Samurai Class Corvette

Samurai class
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The design of the SAMURAI class was aproved late 2405, and construction of the prototype was begun early 2406, with completion February 2407. Design upgrades took place 2382, 2396 and 2405. Currently 105 SAMURAI of type 4 are in service 214 SAMURAI of type 3 are and about 715 of the older types. 15 SAMURAI type 4 have been commissioned for Starfleet Security and 3 with the Type 3 Verteron module have been commisioned for the regular Starfleet.

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Basic Statistics

Class NameSamurai
Classification Scout
Type FL (Corvette)
Model Number IV
Number in Service 0
Primary Profile System Patrol and Reconnaissance
Secondary Profile Defense, Escort
Designations USS SAMURAI (NCC-72000)

Physical Specifications

Length 130 m
Beam 58 m
Draft 27 m
Displacement 68,000 mt
Separation not available


Total Standard 89
Officers 12
Crew 77
Passengers 48 (max, brig)
max life support 320

Propulsion Systems

Warp Propulsion System
Drive Type ILN-201 Mk IX
Number 2 inboard
Main Reactor


Impulse System
Drive Type SAN
Number 1
Thruster Control


Standard Cruise Speed 7.0
Maximum Cruise Speed 9.5
Sustainable for 12 hours 9.85
Maximum Emergency Speed 9.90
Core Failure Imminent 9.92


Phaser Banks3
Phaser, Type IX
Number 2 units
Range 200,000 km
Arcs 360 degree dorsal stripe

360 degree ventral stripe

Photon Torpedo, Mk XX Seeking/Direct
Number 1 tube
Range 3,000,000 km
Arcs forward

Deflector System
FD-5c Cocoon multiphasic deflector system

Other Systems

Standard, 6-person 2
Brig, 16-person 1
Shuttle Bays1 auxillary
Standard Embarked Craft
Shuttlepod 2


The SAMURAI class is the standard vessel for patrol duty inside Federation space. It is widely used in several modified versions by planetary militas of Federation worlds as well as by Starfleet Security. It is the backbone of Federation insystem security.

The newest version, the SAMURAI-4, is basing on the classic frame, but has been equipped with an updated impulse engine and thruster system for increased manouverability as well as with a speed improving warp nacelle design that has been created new from bottom up. It is optimzed for this hull and enabling the ship to cover a large space at fast cruise, then hunt down fast opponents like smuggler ships within it's 12 hour maximum warp period.

The hull is basically shaped like a shark with opened mouth, cut off behind the fin, the nacelles inboard on both sides on the level of the third and fourth deck. The phaser stripes on top and bottom of the ship allow for 360 degree targetting, the torpedo launcher is aiming to the front out over the deflector dish that is slightly set back into the hull.

The ample transporter capacity is used in the standard procedure to get hold of hostile vessels by knocking the shields down, beaming the crew out into brig areas and boarding the enemy ship, as well as in rescue operations, both which are the main missions for this class of ship.

Since the ship is usally operating from a planet, star base or deep space station on short to medium range missions, both extensive recreation facilities and a regular shuttlebay are not required. Also the hull won't separate, in case of an emergency the crew evacuates into lifepods since it can be assumed that they are in friendly territory. Borderline duty usually falls to Miranda or Wolfe class frigates.

Alternative Refits:

Type 1 Module:

A brig module - most SAMURAI-class vessels are commisioned with this type of module.
(Requires 3 weeks in dock for refit)

Type 2 Module:

One alternative duty in times of war is the use as a fast scout that is able to outrun most enemy ships when discovered. For this purpose the brig area module can be removed and replaced with a sensor pack that provides limited subspace telescope capabilities for reconnaissance purposes.
(Requires 3 weeks in dock for refit from any of the below, 4 weeks refit from Type 3 Module)

Type 3 Module:

A second refit version allows for a module that is able to carry 4 warbee marine dropships for small scale marine operations. It allows delpoyment within minutes, but recovery and docking take about 3 hours. For fighting missions, it's smaller yet better armed cousin, the THUNDERBOLT is preferred.
(Requires 6 weeks in dock for refit)

Type 4 Module:

A third refit version, implemented in early 2410 allows for a module with 2 modified torpedo launchers, allowing the launch of the newly developed Verteron-pulse torpedos. These torpedos, when launched at a vessel, will explode, producing a Verteron Pulse which will disable all of the subspace systems of any vessels that enter it's 5,000,000 kilometre spherical radius within 20 seconds of it's detenation.
At Warp 1 this should place a SAMURAI vessel outside of the effected range, able to sweep back and capture a vessel or allow another vessel to capture it. The Verteron module is fitted to prevent launch of the torpedos below Warp 1 accept when an override is given.
(Requires 4 weeks in dock for refit)

Deck # Major Feature
1 bridge, ready room, senior officers quarters
2 torpedo launcher fwd, impulse drive, sensor control
3,4 engineering, warp core, sickbay, crew quarters
5 brig, deflector, aux shuttle bay, antimatter storage

Names for SAMURAI class ships are taken from loose equivelants to the term 'warrior' Registration numbers are
of the 72xxx series.

Samurai Class Corvette Drawn and © 1998 by Phil D.Long.