





You're my angel in disguise
You read my soul with your eyes
Your spirit has entered my heart
And it's my hope we never part
For you are so special to me,
Without you, my heart would weep bitterly.

You're my angel in disguise
Your love comforts my cries
At night you guide me through the strife
And it is for that, my dear angel,
I owe you my life.


The snow fell, leaving a halo of white upon your head,
and that's when I said,
"Can I call you Angel?"

You looked at me with surprise,
but I could see it in your eyes,
and I knew.

As you sang silent night,
your beautiful voice put me at ease,
and I asked please,
"Can I call you Angel?"

A smile came to your face with serenity and grace,
but you said not a word.
In my darkest hours you held my hand,
never leaving my side, and I said, while I cried,
"Can I call you Angel? "

You then began to wipe the tears away
and erase all the gray in my life.
You led me down a path of gold,
telling me of the creator above,
and again I asked with a greater love,
"Can I call you Angel?"

You never answered my plea,
so I fell to my knee in prayer.
As I opened my eyes, I could see you before me;
Your wings spread and a golden halo upon your head
and one last time I said,
"Josslyn, can I call you Angel?"


Solitude have I to endure,
seemingly held with disclosure.
A fellow left astray,
as yet from yesterday.

Flashing your dainty, disarming smile,
warms my heart every once in a while.
Our longtime kinship
will always bloom with friendship.

It has never been so profound,
a lifetime friend have I found.
Let our friendship be a bond,
which can never be like a dry pond.

Let us not forget the dreams we share,
forever like sisters or brothers we care.
You'll always be a friend to me,
and that's the way it should be.


The greatest Gift,
in the end
was a family
and a Friend.
An ear to lend
a hand to hold,
and you,
my Friend -
your heart of gold.


We all need someone
To talk to in our life,
A friend to whom we run
In times of stress or strife

A friend who's always there
Throughout the years,
A friend we know will care
And take away our fears.

A friend who's always near,
Waiting for our call,
To wipe away our tears,
And lift us when we fall.

A loving friend indeed,
On whom we can depend
To fulfill our every need -
Thank you, precious friend


With you, it's all about
voiceless communication-
always knowing exactly what to say,
but never actually having to say it.

When no one seems to be listening,
you hear.
When I hurt but don't show it,
you know.
When I turn away to hide my tears,
you see.
When I feel like I can't get through to anyone,
you understand.

Your eyes glow just for me,
and I know you're proud.
You flash your magical, healing smile my way,
and I know everything will be all right.

You know everything there is to know about me.
You know what worries me,
what keeps me up at night,
and what shames me so badly
that I can't share it with anyone.
Most importantly, though,
none of those things bother you.

You've restored my faith in people
and proved that there is a thing
called true friendship


The tender words are spoken
Each body and soul bared
Told secrets over endless days
Often doing more than dared

New world beyond my door
With intrigued and intensity
Now we have shared our hearts
A bond now made it permanently

Facing our days made easier
Despite any type of weather
Each other's heart felt deeply
Both happy we stuck together

It took us little time and effort
The bonding as strong as glue
I now promise never to untie
The strings I have tied with you

The understanding of each other
Breaths to take, we breathe the air
As the relationship interchanges
Knowing our loving hearts are there

Now we are never left on the outside
Lovingly enter each others domain
Smiling. laughing and forever teasing
But forever friends we then became


The tender words are spoken
Each body and soul bared
Told secrets over endless days
Often doing more than dared

New world beyond my door
With intrigued and intensity
Now we have shared our hearts
A bond now made it permanently

Facing our days made easier
Despite any type of weather
Each other's heart felt deeply
Both happy we stuck together

It took us little time and effort
The bonding as strong as glue
I now promise never to untie
The strings I have tied with you

The understanding of each other
Breaths to take, we breathe the air
As the relationship interchanges
Knowing our loving hearts are there

Now we are never left on the outside
Lovingly enter each others domain
Smiling. laughing and forever teasing
But forever friends we then became


Like a needle in a haystack,
true friends are hard to find.
That's why I'm so thankful that I can call you mine.
Whenever I need a shoulder you're there to catch my tears.
You've kept my many secrets,
Throughout the past four years.
You've been their through my afflictions,
You've witnessed my defeats.
I'll remember all the good times,
And pray the bad ones don't repeat.
With you my heart is honest,
but there's one thing I never told you.
Thank you for everything you've done
There's no one else like you.
No one that could ever be a
true "best" friend like you!


