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4/30/06 ~ Sunday 10:50 am

Status: tired ^O^ ~ Listening to: me typing furiously

Sakura saturday

Me and friends went to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens yesterday to enjoy the nice weather, Japanese shows and sakura blossoms everywhere. I won't say much about it since it's all a blur right now, but Pearl-chan bought her kimono (her first one I think, ^-^) a beautiful cream colored cloth with pink/blue/mixed design. We even saw some cosplayers and I recognized one from Otakon '05. (I think I startled most of them since I run up to them and ask to take their pics. ^-^) Pearly has pictures, but it will be awhile before I can get them and post them online. Some of our crew couldn't come with us, but we have something for them. *wink* ^_~

Jenn-chan, gomen ne, but you're going to have to wait for me to give you your gifts. (I haven't even given you the souveniers I got from Asia.... ^^;)

Anime Next updates

I won't say much about it, but I might have company going with me to Anime Next this year. Anyone else want to come with me? ^-^ One last thing, the wonderflex I ordered came in the mail yesterday. Yay! I haven't opened it up yet, but I'm definitely going to start making my weapon this week. More updates on that when we come to it. ^-^

4/28/06 ~ Friday 8:10 pm

Status: sniffy ~ Listening to: prerecorded tv....

Contagious client

Today is my day off, something I get once every 2 wks. ^^V Anyway, I was with a spring fevery client (so she claimed) as was totally flemmy, coughing and sneezing. Eww.... I stayed the entire morning with her. Now today, my throat is flemmy. I'm not sneezy, but my nose is runny. >.<; Its nothing major...but I hope this doesn't get worse. And yes, I blame this on my client. It makes me really wish that ppl here can wear masks like they do in Japan. Its soooo much more sanitary.

New Kikyo pics! ^-^

I know I've bombarded you guys with my Kikyo outfit more than my other one, but this was my first cos and it's my fav. ^-^ Anyway, I never did the 'Kikyo in a tree' thing and thats what I did this afternoon. ^-^ O-kaa-san helped me take the pics at 2pm, right before the kids came home from school. (They were pulling up in the schoolbus right when I was finishing. ^^;) The trees near the front of my apartment complex is pretty, and they were perfect 'sleeping Kikyo' type trees (manga ver. I dunno if she ever did this in the anime.) I've only uploaded them to this site and not my cosplay.com site since I don't want to bombard thousands of cosplayers with my pics.... ^^; They're in the usual spot. Hope you don't have trouble finding them. ^_^

4/27/06 ~ Thursday 2:05 pm

Status: hungry ~ Listening to: clients calling....

Manga Meme!

Hee, hee...what else would I be? ^-^

4/26/06 ~ Wednesday 11:15 pm

Status: jumpy ~ Listening to: Maple Story music in my head


I added this disclaimer below in another entry, but since I never really had one before, I decided to edit/copy/paste it here for you guys to read. (I'm not fond of legality stuff, and this is only an online site, but since people are worried about the power of words, here goes.)

* Disclaimer * This blog does not in any way reflect the opinions of any of my friends. These words, thoughts, rants are mine alone. (Isn't that what a blog/journal is suppose to be about? ^^;) Even so, if there are any complaints about what I write, just let me know. (Comment box on the left. ^-^) I may or may not care, but if you care enough, than just say so. Thanks for your attention. ^.^

Maple Quests

Still online, still trying to find eggs. (I find myself dreaming of squishies...I think I've been playing too long. ^^; Is this how you feel, Alby? lol ^_^) Well, I have less than an hour to go. Than, the Easter quest is over whether or not I find the eggs. Back to hunting!

4/25/06 ~ Tuesday 4:45 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: me typing furiously

Rochester pics!

Here are some pics that my co-worker took in Rochester. Most of them are of the hotel room since we spent the majority of the time in the hotel. (Afterall, we're there on a work conf. not to go sightseeing...although there isn't really anything to see up there.... ^^;)

4/23/06 ~ Sunday 9:20 pm EDIT

Status: cynical/annoyed ~ Listening to: o-kaa-san's 'comforting' words >.<

Period of rest

*sigh* After a month and a half of traveling around, I have a little over one month for rest and making my new cosplay outfit. But even so, there are some things that are going on (or have been going on.)

