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Have a question regarding ballet?
If you have any questions regarding my site or ballet please feel free to e-mail me. I will try to answer your questions with the best possible advice. It can be anything from starting dance to finding the right pointe shoe for your foot. If you don't need advice but would like to know about major ballet companies and/or their performance schedule, I'll try my hardest to research what you are looking for and will e-mail you with the information  as soon as I can.
E-mail me!!!
Ballet Gift Ideas
Tips for Performances
Tips to help those Butterflies
In the Spotlight for the month of June and July:
From Bun to Pointe
Congratulations on you both!!!!!!!!
Click here to get a review of their web-site's from ME!!!
Pointe Shoe Pointers
Ouch! Toe Problems and Injuries and how to fix them
Join my mailing list!!!! Just send me an e-mail telling me you would like to be on my mailing list or leave me a message on my message board!! Thanks!! =)
Here is some classical music to check out!!
Nutcracker, Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty by: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
The Pearl Harbor Soundtrack by: Hans Zimmer
Romeo and Juliet, and Cinderella by: Sergei Prokofiev
Don't forget to sign my guestbook!!
The Just for Fun Page
Vote for me in 10 Top Dance Sites!! Thanks!! =) Just click on the picture
Vote for me in 10 Top Dance Sites
Here are some great ballet books to check out!!!

The Pointe Book
By: Janice Barringer
and Sarah Schlesinger

Ballet 101
By: Robert Greskovic

101 Stories of the Great
By: George Balanchine
and Francis Mason

To get these books just click on the picture of the book and it will take you there!! Thanks!! =)
Everyone has different plans for the summer. So what are you planning on doing? Many ballet students get the advantage of training with different ballet schools and/or companies over the summer. They get a chance to grow as a dancer as well as a person. They learn a lot about life and themselves which is why summer camps are a great idea. If you are going somewhere special this summer let us know! We would love to hear about your accomplishment
Summer is here....where are you going?
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God Bless America!!!
Ballet Book Reviews
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New Awards are HERE
Yes, new awards ARE here!!! I have 5 new awards to choose from. So, if you would like apply for my award read all the descriptions of all the new awards I have to offer, and if you have already recieved an award from me in the past you can reapply to get one of my new awards. Click here for more details.
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Perfecting your Moves
Health and Injuries
Calling All Ballet Lovers!
Beginning Pointe Students