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5/30/06 ~ Tuesday 11:15 pm

Status: itchy ~ Listening to: me burping ^^;

Obtaining objective alternatives: cellphone

What if I bought my cellphone from the website? <.< I'll just have to have my service switched over rather than having a salesperson do it.... (Lazy me.... ^^;) I dunno...would I have trouble connecting it? I can even have o-tou-san three-wayed so he can verify it's 'him' and I can change my plan over the phone. Damn, this is a big pain...but it might work. *goes check out website* Will give updates if there is a breakthrough. ^^;

X-men 3: The Last Stand

I saw the movie on Sunday. I mostly enjoyed it...though the trailers prior to the movie totally freaked me out. 'Pulse' and that underground cavern movie was freaky. >.< *don't think about it* Anyway, major note to those who haven't watched it yet: stay until after the credits. The scene after the credits is small, but it makes me glad someone told me to stay. ^-^; The movie itself has some interesting twists...but there is just one thing that bugged the hell out of me. The government manufactered a 'serum' that can suppress the mutant gene. It basically turns mutants into regular humans (no powers.) Why in the world did they call the serum a 'cure'?!? That is one of the worse marketing ideas I've ever heard. Beyond the idea of racism (which X-men is basically insinuating,) they had the right idea that it was voluntary to take it. But calling it a 'cure' was stupidity. I guess that was the only way they can do it in the movie since it was the only way to initiate a riot. I'm sensitive about this...but I think the government was insane as soon as the blue dude said 'They're calling it the cure.' *headdesk*

But still, good movie. Don't forget to watch the scene after the credits. ^-^

5/28/06 ~ Sunday 10:55 am

Status: sedated ~ Listening to: me chewing (breakfast ^^;)

Sprint Security Sucks to Hell! >.<

I haven't updated in awhile...wow, 2 days...that's a new record...I think.... ^^;

I was angrier on friday, but I didn't have the energy to post anything. Basically, I CAN'T upgrade my phone since it's not under my name. (It's under my father's-who-is-currently-out-of-the-country name. >.<; Bakabakabaka.... *smacks head*) It's not Sprint's fault...but it's one hell of a protocal that's keeping me from changing my phone. O-tou-san is not coming back until...I dunno...next year maybe? <.< O-kaa-san's part of the plan will end in October. I (or really my father) will cancel his contract, and I'll just start a new one. It's a big pain, but it's the only option..unless we wait for him to come back. *sigh* So many problems.... It's my own fault really since I didn't have time to go with o-tou-san to the store to change the name to mine.... >.< *headdesk*

Convention dates

Anime Next is June 16-18, Friday to Sunday. More guests has been announced, so go to their site to check things out.

Cosplay updates

I haven't really been given any news on my third cosplay outfit since things have been delayed for awhile. O-kaa-san and I are still working on the 'trial' version of the dress (since we plan to work on silk for the actual thing.) Taking out the cost of the material to make the 'trial' outfit, the total cost for this cosplay comes to $18. I bought the specialized brushes and paints yesterday to make the blue design on the fabric. Hopefully, I can paint/draw well enough. I might have another method for doing this...but until I can confirm if it'll work or not, I'm not going to say much about it. ^-^;

5/25/06 ~ Thursday 6:20 pm

Status: sleepy -O- ~ Listening to: me typing

No mp3 today since I have been uploading non-stop for the past week. *whew* ^-^ Just a short update about what happened yesterday and what may happen tomorrow....

Saying 'goodbye' to one of our 'girlfriends' ^-^

He will be sooo pissed if he read that.... lol ^^;

Last night, P-chan and I took our guy friend (from Stony) to Pearl-chan's restaurant for some yummy Thai food. (He left today for Asia this afternoon so it was more of a bon voyage dinner.) I haven't seen him in a loooong time so we went through 'How are you doing now?' and 'How is life?' Then we laughed and joked around as usual. Since it was so late, I slept over P-chan's house. (Domo, P-chan! ^-^)

Extended weekend

Some immediate plans will be to buy my new cellphone and work on my cosplay outfit. I will be designing the cloth this weekend. (Good thing it's a extended weekend...and I don't have work tomorrow. ^^V) Seconds on my list are playing video games and comp games. I have some things I need to do in 'Maple Story'...like ride the boat to Ossyria.... ^^;

FYI on the game, P-chan's brother practically had all my fav items in his inventory.... But he can't help me since we're in two different worlds.... *cries* He is a lvl 55 cleric.... So powerful.... O.O I only have one thing to say...'I want my character to be just like him when she grows up!' ^-^

5/24/06 ~ Wednesday 5:15 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: Bratja (Brothers) - Fullmetal Alchemist

'I'm never going to sing ktv again!'