Advance Marketing 101

* Disclaimer * This entry does not in any way reflect the opinions of the people I were with. These words, thoughts, rants are mine. (Isn't that what a blog/journal is suppose to be about? ^^;) Even so, if there are any complaints about what I write, just let me know. I may or may not care, but if you care enough, than just say so. Thanks for your attention. ^-^

Repeat after me: 'baa baa'. Yesterday, I went with some ppl to listen to a speaker in NJ. In actuality, it was a meeting to recruit customers by naming them as 'workers' of ACN, a Donald Trump sponsered telephone/wireless company. They used all the marketing tools at their disposal, 'advising' their 'workers' to become customers and 'spread the love' by getting others to become workers (customers) as well. Confusing? Well not really, it's just a pyramid scheme that works really well, though it's not my cup of tea. (I'm a 'rotten apple'. ^-^V) Just listening to them makes me want to -.-Z (which isn't their fault since I needed to catch up on sleep ^^;) and I think my IQ dropped a few points (their fault.)

I was with friends so it wasn't that bad. 'If I'm going to be bored, I might as well be bored with friends. ^.^ lol....

Finally playing Maple Story!

I started playing Maple Story last week, but now it's officially on my comp (poor comp... ^^;) and I'm able to actually kill something. ^-^ Watch out snails...here I come! ^-^ Alby-sensei gave me the 'secrets to becoming a perfect magician'. I wanted to play some more when I came home yesterday, but I dragged (or driven ^^;) to the movies....

'V for Vendetta' aka. 'How to start a revolution in style' ^.^

Vendetta means 'revenge'. The movie is based off of a DC comic and it's rated R. I don't know why it's R since there wasn't anything extreme...there were the political ideas, homosexuality (though no sensual scenes beyond kissing) and the usual violence with blood. I like this movie better than 'Sin City'. The lead character 'V' is verbose and suave and the female is realistic. The political ideas is about a revolution in the perfect world of Britain (destroy the government that is controlling every aspect of life.) I wonder if they banned this movie in England.... ^^; The twisting plot is interesting and I enjoyed the theatrics of V. Of course, it's not a must-see for me but hardly anything is. ^.^

4/21/06 ~ Friday 10:40 pm

Status: dazed ~ Listening to: mon ami talking about mp3 access ^^;

Back in New York (city) ^.^

Current location: Queens. Tomorrow's plans: unknown. I think I'm off to listen to a speaker (motivational?) tomorrow. ^^; I'm not sure since I just found out...but it sounds interesting.

I really enjoyed the CVB conf. with my co-workers. They are really funny, engaging and interesting. I was relaxed with them, which is a good sign for releasing stress. ^-^ I haven't laughed so hard in a while.... In any case, I look forward to 'work' and seeing them again. lol It sounds like I haven't seen them for a long time, not just 3 hours ago. ^.^; I'm going to sleep early tonight to regain energy. ^-^

4/20/06 ~ Thursday 11:15 pm

Status: tired ^-^ ~ Listening to: Harry Potter 3 discussion ^^;

Last night in luxery. ^.^

Tomorrow, we're going to leave the Hyatt. *sniff* The workshops for today were interesting. After the dinner, two of my co-workers went swimming. Me and my other co-worker went on the machines. Each of the machines had a tv. ^.^ We watched Harry Potter 3 (again.) If you ever want a long workout, watch something you really want to watch. ^-^ After an hour and a half, we went back to our room....

'Why is our door open?'

When we came back to the room, turns out my swimming co-workers decided to come back to the room and make popcorn. Everything was fine except the extra 30 secs. in the microwave produced alot of smoke.... ^^; One of my co-workers turned off the fire alarm and they opened all the doors and windows. (We have many windows and 3 doors. ^-^) It was hilarious, my co-workers were joking that they were smoking and my other co-worker (the one that was working out with me) thought they were for real. 'Why don't you smoke in the balcony?' ^^; It was hilarious.... We made more popcorn and everything is alright.... ^.^ We survived another evening in Rochester.

4/19/06 ~ Wednesday 5:10 pm

Status: estactic ^-^ ~ Listening to: tv

Hyatt hotel rocks!!! ^.^

I'm here with my co-workers...in Rochester's Hyatt in the Parlor Room. ^-^ This room is the hugest. We have a kitchen, 2 living room areas, 2 dining areas, a queen size bed (we're getting 2 cots and I claimed one, ^-^) a medium sized bathroom and balcony (with lawn chairs.) Not to mention the 2 tvs, the bigger one is going to be used to watch the FMA movie and/or Harry Potter 3. ^.^ This is the biggest hotel room I've ever been in...I totally would love to live here. (Note to self: get an apartment just like this. ^^;) Pics will be available when I come back...one of my co-workers is trigger happy. ^-^

Rochester racism.... >.<

Damn, walking down the street (from eating lunch at 'Nicks Tahou', ^^;) there were 2 instances where black ppl started shouting 'ding dong ching' and stuff like that at us. >.<; The first time, they were black kids on a school bus.... O.o What is wrong with these ppl in Rochester? They don't see Asians alot? One of my co-workers started cursing them out...which was good since I'm totally pissed at them. The convention area at Hyatt is in a governmental area but a couple of blocks away is like 'upstate' Brooklyn. >.< Oh wellz...I guess the world is full of idiots.

