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Our God is an Awesome God
By: Glennette Yelverton

In my daily walk with God I see
That life is just so great to me.
The love and laughter I feel each day
lets me know I'm appreciated in every way.

My God is right there all along
so even when I'm sad, I can sing a song
of praise for my God who loved me so
that he gave his son to let my sins go.

Do you know how much God loves you?  Let me tell you.
He loves you so much because he's your God, too!
He created us but allows us to choose how we live.
To choose whether we're someone who'll take or who'll give.
So if you haven't talked to him lately, give him another chance.
He'll make your spirit soar and he'll make your heart dance.
You may ask yourself why I care.
Let me tell you it's because I've been there.
When you're not sure where to turn
and feel you've been punished by the rod,
Turn to Him and remember that Our God is an Awesome God!

This poem was written by
Glennette in July 1998.
The inspiration for this poem was 2 Samuel 7:14.


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