I walked along the ocean,
my head bowed low in sorrow,
I hardly handled today,
how do I cope with tomorrow?

The day was like every other,
the pain the grief inside,
my strength was running out,
I could no longer hide.

The pain was immense that day,
it had never been that bad,
and all of a sudden, out of the blue,
I didn't feel as sad.

Something happened that day,
the weight became like a feather,
it'll never be entirely gone though,
the memories are there forever.

Although I still look back and cry,
I had a friend to confide,
She means the whole world to me,
She helped me reach the stronger side


I accept you in confidence,
I listen and admire your wisdom.
We are one when we are together,
You and I will always be friends.

When you are angry,
I am there to sooth your aggression.
When you are sad,
I am there to cheer you up.

We understand each others thoughts,
Words with us aren’t needed.
We have a trust that is very rare,
You and I will always be friends.

What we enjoy doing together comes natural,
We accept life and move ahead.
I am your shadow and you mine,
We are inseparable if only in mind


I meet you

I receive a letter

I phone you

I laugh wit you

I talk with you

I stand with you

I play with you

I walk with you



For all the times you made me smile, thank you.
For all the times you held my hand, thank you.
For all the times you smiled at me, thank you.
For all the times you listened to me when no one else would, thank you.
For all the times you encouraged me, thank you.
For all the times you hugged me, thank you.
For all the times you shared a part of yourself with me, thank you.
For all the times you kissed me on the cheek, thank you.
For all the times you gave me a ride somewhere, thank you.
For all the times you asked to spend time with me, thank you.
For all the times you trusted me, thank you.
For all the times you complimented me, thank you.
For all the times you cared about my well being, thank you.
For all the times you said "I love you", thank you.
For all the times you thought of me, thank you.
For all the times you brought me joy, thank you.
For all the times you were there when I needed you, thank you.
For all the times you missed me, thank you.
For all the times you gave me comfort, thank you.
For all the times you looked in my eyes and filled my heart with a song, thank you.

For all of this

Never forget that when I smile at you, I'm saying "I love you. "
Never forget that my hand is always outstretched toward you.
Never forget that I am always here to listen to you.
Never forget that I will always stand behind you.
Never forget that I plan to hug you at least twice everyday.
Never forget that I am an open book to you.
Never forget that I wish I was the roof of your car ( inside joke. ; ) )
Never forget that you need only ask me for anything, and it's yours.
Never forget that I want to spend time with you.
Never forget that I completely trust you.
Never forget that I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world.
Never forget that I care about you more than anything else in the world.
Never forget that I do love you, weather I say it or not.
Never forget that I'm thinking of you right now.
Never forget that you bring me joy, especially when you smile.
Never forget that I am always here for you.
Never forget that I missed you to.
Never forget that I am here anytime you need comforting.
Never forget that I still get lost in your eyes.


As I look
Beyond the ripples of my reflections
To examine my inner self;
The ripples begin to fade . . .
As the reflection lays beside me
Grasping my hand,
The inner warmth shields me
And the vision of my reflection appears
I see you. My Friend.


You took me in under your wings
When I was too scared to fly
You told me that I had to live
When all I wanted was to die

You saw the fear and sadness I had
By only the sound of my voice
You said I didn't have to talk-
You were the first to give me that choice

You told me just to take my time
We'll always have next week
There were many, many times
When you'd just let me weep

You somehow made me smile, though
Through my pain and all the tears
You told me all about my life
And what happened in those years

To my surprise you were right
You already knew me so well
So I decided to stick with you
"I like her already, I can tell. "

You opened my heart very slow
And took a look inside
Then you found the part of me
That I wanted so badly to hide

But you didn't laugh, nor did you leave
You didn't say I was wrong
You told me that I'd be fine -
Something I'd needed so long

Then I realized something was wrong
When I sat there all those days
Then I finally figured it out
It was something I didn't say

