





Once between the waving grass of summer's breeze,
We strode together submerged up to our knees,
By the twisting strands of wildflower and grasses,
Together we joined that year's wild dances.

The sun beat happily on us as we lay down,
Under the sky's heavy cloud-laden frown,
Idly plaiting we made long daisy chains,
Then wore them as we clattered down the lanes.

Laughing we jumped from stone to shore,
In the flashing, dashing rush of the river's thaw,
The future was far away; the future was now,
That summer for me and my little pal.

And forty years on I still walk those lanes,
And splash in the puddles whenever it rains,
I lie under the same sun's heavy stare,
And jump in the river whenever I dare.
I still stand in the fields to weave flowers the same,
And I take them and give them to her once again,
Where in the meadow she lies with flowers all around,
Under a small cross and six feet of ground.


Your head
contained my secrets
Your heart
kept me complete
Your hands
held all the promise
Of a friend
Who cherished me
Your smile
brought me warmth
Your spirit
kept me strong
Your laughter
reached my ears
When I could not
hear my own.


How many of you
can truly say
you're not afraid of death
in any way?

I have met such a person
who to my horror said
"don't cry for me,
I'll soon be dead"

"I have time to tell my dearest
how I love them so,
an opportunity most people,
don't get before they go".

"It's not a happy ending
it's not a sad one too
it's the end of my beginning
it's what I have to do"

With a smile on her face
and with passion she said
"don't cry for me,
I'm already dead".

I listened to her words
and didn't cry a tear
for what she said was wisdom
wise beyond her year

With no fear in her voice
no tear in her eye
she carried on speaking,
pausing to sigh

"Of course I'd love to be here
of course I want to stay
to watch you open presents
on every special day".

"but I can't live any longer
I have to end the pain
death is the only thought
that helps to keep me sane".

"My fate was chosen long ago
by forces big and strong
I ask you not to cry for me
for I know it won't be long".

With that my new friend finished
and said she had to go
but I did not shed a tear
although she'd never know

I took it all on board
everything she'd said
and I prayed to my lord
for I knew she'd soon be dead

I asked him to take care of her
I told him she was kind
he told me he'd look after her
which gave me peace of mind

So when this day arrives
I will not shed a tear
for I know she will be happy
and treated very dear.


Sometimes u wish upon a star
and hope that wish comes true...
If I had one wish 2 wish...
I'd wish that wish were uuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!


An invisible friend whose name was Buddy
Went everywhere that David would be.
They'd play for hours without a fight
But only he could this playmate see.

Together they sat to eat their lunch
And to bed for their daily nap.
Never once was David alone
For Buddy was there in his baseball cap.

The years passed by and sad to say,
Buddy no more came out to play.
He must have found another friend
Who needed him more, I comprehend.

I too, have a friend that I can't see;
His name is Jesus, but he'll never leave.
Unlike Buddy, he won't someday go
To befriend another if I just believe.


Blessed the one who realizes
I need a helping hand to-day
Blessed the one who recognizes
My needs and turns not his face away
Blessed the one who brightens my day
When I'm lonely, sad or bored
Blessed the one who shows me the way
Smoothing the ground on this stretch of road

Blessed the one who makes me smile
When the day seems dull and dreary
Blessed the one who stops awhile
To say hello and chat with me
Blessed the one who brings me comfort
And reminisces about the good old days
Blessed the one whose moral support
Provides me strength in times of dismay

Blessed the one who comprehends
My memory is dim, my work imperfect
Blessed the one who holds my hand
Seeing my hesitant and tottering gait
Blessed the one who stands by me close
When 'so-called' friends abandon me
Blessed the one who clearly knows
That my sight is poor and blurry

Blessed the one who understands
My infirmity and helps me with my load
Blessed the one who is still my friend
Though gifts and treats I can't afford
Blessed the one who thinks I'm useful
Encouraging me with hopeful words
Blessed the one who boosts my morale
When with problems I'm fraught

Blessed the one who listens to me
And makes me feel relevant
Blessed the one who believes in me
That I'm not antediluvian
Blessed the one who walks with me
On this lap of life's journey
Blessed the one who prays for me
That in mind and body I'm healthy

Thank you friend for being there
At the time and place I need you
Be it balmy or blustery the weather
My journey is easier because of you


It's always been your loving ways that helped me understand,
That helped me to be patient and that helped me say "I Can".
I love you like a sister and know you like one too,
I trust you'll keep my secrets locked up tight inside of you.

I came to you when sorrow struck, and you listened to my cries,
I came to you when times got rough and you protected me from lies.
I came to you to ask for help and willingly you leap,
To lend a hand and always made promises you kept.

I thank you for your caring ways and generosity,
and thank you for spending time building you and me.

PLease come to me when you cry, I'll always dry your tears.
Please come to me when you're afraid, I'll try to calm your fears.
Depend on me to be the friend that you have been to me,
Trust in me and you will see why in our friendship I believe.

I love you like a sister and know you like one too,
and this is why my heart says our friendship's pure and true.