4/18/06 ~ Tuesday 6:30 pm

Status: confused ~ Listening to: tummy growling

Rochester tomorrow, where tonight?

I'm off to a work conference tomorrow in Rochester. I have a 9:25 flight from JFK...and I'm suppose to stay over my co-worker's house tonight.... <.<; The last part is kinda iffy since I just got back from an appt. and apparently, my co-worker went home already.... ^^; Maybe I can make it to her place...or sleepover at one of my wonderful friend's house? ^-^; I dunno...I'm going to finish a support letter (yes I have one more support letter to do) and wait for my co-worker to call me back. By than, I should have figured out where I'm heading. ^.^;

4/17/06 ~ Monday 4:20 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: Eien no Melody (Eternal Melody) - Rei Hino (Sailor Moon)

Tanjobi Omedatou, Rei-chan! ^.^

Rei Hino aka. Sailor Mars was born on April 17 (year unknown. ^.^) She is my fav. character from the classic series and is the real reason why my nickname is 'Rai.' (Although, that's not what I tell people...shh.... ^-^;) She was my role model for integrity and strength (though not anymore ^^;) and had a big impact on my step into the Japanime world.

'Eien no Melody' is the song that Rei sings at her school ('Oh Starry Night' NA dub.) In the episode, it is shown that she composed it herself. O.O Her talents earned her the admiration of her schoolmates. (She also got my attention when I found out that she plays the piano. ^.^) While trying to find the mp3, I walked down memory lane with all the Sailor Moon info and sites. Although I'm not into the magical girl/shoujo genre at this point, I still have to give props to Takeuchi Naoko-sensei for this wonderful series. Ganbatte!

4/15/06 ~ Saturday 10:20 am

Status: slightly dazed ^^; ~ Listening to: me typing

Just another game night....

I finally started playing 'Maple Story' (online game.) It's a lot of fun...but it takes so long for me (magician in training) to kill anything or complete any quest with my low skill level. Even with playing throughout the night (from 12am friday to 9:30am Saturday O.O) I'm only on llevel 13, even with all the help Alby gave me. ^^; I'm slow to level up, given time, I'll be killing mushrooms with everyone else. ^-^

Oh yeah, no sleep and overly hungry stomach does not make a good combo.... A gamer's life is not easy...and I'm only a borderline fan. ^.^ Later today, I'll be sleeping. -.-Zzz

4/14/06 ~ Friday 6:15 pm

Status: happy ^.^ ~ Listening to: other people's convos ^^;

'You can leave at 5pm....'

That's the e-mail I received from the director of my office...but here I am. ^.^; Even my supervisor said I can leave...but there is so much I need to do. I've been running around for the counselors. So many new cases...but I can't forget aout my poor clients.... >.<;

Tonight though...I'm hoping to relax with P-chan and Co.. ^-^ I can't wait! I'm definitely leaving soon. Today in all was a relaxing day. What are we eating for dinner tonight, P-chan? lol Maybe I should ask Alby....

Belated PM for Jenn-chan

Gomen gomen.... *falls on face* >.< I still haven't called you back. ^^; So busy...been working 11 hours per day this week...not kidding. <.<; I hope to talk to you tonight though.... ^.^ Ja!

4/13/06 ~ Thursday 1:00 pm

Status: distracted ~ Listening to: me typing

Fanfiction Hilarity

After looking around in my various LJ comms, I came across this fic where Dominic Monaghan (Merry) is a monk-in-training sent into the home of sea captain Billy Boyd (Pippin) to care for his seven children. O.O Yup, it's the remake of 'The Sound of Music', LOTR style. O.O Finally, the curtain rose and the music started. A puppet was guided onto the stage, and Dom’s voice rang out with the first verse – “High on a hill was a lonely goatherd...” ^^;

The fic is Climb Every Mountain by wbearsmom featuring Viggo (Aragon) as Liesl with Karl Urban (Eomer) as his boyfriend. Since lines are taken from the movie, can't you just imagine Aragorn singing "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" while dancing in the rain?!? XD *headdesk* Too funny...although sadly this fic isn't suppose to be a parady.... ^^; (Warning: This incomplete m/m fic might cause head explosion and loud laughter. Don't read at work. ^.^;)

