. William Jennings, Sr. born 1676 died 1775. Married Mary Pulliam 1720. Rev Ancestor, Capt. William Jennings, Jr.”  Pictures from Sally S. Baldwin, 2001.

John was owner of the Worsham House in Memphis, TN.  A description of the Worsham House in Memphis, TN is in the book “Waiting For A Boat”, p. 176: “This place supports two large hotels,  of which the Worsham House is said to be the best. It is neat, well-appointed and kept-an excellent table, and polite attendance. Mr. Worsham, the landlord, is an agreeable gentleman, and superintends this fine establishment, and is ever on the look-out to make his guests comfortable.”   It is also 

This engraving is from Washam House 5.  Episcopal Church 6.  Odd Fellow's Hall 7. Ceyozo House."  Washam houseA.jpg (178597 bytes)This early newspaper pictures was produced by having the artist's drawings engraved by hand on to wood blocks. It required formidable skill and by the late 1860's American engraving was as fine as any in the world. The House of Harper said it cost them $500 for an average full-page block.  "Black-line", the inking of all but the removed portions before stamping was improved in the 1870's by "White-line", the adding of white flecks, dots or lines in tonal graduation. Other developments came in the 1880's using photographically processed blocks and half-tone printing.  Note in Harper's the hotel was spelled Washam.

Page 456 James Greer Worsham b Jan 1853 Fredericksburg, VA. He James Greer WorshamA.JPG (63263 bytes)Margaret Louisa Elizabeth SannonerA.JPG (70142 bytes) md Margaret Louisa Elizabeth Sannoner. The picture on the right is an earlier picture of Elizabeth. She was b 1854 Florence, AL daughter of Ferdinand J. Sannoner & Margaret Bigger. In 1872-73 James is assistant OH Clerk Southern Express & resides. James d. 1927 Florence, SC of Malarious Fever & she d. 1939 Florence, SC. 

 Pictures from Sally S. Baldwin, 2001.  Martha Greer Worsham “Granny” b 18 Oct 1875 Memphis, TN. She married Arthur Morrison Strickland abt 1905. She d 4 Feb 1938 Florence, SC. They had 4 children. The second picture is “Granny” with David LeGwen Smith, Jr. born 19 Mar 1931.  The third picture is Arthur Morrison Strickland and daughter, Catherine Elizabeth Strickland. Catherine was b. 9 May 1906 Birmingham, AL, d. 11 May 1988 Mandarin, FL, and md. David LeGwen Smith in Lake City, SC. Their son is also in the picture. Arthur was b. Mar 6, 1886 Atlanta, GA and died Aug 25, 1925 Florence, Florence Co, SC. Arthur was born Arthur Sullivant Strickland and changed his name because of being teased about his initials. Arthur and Martha are buried in Mt. Hope Cem, Florence, SC.

wpe1A.jpg (15711 bytes)        Martha Greer Worsham-David L. SmithA.JPG (51942 bytes)        Arthur Morrison Strickland.JPG (87049 bytes)

Pictures from Sally S. Baldwin, 2001.


Addenda pp 456-493 ]