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Glennette is now doing web design as a business.  She is also the leader of Christian Women on the Web and has started an online prayer group called PrayerWarriors4God.

Danny thought he wanted to work in law enforcement but didn't take long to realize he belonged in the paint business (or at least belongs there more
than he does in law enforcement *S*).

Magan promoted to the 6th grade!!  Yippee!!!


This page is dedicated to:

Granny Jewell

On October 18, 1998, our family
lost one of it’s most beloved members.
My husband’s grandmother passed away
after having a stroke and being in the hospital for about 3 weeks.
She will be dearly missed and we are thinking of her.

Picture of Granny Jewell

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Premium Web Design & Hosting

Graphics from Pat's Web Graphics

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