4/11/06 ~ Tuesday 8:00 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: Memories - Ayumi Hamasaki (Bluebird's Illusion OP)

Bluebird's Illusion

I found so many pics from an FMA RPG computer game and than I realized it was a fangame made by Chinese students. 0.0 The title of the game was 'Bluebird's Illusion' and they marketed the game (black market ^.^) for a period of time. Now it's a rarity. The game itself has several endings, and the animation is so cool. The alternate storyline was based from the manga and is really well thought out. There are some shonenai moments, but nothing explicit. If I find the game, I'll definitely play it...although most of the storylines are so sad.... <.>;

I got the info from a livejournal site that made an English walkthrough/guide for the game complete with screenshots. ^-^ It's an extra for us FMA fans. Maybe I'll find it out eBay.... ^.^;

At work now (working overtime) need to finish up tomorrow...too many voice messages. ^.^ Time to go home!

4/11/06 ~ Tuesday 1:00 am

Status: sleepy ~ Listening to: me typing

CCF GC 2006: obstacles

After my tour of Taiwan and Japan, I went to the mountains of Pennsylvania with CCF for the weekend. It was a refreshing trip and I was able to get over my jetlag quickly.

Besides the usual schedule of events, there were some special activities that we could partake in, two of which were the wall climb and the pendulum swing. (They had archery, but the GC team didn't sign up for it so it wasn't open to us. ^^;) The wall climb is like the one I climbed in Sports Plus (Stony.) I climbed higher than the first time, but I only reached almost halfway. It was hard since it was cold and my fingers grew numb.... Next time, I'll work on my legs and upper body strength and try again at Sports Plus. ^-^

The pendulum swing is like the bungee jump in Six Flags. The height of it is very tall...much higher than the climbing wall. Even with my fear of heights, I went through with it. ^-^V Basically, they put me on a harness (same one as the wall climb) and gives me a rope that I hold (one hand) that basically pulls me to the top. CCF people are at the other end of the rope, pulling me up. O.O At the top, the worker at the bottom tells me to look towards the climbing wall, I did. Then he counts to 3 and at 3, I let go. Heart pounding, but I let go of the 'up-rope' without another thought. (If I think at all, I'll be freaking out too much to let go. ^^;) I held on to the rope (that is connected to the harness) for dear life as I went down. The first falling sensation is scary...I don't mind when I swung up though. It was fun, though I will never do that again. ^-^;

We had some 'missions' that we needed to complete with my small group. One of them is an egg drop. We needed to make something to protect the egg as it's thrown from the top of the climbing wall. Of course, (as many people thought) a parachute was the way to go. We could only use the materials we were given: newspapers, cardboard, string, tape, scissors and sticks. We made a small box for the egg and a large parachute (reinforced the edges with tape) with a hole in the middle (so that the parachute can be float down. Many people forgot about the hole. ^^V) Everyone's egg survived (even the ones without a parachute, just protecting the egg in a cushioned container,) but our team's egg drop was the most beautiful. The hole in the parachute really helped it to drift softly to the ground. (Engineering and art freaks rejoice. ^-^)

It was a good weekend...not without it's downers...but let's not get into that. This week I'll be going to work overtime everyday in order to get my hours in. ^.^; I don't mind, I must have alot to do. Now, I must finish unpacking and go to sleep.... ^^Z

4/6/06 ~ Thursday 11:00 pm - NY time ^-^

Status: hungry but happy ^.^ ~ Listening to: my tummy growling

unpacked, sorted and back to packing

I arrived at JFK airport at 5 something this afternoon. First thing I did (unknowingly) was leave my messenger bag (passport and everything) on the plane. I waited at customs for someone to bring my bag. The person who brought my bag only asked 'What is your birthdate?' He could've went into detail like 'What is in the bag?' but that may be tiring. (I could also identify the pics I drew in the black book that Alby gave me...but I digress.... ^.^;)

I have unpacked, sorted out the gifts for myself and friends, taken a shower and am currently packing again for the annual CCF Gospel Camp that leaves tomorrow afternoon at 4:00pm. Can you say busy?

Flashback: my last day in Japan

- Me in my yukata. ^.^

This'll be short, since I'm hungry and am kinda jetlagging. (Also, I need to finish packing. ^.^)

I woke up at 9am, to buy some last minute stuff, finished packing and checked out of the hotel (my first 'home' in Japan. *sniff*) I headed over to Ueno koen for some last moments of sakura gazing. The blossoms are already halfway into wilting stage, but the park is still in a beautiful pink shade. (There was a Chinese tour there-I think from Taiwan-and the park was filled with Chinese people. Didn't mingle since I want to spend my last moments there as 'Japanese'. ^^;)

For breakfast, I had okinomiyaki (like the ones Ukyo made in Ranma 1/2 ^.^) which was delicious. I was their first customer of the day and I waited a super long time for my breakfast. But the wait was worth it.

