Recommended Books




"Reiki - Healing and harmony through the hands", Tanmaya Honervogt

"Essential Reiki", Diane Steyn (controversial, yet a good read nonetheless)

"Empowerment through Reiki", Paula Horan


Energy (Healing) Books

"Hands of Light - A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field", Barbara Ann Brennan

"Heal your body" - Louise Hay

"The light will set you free", Dr. Norma Milanovich, Dr. Shirley McCune (this one is so profound, it keeps you awake at night)



"78 Degrees of Wisom", Rachel Pollack (an absolute must have) for the discerning tarot reader

"The Tarot Handbook", Angeles Arrien

"Osho Zen Tarot", the little booklet that comes with the cards is awesome.



"The Feeling Good Handbook", David D. Burns M.D. (Plume/Penguin), click here to see comments about this book.

"Psychocybernetics", Maxwell Maltz, MD F.I.C.S.

"The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying", Sogyal Rinpoche

"Sacred Space", Denise Linn



 Tracy's Page of Odds and Ends (Links)

Tarot Introduction | Major Arcana | Minor Arcana

Symbols in Tarot | Repeated Cards | Free Tarot Readings

Reiki Introduction | Reiki On-Line Manual | Chakragrams

Recommended Books | Points to Ponder | Meditations | Rings


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Ó Tracy Wilson 1998,1999

 souls have fluttered through this page since March 4, 1999