Thank you was all that I could get out
Though I wanted to say much more
You have taught me of life and love
And that I have something to live for


It hurts to know you’re hurting
Because you’re so special in my heart
The pain that you are feeling
Is tearing me apart

But know that love has a way
Of easing all that’s wrong
Together we can make it
If we hold on and just be strong

Know that you’re not alone
In all your adversity
For by your side through and through
Is where I’ll always be


We have been friends for so long
We have grown closer with every passing year
I have grown to love you more every day
If it wasn't for you I would be lost right now
Sure we may argue sometimes
But it helps us grow closer
You have been a really true friend to me

I thank God for you everyday
Nine years ago this friendship started
It has truly grown into something wonderful

I wish I could truly thank you for all that you have helped me with
And all the hard times you have helped me get through
But words just are not strong enough
I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here
Thank you so much
I love you dearly


woven thread, a melody of color
eternal circle, sings on my arm
tied knot, secures the loop
no coin value, yet infinite charm

never ending, elliptical force
braided beauty, sweet harmony
rainbow marvel, forever bound
a precious symbol, of you and me


Our friendship started many years ago.
Where the days have gone I don't know,
But when I think of all we've done
I stop and smile because we've had such fun.
I hope you know how much I care.
It's friends like you who create a pair.
I wish I were closer to share your happiness;
But near or far, I wouldn't miss
All the things you have to share.
I hope you know I am always here.
I know it is harder being miles away,
But always remember this when I say,
"Our friendship is a treasure
Well beyond any measure.


I stand up in a crowded room.
I look to my left, I look to my right.
I sigh, there is no one in sight.

I smile, I cry, I lay down and die.
The world stays the same, until I hear that voice.
It tells me its sorrows, they sound so much like my own.

I yell, I curse, I let you fall.
To me we are the same and can never change.
To you, your life always is rearranging.

I try to put myself in the eyes of you.
For some reason the mirrored reflection makes me cry.

I realize how much I hurt you.
I realize what a fool I have been.
I let you pick up the pieces and start all over again.

I should have dumped my pieces on the floor.
We should have mixed them together,
put them back the right way,
we would and will have so much more; Friendship


You are one of the best friends that I've ever had.
For the past nine years, you've known everything about me,
My secrets, my lies, my faults, my triumphs, my joys and my fears.
You know me inside and out; like the back of your hand.
I've never been as honest with anyone as I have been with you.

When I was weak, you were strong.
When I stumbled, you led the way.
When I was blind, you could see.
When I was silent, you spoke.

When I needed advice, you were there.
When I needed a shoulder to cry on, you were there.
When I needed someone to cheer me up, you were there.
When I needed a friend the most, you were there.

You've always been able to bring a smile to my face and make me laugh.
Through thick and thin, you've always been there for me.
Whenever I'm with you, I have a good time.
It seems like you always understand my feelings and identify with my thoughts.
When I first met you, I thought we'd be friends for life.

But now, something has happened.
I still don't understand it, really.
All I know is that you're slowly slipping away.
And soon, you'll be gone.
And there's nothing I can do about it.
Except hope and pray that
You'll somehow come back.

Don't leave me here all alone,
In this world full of hatred.
I fear so much, and confront so little.
I need you and your strength,
To be with me always.

Don't leave me here all alone:
Without a true friend, a real friend, a friend like you


I gaze into twin pools of warmth
Bright and sparkling
I see something indescribable
Something I can't quite put my finger on.

Twin pool, blazing and brilliant
Making all your sweetness
And all your compassion
Crystal clear.

Twin pools shimmering and glimmering
Showing how you're
Sweet, sensitive, caring and kind
Funny athletic cunning and friendly

Twin pools, so animated and intense
Help me to share
Your love of life,
Your life of love.

I gaze into twin pools of warmth and
I see the sweetest person I've ever met or ever will meet
I recognize a sincere and honest guy who can never be replaced
I realize you are so special because
When I look into your eyes
I witness a miracle, I find a friend.