After breakfast, I finally found a goldfish catching booth. I always wanted to try it, so I after I paid 300yen, I started my short goldfish catching experience. It was a good thing it was still early so there was no kids...because it only took less than a minute for me to break my 'net.' ^^; One kid was there though...she tried to help me by startling the fish to come in my direction...but still, no win. ^.^; But it was fun while it lasted.

Ueno koen has 3 different lakes in the same area. One of the lakes is the 'boat lake' where you can rent out paddle boats (2 styles: plain and swan ^.^) and rowboats. I rented a rowboat and started out into the lake.

It was relaxing and fun. I rowed for 45 minutes (we get an hour for 600yen) and left the park at 12:15. I went back to the hotel, to get my stuff (since they can hold my stuff after I checked out) and headed out to take the Keisai skyliner to Narita airport. There I was reunited with o-kaa-san who was just telling her wheelchair attendent that 'My daughter is coming.' ^^;

Oh yeah, at the airport I bought a kimono made from cotton (yay, machine washable.) It has a gold fan and crane pattern on black cloth. I was hoping to find my silk kimono and obi, though I didn't find the store. Oh wellz...next time. ^-^ Okay, I'm hungry...time to eat! ^.^

4/6/06 ~ Thursday 2:00 am - Japan time ~ 1:00 pm - NY time

Status: tired and sore...but happy ^.^ ~ Listening to: Your Color - Boa (Ninety Nine Nights' theme)

Another rainy day

I'm sad about leaving Japan. Even though I can't speak the language, I'm at ease here. Also, I'm sad because of the wind and rain, the sakura has been wilting. *cries* Tomorrow, I'll spend my morning in Ueno koen, than I must make my way to Narita airport. *sigh*

I'm just sad because I'm leaving...today was a good day. Here are some pics from yesterday.

- Ueno koen

- Sakura blossoms

- Kiki's broom? There was just this broom there...with a large crow...how appropriate. ^.^

- Boy and the birds. (I'm not very imaginative. ^.^)

- The view of Tokyo tower from Zojoji Temple.

- Me at Tokyo tower. I didn't go to the top, only the 4th floor to check out the stores. Next time, I'll go to the top. ^-^

- I think he is suppose to be Tokyo Tower. ^^;

Gundam World

I went to the Bandai Museum today. They went into the technology of Gundams as well as the history of the Federation. ^.^ All interesting stuff for me and Gundam fanatics. ^-^;

It just so happened that doraemon was on the big screen. ^.^ BTW, those figures in the windows are other Bandai characters...like the original power rangers. ^.^ Everyone working there was cosplaying, so of course I needed to take pictures of them. ^.^

You can't talk to about Gundams without referring to the enemies involved...Zaku!!! ^.^

The light of the eye really does move around...pretty awesome. ^^; There were several activities that we could do there, one being that we take on the rifle of the Zaku and attack a paper target of our choice. Ano...I didn't shoot too well though.... ^.^;

lol I get to keep the target. (Maybe I'll put it next to my targets from archery practice. ^.^) Oh yeah, the gun was heavy and had a kick when shot. The little pellets just bounce around...I have to work on my aim. ^^;

Another activity was I get to be in a cockpit of a gundam. I push a button, and I'm set on a 'mission'. Of course, I get attacked. My picture was taken near the end and I get to choose if I want a copy (like in roller coasters. ^^;) It was a pretty good shot so I bought my pic. ^.^ I'll show you the pic when I get back, but here is the shot of the entrance to the cockpit. ^.^ (Just like in a gundam, the opening slides open and close. ^-^)

And of course, here is the wonderful 1/1 scale of the top half of the gundam. ^.^ It was so cool, the head can rotate and the eyes flash.... *happy sigh* ^.^ Here is another pic...the side view which Gundams are so commonly photographed in. ^.^

I choose an outfit (there is more than two ^.^) and than they place me on a lift to the front of the gundam for additional pics. The worker there took this pic of me. ^.^

I chose to be the first ever Gundam pilot: Amuro Ray. He is male...but who saids I can't cosplay male. ^.^ I was going to be a bad guy (aka. Federation officer) but their uniform is ugly. XP

