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Friendship Quotes, Love Quotes, Friendship Poems, Love Poems


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26 July '99 - 30 NEW Quotes.    Previous NEW Quotes moved to Friends II    Older Quote Page Archived - (Over 410 quotes now in archives)
20 July '99 - Added LANGUAGE TRANSLATION buttons to NEW Quote Page and Previous NEW Quotes page
25 May '99 - 50 NEW LOVE Quotes.    Previous NEW Quotes moved to Friends II    Older Quote Page Archived - (Over 360 quotes now in archives)
20 Apr '99 - 50 ALL NEW Quotes.    Older Quote Page Archived - (Over 310 quotes now in archives)
20 Apr '99 - ALL NEW Visitor's Quotes.    Older Visitor Quote Page Archived - (Over 280 quotes now in archives)
08 Mar '99 Added Internet time to some pages.
08 Mar '99 - 50 ALL NEW Quotes.    Older Quote Page Archived - (Over 140 quotes now in archives)
12 Feb '99 - Added Page (60 quotes). Please let me know if you like this so that I can decide whether to maintain it.
25 Jan '99 - Added new Poem and Card to the Poems page.
16 Jan '99 - Added a new FULL SITE INDEX to make Navigation easier.
                    Has links to every page on this site and to my other sites.
16 Jan '99 - Added "Friends Without Faces" to the Poems page.
16 Jan '99 - Added some new Quotes to Visitor's Contributions page.
12 Jan '99 - ALL NEW Quotes page.    Older Quote Page Archived - ( 5 LARGE pages now in archives)
09 Jan '99 - Added MANY new Quotes & Poems to Visitor's Contributions page.
08 Jan '99 - Added an Update Notification List registration to here and several other pages.
05 Jan '99 - Archived my older Guestbook entries to speed up Guestbook loading.
21 Dec '98 - Moved in my ORIGINAL Homepage - just for fun.
26 Apr '98 - Added new Email Cards page.     Send a card to a friend.
03 Jan '98 - Added a new POEMS page.
22 Dec '97 - ALL NEW Quotes page.    (Older Quote Page Archived)
20 Dec '97 - Added new links to Home Page Design Links page and Friendship Links page.
14 Dec '97 - Minor Changes to my Work Page link page.
14 Dec '97 - Added latest awards to Awards page.
16 Nov '97 - ALL New Quotes page.   (Older Quote Page Archived)
16 Nov '97 - Added latest award to Awards page.
09 Nov '97 - Designed and installed Background/Font Colour Test page.
01 Nov '97 - Added image sizes to all my pages to provide quicker viewing access.
19 Oct '97 - Redesigned and updated Home Page Design Links page.
17 Oct '97 - Added my Right to Play Certificate. ( Use 'BACK' button to return here. )
16 Oct '97 - Archived OLDER Guestbook entries.
14 Oct '97 - Added graphic quote to start of Languages of Love page.
12 Oct '97 - Added new multilingual KISS quotes to the end of Languages of Love page.
05 Oct '97 - Split Awards and Rings onto separate pages to reduce load times.
05 Oct '97 - Redesigned and updated Favourite Friendship Links page.
29 Sep '97 - Added "A Special Friend" Poem Plaque to Home Page. I think it is wonderful - Please read it!
29 Sep '97 - Added latest Awards and Rings
27 Sep '97 - ALL New Quotes page.   (Older Quote Page Archived)
18 Sep '97 - Moved Awards and Rings from Index page to speed up loading of Index page.
15 Sep '97 - Added new quotes (and made corrections) to the Languages of Love page.
09 Sep '97 - Created NEW Languages of Love quotes page.
09 Sep '97 - New Visitor's Quote added.
09 Aug '97 - ALL New Visitor's Quotes page.   (Previous Page Archived)
12 Jul '97 - ALL New Quotes page.   (Older Quote Page Archived)

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