
Are you someone who believes in the power of prayer?
Do you often find yourself needing to request prayer for yourself
or someone else? Then this group is the place for you. 
Although I myself am a Christian, this group is open to anyone
who is willing
to be a prayer warrior!

Click HERE to join the PrayerWarriors4God list
started for those in need of prayer!!!

Once you have joined, feel free to choose a graphic below
and display it proudly!!!  Right-click and choose "Set as wallpaper"
if you don't have webpages or Save it to YOUR PC and display it
proudly on your webpages.  Be sure to link it to this page:

More logos may be made as time permits.

You are encouraged to send this URL to everyone you think may
be interested in joining!!!  Let's show God how much
we believe in the power of prayer!!!!!!!
Visit our other pages or you'll miss a real blessing *S*

Everything on this site that is not credited to someone else (unless an oversight) is
Copyrighted by the webmaster of this site, Glennette.  Thanks for complying with copyright laws!

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