I think I have better hair than Amuro. ^-^ When I left the museum area, there was a gundam cafe serving 'Gundam-style' food and drinks. I was too tired so I skipped out, but I couldn't help but take a pic of the Zaku that was standing at the door. ^.^

Tocho aka. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

This building is one of the main sites to in 'X', so it's a must see for me next to Tokyo tower. ^.^ Also, the 45th floor observatory is suppose to have a better view than the tower. But since today was really rainy, I couldn't get any good shots. <.< But there is a really nice cafe up there...though I didn't eat there since I headed to Shibuya for some shopping. ^-^

I grabbed a small salad and a rice-seaweed wrap (however you call it in english ^^;) for dinner. The wrap was good, I'm going to buy one for breakfast. ^-^ For now, it's time to sleep. Oyasumi!

4/4/06 ~ Tuesday 8:25 pm - Japan time ~ 7:25 am - NY time

Status: unbelievably sore >.< ~ Listening to: Bleach on tv

Hanami watching part 2

This'll be short, since I'm sore and I have to eat and rest and be up and hopping by tomorrow so I can hit the Bandai museum and maybe Shinjuku. So...no pics tonight. Gomen! ^^;

I went to Ueno koen this morning after picking up some snacks from the 100yen store. I checked out another shrine near the park and than went to Zojoji Temple and Tokyo Tower. Afterwards, I went to Akihabara to do some 'make-up' shopping (as in...I needed to buy the FMA manga artbook for o-nee-chan. ^.^) And I just came home. So you can see why I'm sore.... My out-of-shape self hasn't gotten a chance to recover from me trooping around town every day. Okay, me go rest now. Arms sore and I'm hungry. ^-^

1:45 am - Japan time ~ 12:45 pm - NY time ~ Status: achy ^^; ~ Listening to: tv

Update: Japanese pics finally uploaded! ^.^

Please click here for pics from the past 2 days. ^^; The pics from 4/3 are below.... ^.^

'Neko basu teiwa doko des?' (Where is the catbus? ^.^)

Today I went to the Ghibli museum...a trip all Ghibli/Miyazaki fans must make. When Miyazaki-san designed the place, he had kids in mind. The whole place is something out of a story. Every room, stairs and rails...the details are amazing. Taking pictures are not allowed inside the museum...which may be a good thing since there is simply too much to look at. Currently there are 6 'museum-only' short flicks, only one is shown each day. O.o And we don't know until we get there. >.< (Mai and the chibi-catbus is one of the them. ^^;)

After walking out of Mitaka station, I looked around for the infamous catbus. After searching, a yellow uniformed attendent (of the museum) directed me to the ticket machine where I proceeded to buy my roundtrip bus ticket. (300yen) Than, the catbus arrived.... O.O

Kawaii!!! I hopped on the bus and proceeded to my adventure. (Btw, I was surrounded by little kids...though, I'm one too.... ^.^) We arrived at our destination and headed towards the gate....

Totoro! *fangirl squeal* After looking around I can't help but notice...

Kawaii!!! *more squealing* Makurokuroske! (The black thingees...not direct translation.... ^-^;) A pic with Totoro is absolutely necessary. ^.^

Took several more pics than headed in. I handed in my voucher and showed my passport. They gave me information about the museum, told me the rules (no pics allowed) and gave me my ticket to the showing of the short flick. The ticket to the flick is actually a piece of the film (camera film) from the movie I'm going to see. O.O Awesome souvenir. ^.^ Than I headed inside.

I won't say much about the 'exhibits' themselves, because I can't describe it correctly. Just saying that they show 'how they made the anime' and displayed actual sketchs, backgrounds, cels does not really cover it. (Not to mention that previous sentence sounds too mundane for what I saw today. ^^;) There were many surprises (little side rooms, doorways getting smaller-kidsize) but it was not overwhelming or confusing at all. There was a giant catbus for children to climb around in, but I couldn't get in: I don't know about the height requirements, but there was simply too many children and the line to get in was so long. ^^; At which point, I went outside.

Isn't the outside so interesting? (I'm not being scarcastic...much.... ^^;) Even the building is so cute. ^-^ Oh yeah, check this out:

It's a working pump that they can play with. ^-^ There is also a winding staircase that leads to the top of the museum. Yes, the museum leads to roof of the building. It's actually a garden...with the robot from Laputa guarding it. ^.^

The garden isn't complete without the black commanding stone from Laputa as well. I'm sure the kids will not do anything bad with the stone...even if they did have the necklace and are Laputians. ^-^

Walking back down the staircase, I caught this sign.