Last night, I met up with Pearl-chan and P-chan at a ktv. I sang 2 and a half songs...all chinese ^^V..sorta. Gomen ne, Jenn-chan, I kinda butchered Jay's song.... I wanted to try to sing it as a dedication to you...but I just bombed. ^^; Gomen.... My other two songs, 'Fairytale' by Michael Leung and 'I want to Fly' by F.I.R., were pretty good (I think.) lol I need to practice more if I ever want to sing other chinese songs. *listens to mp3* ^-^

Edward and Alphonse Elric

For the last day of Bishie week, here is double the bishonen-ness (my new word ^^;) with Edward and Alphonse. The brothers have been the theme of my site from the beginning for many reasons. The brothers have been through hell, lost their bodies, but still, they hope to recover what they have lost. They still continue to live towards a common goal. From the beginning, Edward has always lived for his brother. From the start, he gave everything he had to try to bring his brother back after the failed human transmutation. He protected Al, not because his brother couldn't protect himself, but because he loved him (brotherly love.... ^^;) Alphonse feels the same way. As the younger brother, his kindness doesn't make him a spectator. He stands beside his brother, experiencing everything: the pain and sorrow of deadends and failures after failures. Their endurance, love and bond demonstrates an aspect of human nature that is lost in our world.

Edward is stubborn and brash. He has a short complex (especially when his brother towers over him in armor ^^;) and he has a very strong view on 'justice.' His younger brother, Al is more patient then Ed, with a tremendously kind heart. His love for kittens drive Ed up the wall, since they are unable to care for animals on their journeys. ^-^ Ed trusts Al and they rely on that trust and understanding in order to get through everything they need to go through. Even though Al is younger, Ed treats him as an equal. I admire Al's kindness and innocence without being naiive. I admire Ed's tenacity and intelligence. Ed's motto is stated very clearly in the second episode. Paraphrasing what Ed said to Rose, "You have two good legs: get up and walk." Ed and Al have been striving towards their goal for a long time. They don't let anyone control their lives. They do what they can to the fullest, relying on themselves and each other.


I will be honest: I am a fan of Elricest (the pairing of Ed with Al.) Their love for each other is clear and indisputable. Even though it's not a canon romance, I love the doujins that put them together. There isn't as much smut as there is the affection that they have for each other. Afterall, Ed is trying to get back his brother's body.... ^-^ *ahem* Closer to a canon pairing is Edward and Winry. In the manga, it's shown that both Ed and Al crushed on Winry when they were smaller. (Ed said that he won the fight-I think-but Winry rejected both of them. ^^;) Winry obviously cares for both of them...but to what depth, it's debatable. ^.^

Other possible pairings are EnvyxEd (mostly shown as a onesided love/hate relationship,) RusselxEd and RoyxEd. My fav of the three is RoyxEd. Roy goes out of his way to tease Ed, but he protects him as well. Roy's understanding of Ed's situation puts Ed on edge, but Roy would do anything and everything to make Ed understand that he is backing them up. There is a considerable amount of trust between them...and the teasing just makes them too cute to deny. ^-^

Edward and Alphonse is from Fullmetal Alchemist, by Arakawa Hiromu-sensei. Credit for these mp3s and pics goes to Drifter and Animated Lust respectively.

    Returnable Memories ~ Edward's image song
    Boku wa koko ni iru ~ Alphosne's image song

EdxAl or AlxEd...they're just tooooo cute.... *drools* More fanservice plz! ^.^

~ mp3 and pics extracted ~

5/23/06 ~ Tuesday 10:20 am

Status: in pain ~ Listening to: me typing

Otanjoubi Omedatou, Pearl-chan!

