You know what to do here, click on a link and read wonderful fanfiction about Touma and Seiji written by cool people.

Please be warned that there are some fics that have lemon scenes in it ... If you don't know what that means, then why the hell are you at my site? And also there might be violence and yummy angst stuff that might offend some people. Sooo, if you don't like it, then don't read it.

And would you like to submit something SeijixTouma? Please say yes ... And could you send it in HTML??? It's a bitch to convert it on my computer. Well, if you do, then e-mail your submissions to
Hiruma (Me!)
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -This fic here involves a cheating Seiji, a heartbroken Touma, the chance to get back together and a hell of a lot of chaos! Beware! N-17 for a little violence, swearing, angst and lemon scenes!! Dedicated to Djinn and lemon scenes dedicated to Wildefyre!
A Child Among Immortals:
Chapter 1, 2 - Seiji as a god, Touma as his loyal subject and an unknown enemy arising that is threatening to destroy the peace Seiji has worked so hard to gain. Rated N- 17 for violence, rape (maybe), swearing and lemon scenes. Dedicated to Tenku's Girl!
Determined To Get Laid - Having never had sex with his boyfriend before, Seiji's mind is set on going all the way with Touma. N-17 for lemon scenes and swearing. Dedicated to Wildefyre!
Wildfire's Flame
Alone - The guys go to a temple, hearing about a treasure if someone solves the riddle, but something happens to four of them and Rowen is left to solve the riddle to save them. Can he do it? N-17 for mouth watering sex!
Now and Forever - Ryo leaves Touma for someone else, who will be there to comfort poor Touma?
Ride the Wind - An angsty fic with Rowen in a motorcycle accident and a naturally worried Sage.
Love's Flaring Light - Something evil is after Seiji and we all know that isn't going to set will with Touma. Rated N-17 for a lemon scene!!
Revelations - The sequel to Love's Flaring Light. Read it!!! The great naked Seiji god commands you!!! Rated N-17 for sex!
Home At Last - This fic has to have the GREATEST lemon scene known to ToumaXSeiji fandom ... *Drools* Mmmm .... Seiji uke .... Rated N-17 for mind blowing sex!!!!

I Wanna Tell You - Loads of sugary sweetness, this fic may raise your blood sugar, but it's worth the risk. It has our two boys aching to say three little words to each other, yet find it harder than they think. Rated HSC for High Sap Content.

Gone - Oh gosh, this fic always get my eyes watering *sniffle sniffle*. Just read, the story makes up for the tears. Rated W for Water Works *Sniffle sniffle*

The Hardest Thing (I'll Ever Have To Do) - Another water works fic ... Stupid duty to his family, forcing Seiji to break Touma's heart beyond repair ... Rated W for Water Works ... WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

No One Cares:
Chapter 1, 2, 3 - Touma has Seiji on his mind and heart, but he doesn't know if the blond feels the same way about him! Rated N-17 for more great sex from our favorite author ^_^

Now And Forever:
Chapter 1, 2 - This is the first Wildefyre ficcie I've ever read ... It had me crying ... *Sniffle sniffle* Sometimes you just don't have the time to fix mistakes.

Tears In Heaven - Something happened to Touma and Seiji has to find a way to deal with it. *Sniffle sniffle*

Test Of The Hearts:
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15- This is the BEST damn ToumaXSeiji ficcie you're going to find out there!!! Read it!!! NOW!!!!
Cye's Girl
Your Song - A super sweet ficcie with Touma lusting after Shin ... But does he really love Shin? Or is there someone else his heart calls for? This is dedicated to Hiruma ... Who just happens to be ME! ^_^

Secrects Of The Heart - The sequel to Your Song. Just read! You know you want to. Dedicated to Djinn!
Tenku's Girl

Kanashii No Ite: The Sorrowful Archer:
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 - One of the first truly angsty ficcies I've ever read. It has a mean Ryo whose ass needs to be kicked, a sad Touma and a pretty Seiji. Rated R for some gore and mean Ryo's.

Have You Seen My Childhood? - Hmmm, I haven't seen your childhood, but have you tried looking under the couch cushions? Rated M for Missing childhood.
Wicked Games:
Won't You Share My Coat?, Next Time, The Bitch Switch - A toe tingling series of yummy lemons staring our two favorite guys. It makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. Rated N-17 for sex!

Halo - (Off site link) Another great fic by Bender. I think her summary is best for this fic "A touching story about the deep ties of friendship and love between Rowen and Sage" ... Read! Now! Rated PG-13 for some suggestive language.
Wildefyre & Hiruma Productions Presents ...
Pretty Woman:
Chapter 1, 2 - Seiji's family has picked out a girl for him to marry, forcing him to break up with Touma, his true love. Will our favorite couple ever be back together? Or will they have to live their lives apart? Dedicated to Djinn!