Meditating is a wonderful way to relax, de-stress, and reach the quiet core of your very being.

Imagine the center of your being as a clear blue sky, and your thoughts are the clouds and formations that appear that grow. The thoughts are so temporary, so drifting, and so impermanent. Use meditation, either to still the mind, and reach that place where the sky is as blue as cornflower, or use meditation to visualize and dream and create all that you desire. Get to know yourself, meditate on the simple things in life. Meditate on the profound things in life. Watch these thoughts, like clouds, come and go, softly softly, never actually existing...

Here is what I have reasoned to be the general pattern or formula for all visual/guided meditations. Pick an item from each section and create your own guided meditation. (A tape recorder is handy for this). Be creative... you have no limits.


 Section A

Settling down

 Finding a comfortable space, removing restrictive articles of clothing, removing spectacles etc.


Section B

Even breathing

Take three deep breaths, thinking "relax" on the exhale.

 See a green cloud, breathe in the green, and exhale a green leaf that floats to the ground. Send this green to the heart chakra.

 Breathe in gold light, and exhale a dirty cloud (of tension)

 Feel the breath as it enters the nose, fills the body, and exhales, feel the actually breath

 (Reiki) Visualize a violet Antakarana being inhales through the nose, up to your third eye, and exhaled again through the nose


Section C

Count down

 Either verbally count down, i.e. "I am now going t count down from 10 to 1" etc.,

 Count down as you climb down steps into your subconscious (feel your body drop with each step)

 Count as you climb steps which you are climbing upwards into the clouds (feel your body getting lighter with each step)


Section D

Pathway from this "no mans land" - Senses - Be as vivid as possible - (short). Remember to state that, "You are happy to be here. You are safe, and no one can hurt you"

 If you automatically start the mediation with a path, visualize, or describe the path using all of the senses. You are on a path in a forest, meadow, field, near the sea, on the beach, in a garden.

 If you have gone down the steps, reach a little room with doors, choose a door and open it to reveal a pathway. Walk along the pathway, remember to introduce all of the senses... "What can you see? What can you hear? What do you smell? What do you taste? What does it feel like? " Or if describing the path, describe using the senses. "You hear the birds chirping and the rustling of the leaves. The sun feels warm on your skin, you can smell the fresh morning dew on the pine-needles."

 If you have climbed steps, describe the steps using the senses, or ask the meditator to describe them to as above. What are they made of? How do they feel? What is the temperature?



Section E 

Re-relaxing the body upon arrival at the destination (Find a favorite colored armchair, park bench, hospital bed, leaning against a tree)

 Feel relaxing waves working through your body

 Balance the chakras, visualize them spinning, expanding and growing to fit your aura

 Feel as though you are sinking into the armchair/cloud/bench/earth

 Feel as though you have become a ragdoll

 Feel as though you have become water

 Use grounding techniques like creating a tripod with yourself to the middle of the earth.... One root from each leg, and from your root chakra.


Section F

Imagery - This is where the work gets done

 Imagine a screen where you can create anything you desire in life. See yourself as being HEALTHY, MATERIALLY ABUNDANT, LOVED, BEAUTIFUL, THIN, IN THE JOB YOU DESIRE, WHATEVER YOUR GOALS ARE.

 Meet healing angels and have them work on your body, and smear ointments and elixirs over your body

 Watch a star explode in space and fill up your body with the millions of pieces

 Meet your guide

 Meet your Reiki guide

 Receive gifts and messages to bring back to "real time"

 Find sources of help quit bad habits

 Visit the Akashic Crystal, or Akashic records to ask about life purposes and past lives.

 Send Reiki whilst sitting in outerspace



- Pause -



Section G

Coming back

 Remind your client that they can always come back to "this place"

  Walk back along the path from where you came

  Walk down the marble stairs (incorporating the count back)

  Climb the stairs of your subconscious (incorporating the count back)



Section H

Count up

 You can feel yourself behind your eyelids

 You become aware of the light in the room

  Wriggle your toes and your fingers




Meditation 1

Creating Your Screen

This meditation was created and written by Janet Dean, New Jersey


Find yourself a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Loosen any restrictive articles of clothing, loosen your belts, remove your spectacles, and take off your shoes.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. If you have to change your position, feel free to do so. If your thoughts wander, bring them back to my voice.



Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, think, "Relax". Take another deep breath, exhale and relax. Take a third deep breath and notice that your breathing has become slower and deeper. Continue to breathe, rhythmically and deeply. You feel calm and relaxed and perfectly at ease. Calm and relaxed and perfectly at ease. Breath, deeply and evenly.



As I count from ten to one, your breathing continues to become slower and more even. Ten, nine, eight, relax and let go, seven, six, five, relax and go deeper, four ,three, two, deeper deeper deeper, one. You are very relaxed and ready to relax even more.



Imagine you are standing at the bottom of a mountain on a path looking up at the top of a mountain, and you see a delightful, rustic cabin, just the right size and shape for you. Now, start walking up the path toward the cabin. Notice how beautiful it is, the trees are extremely tall and shapely, and all shades of green. There are flowers of all colors and varieties, some you have never seen before. The birds are singing and you pause to listen to them. How beautiful it is. The temperature is just right and the sun is warm. A cool breeze blows gently over your body and you feel happy and very comfortably. The little animals are very friendly. The rabbits, squirrels, raccoons and some you can't identify come up o you and dance around you. As you watch them dance, a family of deer come up to you and he fawn licks your hand. At first, you are startled, but you see the mother and father smiling approvingly at you. You pat the fawn's head, and continue along the path. The animals join you, and you all arrive at the front door of the cabin, which immediately swings open as if you're expected.


You pause and look in as the animals scurry past you and sit down around the cabin. You see a big easy chair in your favorite color sitting in the middle of the room, and you slowly walk toward it, sit down, lie back, close your eyes, and relax.

A wave of relaxation starts at your head and moves down through your neck and into your shoulders, down through your arms and into your hands and fingers. Now, the wave moves back up through your arms and into your chest, stomach, lungs and heart. Down into you legs and toes, where it exits your body, leaving your body relaxed. If you still feel tense, open your mouth a little. Sometimes, just opening the mouth a little will relax you.


Begin to create you own personal imagery.

What is it you wish to change, to heal, to make better or to obtain in life. Think for a moment about the problem and decide what solution you want for your problem. Imagine a big movie screen on the wall in front of you. Remember that you are viewing all this on the inside of our eyelids or in your mind's eye. After you have seen the problem on your movie screen, destroy the picture entirely. You can blow it up, break it up, tie it up or whatever will convince your mind the problem is over. Move that picture to the right, and see the solution coming into the picture from the left.

Do you want a healing? Then picture yourself as healthy, see the doctor saying, "You have been headed". See yourself calling your friends and telling them, that you're healed. Plan on what you'll do now that you are healed and how you'll feel doing it. If you have pain, picture yourself free of pain. If you want to do something to change your life for the better, imagine yourself being complemented for whatever it is. If you want to obtain something, imagine yourself with the item or whatever it is.





It is now time to leave the cabin and come back to the here and now. Rise from the chair, the animals arise too and you all cross the room and the door opens. Turn once more and look around the room. Remember that you can come back to the cabin at any time, by just imagining it.

You leave the cabin and discover the path down the mountain right in front of you. As you travel back down the path, you feel as if you're flying. The flowers and trees are just as beautiful as they were earlier, the birds are still singing, but you know there is a difference. You will always remember the experience you just hand and it will become a part of your success. The sun is still warm and the breeze, just right. You get to the bottom of the mountain, and you sit down on the bench you find there. Before you leave, give yourself some positive affirmations. Silently repeat to yourself, "Everyday, I am getting better. Positive thoughts bring me the positive results I desire. I choose to be healthy. I know that good health is my natural state. I deserve good health."


It is now time to return to the here and now, right here and right now. I will count from one to five, and when I reach the count of five, you will be wide-awake and feeling fine. One, two, three, coming up slowly, four, at the count of five, you will be wide-awake. Five, you are now wide-awake, feeling fine, feeling better than before. Your eyesight is better, your hearing is better, and whatever problem you had is now solved. Welcome back.


 Tracy's Page of Odds and Ends (Links)

Tarot Introduction | Major Arcana | Minor Arcana

Symbols in Tarot | Repeated Cards | Free Tarot Readings

Reiki Introduction | Reiki On-Line Manual | Chakragrams

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Ó Tracy Wilson 1998,1999



 souls have fluttered through this page since March 4, 1999