You have some mixed feelings about your b-day. I don't understand completely about your indifferences, and I'm not going to pretend to comprehend how you feel. Just want to let you know, I'm not fond of my b-day either. The idea of being born is only an illusion of what is to come. We have been through alot together. I guess if we were to celebrate in any way for any sort of reason (if we can call it 'celebrating') then it would be because we (me and P-chan) are extremely happy to have met you. If anything, you're birth has made a big impact on my life...and if I was anything like I was before, then I would be grateful to you. As is, I'm just superficially happy that you're still a close friend of mine.

Even though it doesn't mean much...'I hope that your dreams will continue to shine....'

5/22/06 ~ Monday 3:35 pm

Status: tired ~ Listening to: Presentiment - Jr's theme (Xenosaga II)

Jr. aka. Rubedo

Red haired Rubedo (with gorgeous blue eyes) is my fav character in Xenosaga (both I and II). Though he seems young (in height and features,) the expansive knowledge that he holds and authority in which he takes command shows that there is much more to him than a mere 'boy.' I soon learned that his ability to become serious and playful, isn't from him maturing through the years in a forever youthful body: even when he was young, his life was already compounded with the seriousness of war and responsibilities as well as spending time in the calmness with his brothers and friends. His decorum and words reflect a deep soul, and his actions stay pure and full of energy. I guess I can't help but like him. (For many reasons, I'm just happy to hear that he is not as young as we think. ^-^;)

Jr. has a love for reading and a passion for guns. I won't say much else about his history since it's long and complicated. (Lazy me.... ^-^)


Sakura can be considered Rubedo's first girlfriend...though it's unofficial. ^^; They (Nigredo and Albedo included) have the same wavelengths, and it allowed him to communicate with her in her inner world. Since that is the only way she can communicate to anyone, he seems to spend alot of time with her. Sakura's presence and memory influenced Rubedo's future actions. The promise to protect her 'sister' (MOMO) drew him out of his grief near the end of Xenosaga II. If Sakura was still alive, I think he belongs with her. (Though with both MOMO and Sakura...I think it'll be like Inuyasha all over again: ie. Kikyo and Kagome. ^^;) This being the case, my fav. couple is Rubedo and MOMO. He initially displays his affection towards MOMO by giving her a trinket he made from a gold chain and an old bullet. He watches out for her, intervening with both her 'mom' Dr. Juli Mizrahi and Ziggy. I'm not even counting the times he tries to save/protect her (though physcially, she is very capable ^-^) from Albedo. When Albedo tortures her, Rubedo reacts in anger. That shows the amount of passion he holds for her. I'm not sure if Jr. is protecting MOMO as a promise to Sakura...or if he really fell in love with MOMO. But MOMO certainly loves Jr. and he obviously cares about her.

My top three shonen ai favorites are NigredoxRubedo, AlbedoxRubedo and RubedoxChaos. If it's a love/hate relationship, of course it will be AlbedoxRubedo. ^-^ There is even this one scene where Albedo gets really up close to Rubedo.... O.o lol

Jr. is from Xenosaga, by the company Namco. Credit for these pics goes to the Caliber.

~ pics extracted ~

12:15 am ~ Status: sleepy -O- ~ Listening to: Encounter - Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children

Short movie review

I saw MI:III today. It was good. I actually like it. Man, this was a short review. ^-^

Cloud Strife

Today, we're taking a break from anime bishies. (Though we're sure to get back to them soon enough. ^-^) One of my fav bishonen from a video game is Cloud. I don't know much about him, but what I have seen in FF7 and the recently released movie, 'Advent Children,' I quickly warmed up to him. He has cool demeanor, but those who are closest to him can look beyond his coldness and see a gentle heart. He strives to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Although he flies solo much of the time, he knows who he can count on and he trusts them to watch his back.

