Tenda Village
As you talk to everyone in Tenda Village, you'll quickly realize one thing- they're shy. You should find a Death ray in the junk area for Jeff. After talking with everyone, make your exit. You should get a call when you leave. Oh no! Trouble is afoot! Teleport to Winters. Head down south, like before. There are some new enemies. Use Tessie to go further south. If you have the Pencil Eraser with you, you can erase the statue, or you'll be forced to spend the one minute going back through the brick road. Head to Dr. Adonut's Lab. Save and "rest" there. Talk to the mouse to get the Eraser Eraser. Before entering Stonehenge, make sure that you're all stocked up and that you've called Ness's Mom recently so you don't get homesick. You have a long journey ahead. So go in the middle of Stonehenge, and head down the ladder. Go inside and use the eraser. In this place, you'll find enemies like:

Atomic Power Robot: Use your highest freeze on it to end the battle quickly, but he explodes, so be careful. He can replenish al its HP in one move, so I suggest you defeat it fast.
Starman: These guys are easy to get a green swirl going when you fight them. Right after they teleport, go up and tag them from behind.
Mook Senior: Use fire on him

Now, follow the purple trail into the next room. In the next room, there are two ways to go. Each one leads to the same room. So it doesn't matter what one you pick. After that room, go south, you should find a Spicy jerky there. Go east and follow the trail. In this room, if you go up, you'll meet a dead-end and a Cup of lifenoodles. Go south and again just follow the trail until you are in the next room. If you go north, you'll find a dead-end and a Guts capsule. Keep heading east until you enter a place that looks like the inside of a building.
In here you'll find the Starman Super! What makes him so special is that you have a 1/128 chance of getting a Sword of Kings from him, which is Poo's only weapon. This is the only place to find it, so for the extreme gamer who feels lucky, I suggest you try for it.
Go down the ladder, head right, you'll get a Psi caramel. Head down that big ladder and then a small ladder and go into the next room to find...
Exit Mice!
It’s a nice interruption from the spookiness of this place. Head to the next room. To the right you'll get a Broken trumpet.
Note: The broken items are worth picking up, buy if you don't have enough room, pick them up on your way back.
Go up, down is a Pixie's bracelet, a very nice find indeed. Northeast from there is a Speed capsule.
Ness and his crew will find themselves in a room with various tubes in it.
Talk to the people in the tubes, and hear their story. In the next room, you will find a dead end! That’s because the boss is in there. After you beat him, there will be no more Starmen Super, so if you still want to get the Sword of Kings, try now.

Boss Fight!
The Starman Deluxe isn't too hard. He has an HP of 1400. Use a multi bottle rocket on him and some ice, and be happy.

After that, talk to the people you've set free, head on out, and save!
All right, after you've beaten Stonehenge, teleport to Onett. Go to the library and check out the book. Its located in the second room in the middle of the shelf; check there. Now, go back to the Tenda Village. Talk to the Tenda with the mustache and he'll read it to everyone. Now, talk to everyone, and check out what they have to say. When you talk to the strong Tenda, he'll move the boulder. Go down and you'll find a maze leading to a shining spot..

Since this area can be kind of confusing, I made a map for it.

Look around, do these guys look familiar? Well, Fobbies are great for experience, just round up a whole bunch and use a strong Psi attack on them to get fast experience. You can find these items in this cavern: Luck capsule, Cup of noodles, Rabbit's foot, Diadem of kings, Spicy jerky, Bottle of dx water, IQ capsule, Super bomb, and a Rock candy. To get the Diadem of kings for Poo, go down the last ladder if you go straight from where you entered. That will take you to a room with the IQ capsule in it, and go up the ladder near it. The diadem is in the next room.
To get the shining spot, go down the ladder to the north, than in that room, go past the first ladder, and up the second one. Head south to meet the Electro Specter.

Boss Fight!
The Electro Specter has an HP of 3092. Use your shields and any bottle rockets you have. Regular attacks also work well.
Go down the hole to record the melody of the Lumine Hall. An odd, yet soothing place to be.
Go down the hole to go to the Lost Underworld.
....When on your way out...
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