217 "Bristle While You Work"

Written by:
Tom Reeder

Directed by:
Sheldon Epps

Regular Cast:
Frasier Crane
Niles Crane
Martin Crane
Daphne Crane
Roz Doyle
Gil Chesterton

Guest Cast:
Waiter (James Oliver)
Trish Haney (Ana Gasteyer)
Other Niles (Dominic Rambaran)
Other Daphne (Robyn Johanna)
Doctor (Joseph Kell)

Guest Callers:
None this episode.

Read the script of this episode here.

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Skyline: A rain-cloud passes over the city.

Plot: Frasier is looking for a new housekeeper to replace Daphne and things aren't going that well. None of the candidates are suitable for the job. When one applicant, Trish Haney, arrives for her interview one hour late, Frasier takes a dislike to her. Martin likes her because she likes sports, and insists that she be hired. Frasier gives in and hires her.

However Trish is a bit of a slacker, always turning up late (if she arrives at all!) and poor Martin has to do the housework himself to stop Frasier from finding out he was right about her. However when Frasier wants to talk to Trish, and she isn't there, Martin has to think fast - but when Trish does turn up, Frasier finds out what really happened and Trish is let go.

Meanwhile Niles has a toothache, but wonders if it means he has heart problems. The odds he has heart problems are 10,000 to 1, but Niles keeps beating those odds all week when first of all he wins a fanny pack (10,000 to 1 chance!) twice, finds out another couple named Niles and Daphne come to Cafe Nervosa, his car is struck by lightning and he manages to pull the ace of spades out of a pack randomly after Martin tries a card trick on him. Worried, he goes to the doctor, who confirms Niles' fears. He has to go to the hospital - now.....

Subtitles: In Street Jargon, He's Know As "The Mark".

Martin knows..... the guys who came over for a poker game the night before.

Trivia: This is the first episode written by Tom Reeder. Gil makes a return after an absence of over a year! Frasier wants to borrow his housekeeper, Chung, and Gil doesn't want to share him in case he lets out the secret that Gil and his wife Deb have a heart shaped bed! Ana Gasteyer, who plays Trish, originally appeared as a physical therapist in the episode "Door Jam". However the episode was continually pushed back because the creators weren't happy with her subplot, and the episode eventually aired much later on (after this one) without it (they filmed new scenes). There is a slight indirect reference to when Daphne was hired in Ep 1 "The Good Son", and we hear Daphne referred to as "Daphne Crane" for the first time. And of course this is the first episode of Frasier's first 3 parter, what will happen to Niles next week.....?


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Frasier created by David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee. Based on the character "Frasier Crane" created by Glen and Les Charles and featured in the NBC / Paramount production "Cheers". Frasier is a Grub Street Production for NBC and Paramount. All Frasier characters are copyright NBC, Paramount and Grub Street Productions.

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