It's the day we all fear,

for you won't be near.
It's your laughter I won't hear,
it's your smile that won't be here.
The halls will be empty,
no one to give off light.
I'll look around
and you won't be in sight.

It's the battle of loneliness
that I'll have to fight.
I sit here and think of the days where we had fun!
Your beautiful face lit up more than the sun.

You spread joy everywhere you went,
your leaving me is a huge event.
Your face against mine meant everything to you,
and over the months our love became true.

I will love you forever and that, you already knew.
When you think of your memories of the past,
think of you and me having a blast.
My silent cry and my last goodbye, you will be missed.


Thanks for being such a good friend to me.
You've opened up my eyes to things I couldn't see.
I hope we last forever, you know.
So that everyday our love will grow.

You've been there, through thick and thin.
And now I can truly say I can call you a friend.
I hate to have to share you with others,
Like other friends, your sister, your brother, your mother.

Other people may have no clue
about the closeness between me and you.
But,all I want to say Is
Thank You!

Don't let them tell you how to feel,

Even when you're hurt and seeking help.
What they don't know is that your hurt is real
And there's nothing they can do.
Keep your face to the sun,
And keep the pain inside.
Run from the lies and indignities,
Yet convince yourself you tried.

Mostly, remember that I love you,
And remember that I care.
And when you feel there's no place to go,
Know that I'll be there.


Do not be afraid, my friend, when troubles come your way,
All must face the adversity that will come their way someday.
Gain knowledge from your times of trials and store them in your soul,
So you can help another in their troubles as they grow.


Blessed the friend who sticks with you
Whether times are good or bad
Happy the man who has not a few
To comfort and console when he's sad

A friend doesn't mind offering his shoulder
For you to lean your head and cry on
To listen when you pour out your woes
To pick you up when you're down

With you he walks the extra mile
Though rough and difficult the way
When all around seems dismal or vile
He's your sunshine to brighten your day

When you're in a melancholy mood
A true friend lifts you up from gloom
When you are hungry he shares his food
For you in his heart there's ample room

A loyal friend remembers you
Though you're gone far away
He's a comrade and ally true
Your name he'll not detract or betray

A faithful friend sincere and trusty
Loves you, your warts, your faults your flaws
Friendship unrequited wanes easily
Nurtured it eases life's burdens and woes

A poor life this if we've no friends
Befriend and cherish your fellow men
Yellow, black, and white can blend
Let love peace and friendship reign


I want a friend with whom to laugh,
who isn't sorrow bent,
but everywhere I seemed to go,
sorrow also went.

If I could fly off to the moon,
would laughter I find there,
or does sadness fill the universe
and tears found everywhere?

Perhaps, if I be the one to laugh,
another's heart to lift,
I could make another smile
and give laughter as a gift.


I wish that you and I
weightless, like skeletel insects
could spin across the waters
our reflections mirrored

How lovely we would be
twirling in the moonlight
pearl dust on our wings
veined, fragile and transparent

While cardinals and redbirds
sing us songs of scarlet
in the left hand corner of morning
where the sun glows like a ruby

But alas we have grown awkward
it is beyond all effort
our bodies won't stay balanced
for any length of time

Perhaps this is our winter
the trees are wearing snow doilies
heavy grows the silence
of their stillness in the dark

But we need not be captured
as long as we can travel
to places our souls remember
golden, lit and warm

It's there I know I'll find you
and all the others I've loved
together we will dance again
the way we did before.


How did you know I needed guidance
To help me through the day
How did you know I needed kindness
To take the pain away

How did you know I needed a hand
To show me the way
How did you know I needed a smile
To reassure me through the day

How did you know I needed to be told
That life can be so grand
How did you know I needed courage
To make an honest stand

How did you know I needed to laugh
To take away the sadness
How did you know I needed to share
To spread my world with gladness

How did you know I needed wisdom
So I will learn to reach
How did you know I needed a voice
So that I may also teach

How did you know I needed love
then the answer came to me...
Because you are my friend
and that will always be


I lie on my bed at night
And wonder where I am
I feel all alone
And start to feel like it's over
You come along
And hold my hand
You tell me
We'll get through this
And now I don't feel alone


A part of you has grown on me,
and so you see,
it's you and me, friends forever,
never apart,
maybe in distance,
but not in the heart.


Be my friend, here, I plead.
For me, a best friend is in need.
Please be the one that I can trust.
Don't ever let our friendship rust.

Please hold my hand and show me the way.
Make me happier when the skies are gray.
Please be the one to hold me tight.
Be my strength and be my might.

Please be the one to wipe my tears.
Help me conquer my biggest fears.
Please be the one to show the right choice.
Be my trusting, inspirational voice.

Please be my caring, loyal guide.
And my inner feelings, I'll no longer hide.
Please be real and always stay true.
When I'm drowning in sadness, pull me through.

Please be my bright yellow, shining star.
Be my friend, whoever you are.
In soul and spirit, help me grow.
Will you be this friend, oh let me know.


