Ar Station: candles, chocolates, clothing, fabrics, flowers, hand crafted daggers, gems & jewelry, medical supplies and healing herbs, spices, body totions, hand creams, facial cleansers, massage oils, bath salts, shampoos, astringets & the like, tarns, crops, wine, ta'grapes & grains

Sul Port: chocolate, sweet suls, white suls, red suls, kalana, paga, tarns, tarsk, verr, bosk, rep cloth, fish, ships, tar, ropes, cloth, clothes, dyes, perfume, inks, medicinals

Minus: Suls: sweet, red and white, sul-paga
Tarns: racing and war
Kalana: fruit and wine
SaTarna: raw or ground into flour for baking or cooking
Mines: silver, iron,gemstones
Rep, Dyes and Inks
Animals and Animal-by-products: bosk, verr and tabuk
Medicines: kanda, agrinomy, suk root, other herbs & roots
River Thalarions

Schendi: spices, medicines, flowers, woods, jungle plants, siproot [to make slave wine], kailiuk: skins, meat, horns, jungle tarns: birds specially ordered, feathers, colored quills, coconuts, pineapples, palm wine, candy, sugars, jungle sleens, jit monkeys, hiths, osts, sapphires, rubies, gold, Tur wood, nuts, jungle birds as pets
For a full listing of items, including prices, go here:
Schendi Trade Products

Port Kar: rence paper, rence beer, rence mats, bowls, pearls, raided goods, robes & veils,weapons

Thentis: black wine beans, iron ore, silver

Ar: chronometers, tharlarion oil, quivas, Linen paper [special writing paper, quality unsurpassed and exquisite], textiles [Ar is a leader in the manufacture of clothing and fine cloths], precious gems, gold, silver, copper, emeralds from Laura

Kargash, Port City of Turia: silks, pelts, meat & leathers of: bosk, tabuk, kailliuk, spices, salt, oils, gold, iron ore, paga, kalda, beadworks, bosk milk, cheese, wine, wood, herbs, rope

Kassau: Tur wood, hardwood by the plank, Larl fur, sleen fur, tabuk furs, rare snow white Larl furs, sleen skin, herds of tabuk, verr and sleens [untrained], all cubs, special ale and meade [10 talu containers], verrinium flowers, colognes & oils

Tor, Kasra, Tahari: dancing silk, cymbals, dancing slave coin belt, armlets, bracelets, red salt, larma, rep cloth, cloth, silks, rugs, silver, gold, jewelry, mirrors, per-fumes, hides, skins, feathers, tools, needles, worked leather goods, salt, weapons, sheets of tin and copper, the tea of Bazi, wool from the bounding Hurt, decorated beaded whips, kaiila blankets, saddles, reins, dates, date bricks, brown sa'tarna, beans, berries, onions, tuber suls, katch [a leafy vegtable], melons, turnips, carrots, tospits, verr skins, slippers, tables, woven rugs, pottery, glass for windows, cups, kettles, weapons, the scimitar, walking chains, slave bells, scarves, sashes, veils, robes, purple quirts, sand kaiila, perfumes, olives

WoodHaven: fish - blue grunt, herbs & spices [chamomile, cloves, garlic, ginger root, pepper], honey, hurt wool, fresh produce, sorp [seafood delicacy of the Vosk, similar to an Earthen oyster], sorp pearls, timber, vulo eggs, bees, hurts, verr, kaiila training and sales, tarn training and sales, vulos, ale, Golden Krest Wine [A lightly sweet wine with pleasing fruity taste made from a delightful combination of ta grapes and ramberries], paga, sul paga, Vosk Meade [Woodhaven's special brew of this Northern drink prepared with honey, spices and our own secret ingredient], ships

Jort's Ferry: pelts, tharlarion oil, blackwine beans from Thentis

Glacier Hall, Hunjer: fish, fur, herbal tea, honey, Hunjer whale ivory and oil, meade, timber & wooden furniture, wool, raw wool, spun wool, dyeing, weaving, Glacier Studio Arts and Crafts, ceramics, jewelry, paintings, prints, drawings, tapestries & rugs

