Hoka no Koto

If I weren't committed to not using CLAMP's art without permission, I'd slap a big drooly picture of Ran serving tea right here. Or maybe a couple. A pox upon scruples! [But I have so few of them...] Instead, I will settle for borrowing a colleague's wicked misquotation of 2 lines from Clover 4.

C: Boku wo dou shitai no?
Gingetsu: Omae wa dou saretai n da?*


As mentioned before, this is where I toss everything that won't go anywhere else, so watch your step.

All the Clover fics (including recent releases) have been moved into their new home, Indigo! Go visit 'em!!

*Trans: [C: How do you want to do me? G: How do you want to be done?]


The Joy of Seiyuu
Dare no Miko Da?
Lyrical Conspiracy

Uno [Clover]
Ai no Gekijou [X]

Songs and Such:
Ashita e no merodii
Boku wo Mimamotte Kureru Dareka
Heaven's Place
Natsu no O-sama
Never End
Shinayaka no Ude no Inori
a silent letter
Tsumi fukaku aishite yo