She's my treasure,
with whom I can share,
all the thoughts and feelings,
I wouldn't be able to bear.

My hope and my joy,
for going through this life.
Past every single problem,
and every single strife.

I love her most dear,
with all of my heart.
I will always remember,
we shall never be apart.

I'll remember her words,
those wise words she spoke.
I will always remember,
her every single joke.

Her courage and strength,
when the going got rough.
We stuck through it together,
nothing could ever be too tough.

Fear was destroyed,
by our will to achieve.
We will conquer our faults,
we will always believe.

We both believe in each other,
we will both stand together.
This is how it will be,
forever and ever!


No matter where we are
It's never too far
When you're bored at home or all alone
You know my number, call me
And here I'll be
It's you and it's me
Forever we'll be Best Friends
Until the end
No one can take us apart
It would only break my heart
You were always there for me
At times of need
I will do the same for you, too
We've experienced so many good times; as well as, bad; however
It only makes us stronger
And we know our friendship will last that much longer
So, Friend, when I say very much I love you
I hope you know that it is true!

A Friend

What is a Friend but a beautiful rainbow
That changes our lives by its radiant glow

What is a Friend but that warm feeling
That we all cherish more than anything

What is a Friend but that wonderful smile
That carries us thru life for a long while

What is a Friend but a radiant ray of hope
That in our hour of need, we blindly grope
----In the end I'll only say:----
I am so happy to have you for a Friend

A Friend's Soul

A Friend is the mirror in which ourselves we find,
A Friend's voice is but the warm echo of our own,
A Friend's thoughts are but twin images of our own,
And that is why I am so blessed to have you.

The Magic of Friendship

Helping a Friend find his smile--
Friendship is like water to the
Arid, parched Sahara and it is
Only through it, that wounds
Heal and smiles find their way
Back to the owner's heart and
Soul, therefore my dear Friend,
Always leave the door to your
Heart open to the magic of

The Wind in your Sails

To a Dear Friend
May the wind always be in your
Sails, my Friend, and take you
Places where no sorrows, no
Pains can darken your heart,
Your troubled mind and where
Sunshine always is present to
Light your path and make you
See all the beauty around you
The greatest gift, God has so
Lovingly blessed you with,the
Beauty of your own Soul.
May God's wind always be in your
Sails, my Friend, fare safely.

The Golden Key

Helping a Friend find his path to sunshine
Friendship is that golden key
That God gives us, that opens
All doors, all hearts, all aching
Souls, therefore, Dear Friend,
Let me help you find your way
To sunshine and warmth again,
Using my own key to Friendship.

Missing you still

Missing you my Friend in my hour of dire need,
Missing you my Friend with all my heart,indeed
Missing your radiant smile when all around me
------Is, but darkness, doubt and pain--------
Missing your warmth, to lift up my aching heart
Stop the pain, the searing ache, I can not part,
Missing you, my Friend, much more than ever
Since you walked away and left me to whither,
Little knowing, how the sun went down for me,
Or the birds stopped singing, the day you left
------For other horizons, other sunsets-----
When your Friendship was all, I ever wanted.

To Lucy my Friend

When I think of the day we first looked at each
Other, in our pink pinafores, hair held, in piggy
Tails, a tooth or two amiss, I can but smile with
Warmth in my heart, recalling the roles we used
To play pretending to be Princesses when in fact
We looked more, like two froggies, than Royalty,
But in the mirror of our hearts, we saw differently.

Years went by, our piggy tails changed, high heels
Replaced our baby boots but at heart, we always
Remained friends and though oceans and mounts
Now stand between us and we live, under different
Skies, my love for you, Dearest Lucy, will never
Change, you'll always be the Princess of my heart
---------My Dearest Kindergarten Friend-------

My Friend

Knowing you has been like the sweet fresh
Breeze of early dawn on roses and daffodils
Bringing peace and love into my life, when I
Really needed them most, always ready with
A smile, offering me your sincere and loyal
Friendship that has transformed my life into
A beautiful sunshine mirrored in the twinkle
Of your eyes and the radiance of your smile
Like the flapping wings of a beautiful Dove,
--------In the end I will only say------------------
----------Sarah Louise Hawley--------------------
------Thank you for being my Friend-----------

When only Yesterday

When only yesterday the sun rose
To guild our love in gold and I had
You by my side still, your heart to
Mine pressed, life seemed but, a
Beautiful bouquet of passion and
Love, held together by the ribbon
Of your heart, to mine, entwined.

When only yesterday the stars and
Moon above paved the path of our
Love in diamonds and pearls, I had
Your arms to hold me tight in a grip
Of passion, envied by all, on earth,
And sky alike and love, as nectar,
Was all my soul needed, to live on.

When only yesterday I was crowned
Queen, on earth and sky alike, your
Love was my jeweled scepter in the
Court of my heart. I ask myself if all,
That was real or had I just dreamt it
In the painful solitude of my sorrows
--Seeing you go, my beloved Prince?--

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