Take my hand and follow me
to that place I long to be.
Take my hand and trust my way,
in that place forever stay.
Follow me toward the sand;
we'll run and play, hand in hand.
Take my heart and hold it true;
forever I'll stay close to you.
Seize my words and listen well,
then forever I will tell.
Release your heart and feelings too,
just as I will do for you.
Trust your heart and follow me,
to that place we long to be.


I'm not sure when it happened
But I'm very glad it did
You came into my life when
I really needed a friend

The more I get to know you
The more I know myself
And this is why I'm thankful
For you are just yourself

You and I are different
And in many ways the same
Your good ear, compassionate heart
Will always find you fame

I promise to always be here
Forever and to the end
You are the true definition of
My Very Best Friend!


The title of a very best friend
is given to precious few,
the ones who give love and support
in all that they say and do.
The ones you call to dry your eyes
and build your confidence up,
or even to just chat for a bit,
if only to say "What's up?"
The extreme importance of a very best friend
can't be measured in any way,
except in the actions you show to them
and in every word that you say.
That is how I know my friend,
from all that you've done and do,
that the title of my very best friend,
is deserving only of you


What do you dream of, my angel?
Do you dream of starless nights, or of the sun?
Maybe even summer breezes?
Or do you dream of cold winters,
Being alone and afraid?

What do you dream of, my angel?
Do you dream, like me, of happiness?
A place where everything asked is served
And everything deserved,

Do you dream of hope, my angel?

What do you pray for, my angel?
I pray for you.
I pray that you are loved and happy.
For you see, my angel,
I am only human
And cannot repay what you have given me.

So, what do you pray, my angel?
And what do you dream, my angel?
For I hope
there is nothing less you receive.


Hold on to me
Let me comfort you when you hurt
Hold on to me
Let me love you when you hate yourself
Hold on to me
Let me help you through your trials
I am the joy in your smile
I am the tears that you cry
I am in every beat of your heart
Hold on to me


A lifetime can be likened to a lonely beach of sand.
a stranger makes a mark one day, an imprint of a hand.
As time goes by the beach once clear is now a cluttered field
of memories and keep-sakes of the ones that we hold dear.
Time does its best to wash away remembrances of those -
the ones we never meant to meet - the ones we never chose.
But as through some odd twist of fate these are the ones we cherish.
The time we spend with these such friends, will never, ever perish


I feel like I've known you for eternity.
I will always be your "J", and you will always be my "T".
Forever isn't long enough to say I'll be your friend.
My love, respect, and honor for you will never end
All the years of singing together and having fun,
All the dreams we laid thinking about 'til way after one.
The secrets I have shared with only you,
the fights and the triumphs we have been through,
It makes me think of a song only you will know...
"I'll be your friend until forever".
Thank you, "T", for making my life so dear... I love you


You sneak behind warning signs, a small fence,
and creep out onto serrated rocks
littered with the gnarled remains of roots.
You find your way to the farthest, just
where water swirls and spits at your feet.
You fold your body neatly into itself and watch
as a torrent edged with white froth
smashes into rocks and
dips to shape itself to every cold stone.
I ease myself to your side;
we shout poetry defiantly
into the consuming night air.
I shiver quietly and listen intently,
to the water and your words.
Transcending speech, outspoken by water
we silently climb back over the small fence
past the warning signs onto asphalt;
my skin damp, we turn and walk away


Joy is what fills the heart of they
which hold within the mysteries of a friend
A passion unknown unto words
Within them fall the tears of all things they endure as one
And from their eyes diamonds fall,
So precious every one
Dear within, the memories they caress with sorrow
And gather them today, for what may come of tomorrow
Priceless ever are these moments that we spend with those so dear
Comforting now to know that they are near
Yet there comes a day when they see the eagle soar
And feel within their hearts
A passion so much more
As we stand beside them when that gleam glows in their eyes
What comes of tomorrow
My friend's lost paradise
And though a distant barrier wells up within the heart
There is a joy inside
To know the joy of a dawning start
Standing there beside them on that road to paradise
We say farewell and weep
Knowing they must also compromise
And so we hold them close and whisper in their ear
Please take with you these memories.
Then from the eyes,
Your tear


We talked,
We walked,
for a Moment in Time.

You passed through my life that day and left your mark.
You may never pass my way again,
Or you may stay for a lifetime.