Vonda: Animals/Products: *Tharlarion: most varieties; tharlarion oil, *verr: large & small; verr wool, cheese & butter, purebred kaiila Whisper Ranch; bees, bee honey, seafood, freshwater sorp; freshwater pearls, game [tabuk, wild tarsk], **silk, **sleen, **bosk, milk variety; cheese & butter, Plants/Products: *sa'tarna grain & bread & paga, *suls & sul paga, *rep plant/cloth, *olive trees [olives, oil], *Various other fruits & vegetables in abundant variety, Various other trees [kalana, temwood, needle, tur] wood, wine, perfumes, veminium, various flowering plants; rence/paper, Other Resources: *woven goods, iron/steel [various weapons; esp. spears, swords; tools], copper & tin, bronze, stone, clay/pottery
*=High quality products in abundance
**= Lower quality goods or shorter supply

Avian Isle: exotic fruit - starfruit, fish, tem wood, suls, exotic spices - pepper, saffron, ginger, ships

Whitewater: Available Resources for Export: lumber, fresh produce, fresh & salted fish, sorp pearls, hurt wool, animal hides and/or pelts, fresh & salted meat, metals - iron and steel, cloth, sail making, ship building & repairs

Venna: Tharlarion: most varieties; tharlarion oil, Verr: large & small; verr wool, cheese & butter, bees; bee honey, seafood, freshwater sorp; freshwater pearls, game [tabuk, wild tarsk], silk, sleen, bosk, milk variety; sa'tarna grain & bread & paga, suls & sul paga, rep plant/cloth, olive trees [olives, oil], various other fruits & vegetables in abundant variety, various other trees [kalana, temwood, needle, tur] wood, wine, perfumes, veminium, various flowering plants; rence/paper, salt, woven goods, iron/steel [various weapons; esp. spears, swords; tools, copper & tin, bronze, stone, clay/pottery spices, leather/furs

Jasmine: Kalana, rice, sa-tarna, cornmeal, bosks and bosk products [milk, meat, cheese], smoked/preserved meats [tabuk, bosk, tarsk, fish, eel, sausages], fruit [apricots, cherries, peaches, redfruit,grapes, ka-la-na, larma, plums, melons, and berrries-fresh/dried], nuts, raisins, vegetables [carrots, garlic, mushrooms, onions, peppers, pumpkins, squash, radishes, suls], olives/olive oil, shark oil, herbs and spices [for cooking and medicinal purposes], honey, furs and hides, lumber, fish, woven goods, jewelry, marinades and sauces, chocolate, silk cloth, fine fabrics, *white/yellow sugar, *siproot, *palm wine, *dried coconut and pineapple, *candied dates, *kailaluk hides, *silver.

* items available in limited quantities.

Helmutsport: Sea food [fish, crustaceans], gems [mother of pearl], By-products [whale blubber for oil, shark teeth ,skin, cartilage, kelp, seaweed for medical purposes], Forestry [fine woods of tem, kalana, and oak], Glassware [the sand on the beaches is exceptionally fine grained and perfect for the craft of glass blowing], Verr wool [which custom capes are stitched from, marvelous in the cold weather, fine footwear wrought from the skins of the sharks and whales], Salt [from the Thassa - a life staple]

Farnacium: For a full listing including prices, please go here:">Farnacium Trade Items

Koroba: Sa'tarna grain, paga, kalana imported from the Isle of Cos, sul paga, tarns [racing and war], gems and jewelry, herbs for cooking and medicinal purposes, lumber, fine women's clothing, scented bath oils and soaps,leather goods [whips, tarn saddles], custom art work

Lydius: Seafood/fish [eels, crayfish, grunt eggs, lobster, Cosian liver, etc.], meats/sausages, dairy products, rare spices [cinnamon, vanilla beans, ginger root, etc.], fruits, wines and brews [Lydius meade, palm wine, etc.] wood furniture [Low tables, chairs, benches, chests, platforms, etc.] serving ware, clothing, ship supplies, lumber [hogarthe, needle, tur, and tem], furs/pelts/hides [snow larl, sea sleen, etc.], weaponry, rare metals, tools and slavery supplies. Lydius Mercantile

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