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Magan got so many wonderful gifts and cards and notes wishing her Happy Birthday,
I wanted to post them for all to see what she received for her NINTH birthday!!!

Thanks peach10!!!Thanks Sandy!!!Thanks Barb!!!

Thanks Ganache (Barb)!!!Thanks Sonya!!!Thanks Kimberly!!!

Thanks Sweetmamapam!!!

The following comments were taken from all the wonderful cards and e-mails
that Magan received!  I wish I could show you all the great cards but you'll get the picture!

We just want you to know that we love you dearly!!! We hope your birthday has been special and that you'll always know how much you are LOVED!!! WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW!

 Daddy & Mommie 

It's your day to shine!
Happy Birthday!

- Kyle, Sheryl and Kaleb 

Wishing you a wonderful birthday!  Attached is a gift for you. (Graphic of girl posted above)
Mom2Mom Clubhouse 

Birthday wishes from Ireland.
Hope your day is very special
- Michael Tadhg O'Mahony 

A bear for each year
happy birthday to you! 

Have lots of fun!

from: Mom2Mom-mollie, will(11) and brittany(7)
- mollie(honeytiger) 


Have a Fun Day, Magan!

- Tammy T.~M2M 


Dear Magan,

Happy Birthday Magan 
Hugs and kisses,

Happy Birthday Magan
Take a bow, you wonderful kid--
because today it's your birthday and today
we celebrate YOU --
The biggestest, brightestest, most incrediblest star ever!
Happy Birthday!
Cathy - Mom2Mom

Hope you have a wonderful 9th birthday Magan
- Laura m2m friend 


Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Magan!
Happy Birthday to You!
Have a wonderful time and enjoy your day!

Kim Mathews

Happy Birthday!
Love ya, Kelly

Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday Dear Magan
Happy Birthday to you!!! Hey not stop your laughin!! *giggle* I am trying!!!
Hope you have a wonderful 9th Birthday!!!!


Halo, Magan! And happy 9th birthday to you!! I know how specail you are
cuz I hear all about you all the time and my birthday is in June also
soooo that means your an angel too! Do enjoy your special day and know
that you are loved very much and I will keep you in my heart and prayers
always! Love, Angel xo's Gotta fly now sweetie so save me some birthday

Hi Magan!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that you get everything that you wanted. Hugs and kisses! 


Dear Magan, Hope You have a Great Day :)Wishing You the Best Birthday Ever.. 
{{{Love and Hugs}}} 


Hi Magan!

Since you can't get a cat for your birthday; I wanted to give this to you.
Take care of her!!!!  (cat graphic is posted above with gifts)


Happy Birthday to Magan!!

May God bless you on this special day!



Happy birthday sweetie!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! You deserve it!
Have your mom give you a big hug from me *S* 


Happy Birthday, sweetheart!!  My daughter Karina is also 9 (march 7th)
and she is looking forward to writing to you.  I hope your birthday is
filled with lots of special surprises!!!  It's a wonderful day to
celeberate YOU!!  I'll bet God danced the day you were born!!!
~Happy Birthday~
With Mom2Mom Love & Friendship, Barbara

Hello Magan,

Happy 9th Birthday to you.  I wish that all your dreams come TRUE!!
(peach10 gave Magan the "You are a star" gift posted above)


I do not know how to create all of those fancy cards, but I want to wish you
a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  so, pretend that I am singing this to you.
      Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu
Happy birthday to MAGANnnnnnnnn
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu........

I hope that you have a great day!

God bless you!

How does a bear hug?
He just puts his furry paws around you
and gives you a nice, tight cuddle, of course !


 Best wishes  

Magan received a really cute card from Nettie that had singing flowers and ended with:
Happy Birthday Magan....Love Southern Sister, Auntie Nettie

Magan received this URL from dholley:

Happy 9th Birthday Magan
Sing, Dance and Celebrate

- A Friend named KAM 

Happy Birthday!

Hi Glennette and Magan!  I hope you have a wonderful birthday Magan!
Love, Kimberly (mommyofkyle) - (received Pooh graphic above from Kimberly)

I hope today was full of excitement and fulfilled wishes and that the coming year brings you great happiness, good friends and lots of love. 

Happy Birthday, Magan!

(Card from Ginger)

Dear Magan,

A little fairy told me you were 9 years old today!!!! You are growing up
to be a big girl!!!! I hope all your dreams come true!! Happy Birthday!!
(received above snowglobe from sweetmamapam)


Hope you have a Happy Birthday!! 

- Delwyn (SW) 

Hi Magan -
Happy Belated Birthday :-) Sorry this got to you late but I am an online friend of your moms and I just
wanted to send lots of birthday wishes your way. Hope all your dreams come true.

Take care,


I hope I didn't miss anyone!!!  She was so thrilled with them and I was too so I
thought I'd put them on this page so others can see them as well!!!! 

A huge thanks was sent to those who sent a gift.  If you missed it, here it is!
Please only take this gift if you sent Magan something.


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