He is one of the most admirable characters in FF, and I'm not surprised. With spiked darkish blond hair, sea-blue eyes and a cool sword, he is not a guy you would soon mess with. Also, he fought with FF's worse villian in creation, Sephiroth. Cute and strong. The perfect mix for all bishies. ^-^


Typical pairing for Cloud would be with Aerith. He cared for her (and vice versa) and the fact that he couldn't protect her really broke his confidence and inner strength. However, I want Cloud to be with Tifa. I guess it's because she can keep up with him physically in all the fights they go through. (Also, they look extremely cute together in 'Advent Chidlren'. ^-^) If it's a shonen ai (male-male) relationship, I would prefer Sephiroth to be with Cloud. O.o I think it's the 'love/hate' relationship that appeals to me. ^^; Whomever, Cloud is with, his super bishie-ness fills the screen. As long there's fanservice, I don't care who he is with. ^-^

Cloud is from Final Fantasy VII, by the company Square Enix. Credit for these pics goes to the IGN.com.

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5/20/06 ~ Saturday 6:20 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: Wild Wing - Duo (Gundam Wing)

Cranimum gave me a headache ^^;

Last night, in hopes to escape the wedding that would soon undertake Stony in less than 24 hrs. (escaping from guilt and whatever else) I took shelter in Jenn-chan's. Anyway, I haven't seen her since I came back from Asia and I still haven't given her the souveniers. >.<; However, I did give her the lollipops we got from the sakura festival (from Brooklyn Botanical Gardens) as well as her b-day gift from Pearl-chan. ^- (BTW, she totally loves the Naruto pocketwatch and bracelet you gave her, Pearl-chan. ^.^)

After a yummy dinner of instant noodles, we headed over to her friend's house for games. I have NEVER played 'Cranium' before and Jenn-chan was competitive. (I got scared since I would be teamed up with her and if we lost...I wouldn't have anywhere to sleep that night. lol j/k.... ^-^;) FYI, the game comprises of many mini-games, like pictionary and trivia. Me and Jenn-chan actually made an awesome team: she had a vivid imagination and worked well in charades and drawing/sculpting while I put my affinity for words to use. (Though, I actually forgot how to spell 'psychodelic'. ^^;) It was fun...and we won too. ^^V Afterwards we played BS and Last Card. We ended the evening (early morning) by doing lame-but highly entertaining-card tricks. We got home at 3 something and went right to sleep. -.-Zzz

Duo Maxwell ~ Pilot of Deathscythe

I know I already wrote about a bishie from GW, but Duo is also a fav. ^-^ His carefree attitude hides a troubled past, but you can't ever tell behind his smile and laugh. Shinigami, God of Death, everything he does reflects the memories he hold, from the clothes he wears to the name he calls himself. Even though he has met up with so much trouble and pain in his young life, he can still smile through it all. Besides his skills as a Gundam pilot, his optimism paired with Quatre's kindness balances out the stoicness of the other three pilots. ^-^ I guess what I like most about him is that he can laugh and joke no matter what happens. Also, I truly admire his long brown hair that he kept ever since he was little. (After 15 years, his hair is probably as long as Tuskino Usagi's hair when he lets it down. ^-^)


Duo is cute, whomever he is paired up with. Common pairings are DuoxHilde, DuoxQuatre and DuoxWufei. Personally, I actually like DuoxWufei since they did spend a period of time together...when they were locked in a room together when captured by OZ. O.O; However, my godsister and I both agreed that Duo is best paired with Heero. Throughout the series, Duo openly teases Heero about Relena, but behind the scenes, I'm sure Duo likes him. ^-^ Once, Heero even went to save him...on the pretense that he will kill him. (I think Heero is like an elementary kid: 'I like you so I say I want to kill you...but I really like you.' ^^;) I can't write much more on that, but simply their relationship blossoms more subtlely in comparison to Quatre and Trowa's relationship. In truth, Duo cares about Heero, but Heero is just too stoic to say anything about it. ^.^ Anyway, they make such a cute couple. 1x2 yay!

Duo is from the series Gundam Wing, original concept by Tomino Yoshiyuki-san and Yatate Hajime-san. Credit for these pics goes to the Gundam Wing Gallery.