No matter what,
I want to say thank you for the impression you made
that will stay with me for eternity.

I enjoyed the walk,
I enjoyed the talk.
I am blessed for that moment in time.

The first time I saw you I knew you would affect my life,
though your role I did not know.
I asked myself, "Why is he alone?
Why does he sit so quiet, all alone?
Is he sad?
Is he glad to be alone?
Is he alone?
Is he lonely? "
There is so much I want to know.

I asked myself, "Why him?
When so many people pass through my life each day,
why him? "

What attracts me to you?
What makes me want to know more?
I want to know.

Even if my questions are never answered,
There is one thing I want you to know.
I have been blessed by the effect you had on me in that
Moment in Time


I am a rose, you are my thorns,
clutching to me, protecting me.

I am the sun, you are my rays,
helping me to shine and to be all that I can.

I am a lake, you are my water,
filling me with ideas, dreams, and hopes for the future.

I am a tree, you are my leaves,
sharing who and what I am
and becoming an important part of my life.

I am a heart, you are my beat,
beating rhythmically to my happiness,
my fear, my sadness, my excitement

I am me and you are with me,
to share all that I am,
to share life, love, and happiness.



I could write for hours,
Use the finest words in Webster's,
Fill pages upon pages with verse -
Only two words are needed,
Two words are everything I want to say:

Thank you.

Two words, two syllables
So tiny,
In these words I say so many things -
You are very special,
Holding my hand when the world is too much,
Hugging me when I can not bear life:

Thank you.

I have shown you my heart of hearts,
The person inside I am afraid to reveal.
Your sweet words and sweet face,
Bringing me back from the edge,
All I can do is . . .

Thank you


The weave of romance, friendship and love
Always alive, moving with the two
Their hopes and sharing
The strength and warmth
Each can give Each can be free
And then the play unfolds
When each can
Live for the other
Nurturing and inspiring
Only the problems unforgiving
Could end . . .

The rainbows and real fun
The times outdoor and flush
With each other and breezes
The light fills both lives
A beach is the edge of their one heart
The sky the cover of the naked
Excitement and delight
In giving
If it isn't giving
It isn't living.


One night on the Net I was looking around
I found a chat room with people abound

I vaguely recall a short chat with you
A penfriend you'd like, and you spoke English too

I recall your name Davide from somewhere remote
The next day we emailed a short little note

Italian you were, and English your strength
So writing became quite frequent at length

I now know you quite well, and you also know me
A special friendship of trust, care and honesty

One day I am sure we will meet my good friend
So I say to you Ciao and much affetto I send . .


I never came here looking for a single soul.
But now that I found you I want you to know

I had forgotten how to smile, how to laugh, how to be me
I had forgotten the sweet pleasure of a heart filled with glee.

I was intoxicated with life... work and family
Never stopping for fun... it just wasn't there you see.

Since I have found you... it's been a complete turn around
I smile and laugh again... not much gets me down.

I get excited when I see you on ICQ
Wondering what it is today we will do...

Chatting, laughing and the games we play
You make my every day.

It seems so silly on just a machine
How someone can reach you... become your everything


My husband has finally gone to work
My children have finished their play
they've gone to bed their stories read
Now it's my time of day.

I've had one of those days
you know what I mean
so I sit back and relax
and turn on my screen.

I'll talk to all my friends
who know just what to say
to make my stresses go
and my troubles fade away.

My friends you're always there for me
whenever I feel blue

and though we've never met before
I know our friendships true.

And although we haven't been friends for long
in this short time it seems
we shared so many things already
our hopes, our fears, our dreams.

We come from different walks of life
but we share a common bond
and it's time to say that of all of you
I've grown so very fond.

So thank you friends for being there
whenever I've needed you
I know you're always there for me
and you know I'm there for you


We met upon
the internet,
My heart you did
not have yet.

I sit and wait each day,
for the song my
heart will soon play.

Of laughter, love and tears,
You have washed away
all my fears.

To be my friend
and see so deep,
I now know why
I don't get
much sleep.

I have waited
through all these
To find something
to hold so dear.

And now I know
I'll never be
For I have found
a true friend
in you.

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