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Welcome to gallery section.

This section contains electronic greetings,  pictures, photos and so on. Enjoy your view!

< Electronic Greetings Gallery >
Here is some collection of 
Dynamic Hound™ electronic season greetings. Includes: Birthday, New Year, Chinese New Year, Season countdowns, New Year countdowns,  Valentine's day, Farewell, etc.

[ Click Here ]


< Picture Gallery >
Huge collection of my favourite images. 
[ High Resolutions! ]
E.g. Idol pictures, friends' photos, nice graphics, cool computer images, etc. 
*Temporary unavailable. Still searching for more graphics.

[ Click Here ]


< Wallpapers Gallery >
Cool wallpapers to download! All designed and modified by Dynamic Hound™ Studios.
E.g. Final Fantasy 8, Vivian Hsu, Takako Uehara, Ruby Lin, mix idols and many more!
*Coming soon...

[ Click Here ]



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Dynamic Hound™ Studios
2000. © All rights reserved.

Dynamic Hound™ Interface 
That's what we call High-Tech! ®
Version 1.11M





Page marked with "updated" will be updated frequently. 
















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