'If you hit your head, you'll die.' (No, not really.... The translation is 'Watch your head.' ^.^) I went around the museum some more and saw the flick (which was about a girl traveling through the woods...totally funny. ^.^) When I left the museum *sigh* I took some more pics.

It was fun. I am totally coming back to the museum, just so I can watch all the flicks. ^.^ Come with me next time!

Nakano Broadway: Japanime haven

I headed over to Nakano where the biggest Mandarake dept. store is. The entire building is filled with many small stores and Mandarake is split up into different sections (like manga here, artbooks there....) I found the Hikaru no Go artbook and FMA anime artbook for my godsisters. They were used but in wonderful condition. The price of course was lower than the new price. ^.^ (I still need to get the FMA manga artbook. ^-^) I also found a huge RG Veda artbook by CLAMP for less than $15. O.O I couldn't help myself, I bought it. ^.^ The 3 artbooks was heavy...but I was totally happy.

PM for Pearl-chan

Ano, Pearl-chan, I don't think I can find your plushies. Most plushies are UFO catcher dolls...besides your DNAngel Wiz plush by Movic. There aren't alot of plushies in any of the stores I've been to...even current anime ones. (Just alot of One Piece.) I'm only a novist at searching for Japanime stuff in Tokyo...and I've search all the places I know. Gomen ne, I'll continue to look but I'm sorry since don't think I can find it. >.<;

Shinjuku station: busiest station ever

It took me and my co-worker almost 1 hour to find each other at Shinjuku station. Don't EVER plan to meet anyone there...it's impossible. O.o That is the busiest station...and we went at rush hour. >.< Rai no baka.... We finally met each other outside the station near a department store.

Warm sake is good for colds.

My co-worker took me to her father's yakitori place for dinner. Yakitori bars are where office people usually go to after work for snacks and drinks. Her parents were so nice, and I had alot of food. To top it off, I ordered a teacup of warm sake (since it was a cold day.) I never had sake before, and I found it tingly and sweet with a warm sensation in my tummy. ^.^

After dinner, she showed me around Shinjuku and pointed out the 'Times Square' of Tokyo. It was kinda cold so we called it quits early and parted ways. I don't think I'll see her again until, I come back to Japan again of course. ^.^

4/2/06 ~ Sunday 8:30 pm - Japan time ~ 6:30 am - NY time

Status: content ^.^ ~ Listening to: anime on tv

In the rain in Shibuya

That sounds like the title to a really bad romance novel. ^.^ In any case, there was heavy rains today...though I stupidly didn't think to bring my umbrella. (I have it...nice and dry in my hotel room.... ^^;) As usual, I had fun roaming around in the rain. ^.^

Eiki Eiki duo set in Japanese ^.^

I picked up 'Dear Myself' at Book Off in the morning and 'World's End' at Mandarake (Shibuya branch) in the afternoon. Although I can't read Japanese, I finally have the two books I've been pining for...cheaper too. 'Dear Myself' was only 105yen and 'World's End' was 315yen. ^-^

Today was a relaxing type day (like always. ^.^) Tomorrow, I'll be going to the Ghibli museum. Afterwards, I'll stop by the Mandarake (Nakano branch) and try to find artbooks and plushies. ^-^

Culture love: Japan

Warm toilet seats. Warm CLEAN toilet seats. In the public too, though the one I sat in was at 'Cafe Malish' yesterday. ^.^ I didn't try the 'press the button and wash the butt' thing, but I maybe will someday. ~_~

Meal ticket vending machines are total love. Pick your meal and pay at the vending machine outside or near the door of the restaurant. Ticket comes out. Hand it to the people inside and food appears. (Not magically of course.) ^.^

Convenience store bentos. I've been basically living out of the convenience stores nearby. There is like 4 between the hotel and the station. (Not all in the same place of course. ^^;) You pay for the bento box and the people heat up the meal for you and put in the rice. Nice and warm bento to go. Totally yummy. ^.^

I've gotten lost many times. It seems whereever I go, I end up in the wrong exit. ^^; My most common Japanese phrase is Sumimasen...blahblah, doko des? (Pardon me, where is blahblah? ^^;) People are so nice...even though I stop them in the middle of the rain and the only reply they get out of me is Souka (I see) and Wakata (I understand.) Of course, I thank them with a bow and domo arigato. ^.^

4/1/06 ~ Saturday 11:00 pm - Japan time ~ 9:00 am - NY time

Status: slightly sore ~ Listening to: LOTR: Return of the King Movie (in Japanese ^.^)


I got in contact with my parents so nobody is worried. ^.^ Also, I forgot to mention this last night...the hotel also has a blue yukata for me to wear. ^.^ I wore it to sleep...so confortable.... I want a yukata...hope I have enough money.... *go counts money*

Hanami breakfast

This morning, I bought a sandwich from a convenience store to eat at Ueno koen. Even though it was like 10am, there was so many people walking from the station to the park. It was beautiful: the sakura blossoms were a soft white and the weather was fresh and cool. There were people in sleeping bags that camped out at the park in order to get the best spots. ^.^

Movie location: unconfirmed

After eating, I went off looking for my fountain from the cantonese movie 'Para Para Sakura'. Unfortunately, the only fountain I found was a large one in a square lake. The one from the movie was a round one...I think.... ^^; The large fountain was near one of the entrances at the park, just like the movie. I took random shots since it was so nice. Maybe that was it...I'll go check the movie when I get home. ^-^;

Akihabara: cosplay and maid cafes

After meeting my co-workers at my hotel, we started a gift exchanging thing. ^^; I had bought gifts for my co-workers (btw, my co-worker loved the 'Darth Tater' gift...domo arigato, P-chan for helping me buy it. ^-^) One of them stopped by a Japanime store which had freebies. O.o It wasn't much, just some things that comes with mangas and stuff. She took some for me and for her little niece. ^-^ It was unexpected and sweet.

We headed to Akihabara for lunch (my 'first restaurant' type meal in Japan. ^.^) I had a raw tuna with rice dish and delicious miso. It was wonderful. Than we hit the streets and saw some maid girls advertising the maid cafes. (I won't go into detail about the various aspects of the cafes right now...besides the fact that they cosplay various characters beside maids. ^-^) Interested, we set off to Cafe Malish, the maid cafe that I heard so much about in anime articles. ^.^; On the way, we stopped at some anime stores and checked things out. I didn't buy anything yet since I'm still trying to find another 'Mandarake' branch that doesn't just sell dojins. ^^;

The cafe had a special 'Afro' theme for 4/1...all the maids and even some of the customers wore afros. It hilarious...two of the waitresses was dressed in original gundam outfits (the blue and pink ones ^.^) with fluffly afros on their heads. One of the other waitresses was discoing around the room. ^.^ I had a orange-chocolate cake and a bit of my co-worker's cheese cake. Both desserts were so smooth and creamy. Yummy.... I definitely want to go back there...when I learn so more Japanese since the menu was in pure Japanese. ^^;

Ueno in the evening

My co-workers left afterwards and I went off in search of more Japanime stuff at 'Animate' and other stores. It was fun just window shopping. (For now.... ^.^) I stopped by Ueno koen before I head home. I had told my co-workers that in the morning, there were no drinking and kaorke...I guessed it was too early for that. ^^; The park was so crowded...and it was nice seeing everyone gather together. Maybe one day we can have a hanami watching party in Japan. ^.^

12:30 am - Japan time ~ 10:30 pm - NY time ~ Status: slightly stressed ~ Listening to: computers whirring

Here in Japan!

Good news, I have arrived safely at my hotel and am quite settled in. My room even has internet connection...but this is where my bad news comes in. My laptop is still stalling on me (I need new comp, I know....) and I can`t contact my ppl in Taiwan. >.< Hope they`re not too worried.... I`m a big girl, can handle my self. ^.^

Gomen nasai

I`m totally sorry for not being able to contact you guys before I left Taiwan. ^^; (Jenn-chan, next time I leave the country, I`ll call you first so you can have your second international call on your cellie. ^.~)


In the morning, I`m going to walk to Ueno koen (Ueno park ^^;) and have breakfast under the cherry blossoms. (I saw them passing by in the taxi and they are so beautiful...even in the dark. ^.^) At 12pm, I`m meeting up with both of my Japanese co-workers for lunch. (And I can upload the gifts I bought for them. I`m never going to buy a case of anything from Costco/BJs and carry it halfway around the world...it`s heavy. ^^;) We might hit Akihabara afterwards...or something else. Oh yeah, just down the block from my hotel is Book Off...so of course I`m going to go there and pick up some artbooks. ^.^

Old I-con news

I mentioned before that this year`s I-con (Stony convention) had some of my fav voice actors of Ed (FMA) and Quatre (GW) as well as some others. ALSO, it had Kevin Sorbo...Hercules! O.O I didn`t know until I looked up the pics from the con. >.< I can`t believe it! Kevin Sorbo was at my school!!! (I wonder if my god-sisters saw him.... <.<) *sigh* I guess Stony is not that bad of a school afterall, if it can get guests like Vic, Billy Boyd and Kevin. ^.^