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5/19/06 ~ Friday 2:30 pm

Status: calm ~ Listening to: Sparkling Harmony - Quatre and Trowa duet (Gundam Wing)

Quatre Raberba Winner ~ Pilot of Sandrock

Quatre is my favorite character from GW. His purity and kindness throughout the series didn't seem at all contradictory to him fighting in battles. I guess it's because he knows when to fight and stop, even if he would be the first one to surrender. What truly drew me to him was his love of music. In the series, he is seen playing both the violin and piano. (He may play more instruments since other instruments can be seen in his mansion. ^-^)

Some facts about Quatre is that despite is blond hair and blue eyes, he is actually Arabian. Youngest (and only) son in a family, he always thought he was a test-tube baby like his 29 sisters. O.o (Early space colonies had many childbirth complications that initiated this practice. Later, children were born naturally. ref. Episode Zero) However, in truth, wanting a natural pregnancy, his mother died after giving birth to him. However, his assumption of his beginnings (since he never found out about his birth) developed hatred for his own existence. He was obstinent and rude, but his personality changed after meeting the Maguanac Corp. They taught him to be proud of one's life, regardless of how it began. Beginning anew, the Quatre we all love came to be.

Even though he has a groupie in the Maguanac Corps., tons of money and prestidge, he is never prideful. Although he can be considered the weakest in strength and fighting skills in the Gundam team, he is actually a strategist and they rely on him to form the battle plan. His quick thinking and analysis of present conditions make him a vital member to the team.


The only person I think Quatre belongs with is Trowa. Trowa was the first gundam pilot he met, and immediately, they play a violin/flute duet together. (Check out the mp3. ^-^) Trowa even sacrificed himself trying to bring Quatre back to reality...and later Quatre did the same thing for Trowa. They worry about each other and take care of one another (moreso than anyone else.) I'm definitely a 3x4 fan. ^-^

Quatre is from the series Gundam Wing, original concept by Tomino Yoshiyuki-san and Yatate Hajime-san. Credit for these pics goes to the Gundam Wing Gallery.

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12:30 am ~ Status: deflated ~ Listening to: Xenosaga I

There is too much going on and I'm totally tired of the situation. However, I'm trying to stay positive since I don't want to keep going on like this. As promised, here is a little info on the bishie of the day...even if it's the next day already. ^^;

Youko Kurama aka. Minamino Shuuichi

Out of all the male characters in anime, I like Kurama the most. His humble sensitivity, intelligence and elegance makes him the most appealing and even realistic character (despite his powers.) Of course, one of my reasons that he is my fav is his ability to pull roses out of his hair. (Any guy who can do that will be at the top of my list. ^.^) Despite is high marks and handsome *ahem* body, he is not vain at all.


In the series, Karasu (in the Dark Tournaments) crushes on Kurama (not surprisingly.) Of course, Kurama is disgusted with his advances. I think the only canon love interest in the series is Maya, a classmate from middle school. She openly confessed her feelings towards him, and I think he liked her too. Kawaii! ^-^ However, he had to erase her memory since demons were attacking at that time. It was alright though, since that was when Kurama met Hiei. ^-^

His bishounen features make him uke (femme) in many pairings. Although that may be the case, I consider him very seme (dominant) as well. ^-^ My godsister favors pairing Kurama up with Yusuke. (Maybe it's the height thing. ^^;) I don't mind that pairing, but my favorite is Hiei and Kurama. They have a longer history together and Kurama always seems to care for Hiei after he gets injured. ^.^ Anyway, if I must give Kurama up, I might as well give him up to someone as kawaii as Hiei. ^-^

Kurama is from the series Yu Yu Hakusho by Togashi Yoshihiro-san. Credit for these pics goes to A Dragon's Rose.

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5/18/06 ~ Thursday 5:15 pm

Status: hurried ~ Listening to: Koori no Naifu wo Daite - Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Bishie Week!

In celebration of Solitary's one year anniversary, I'm going to be posting pic(s) and mp3(s) of my fav bishies (simple def: pretty boys) online. Of course, my first choice is Kurama from YYH. ^-^ I'll give more info about this red haired demon tonight. But first, here is a pic for you to enjoy....

~ pic extracted ~

5/17/06 ~ Wednesday 10:55 pm

Status: calm ~ Listening to: Through the Years and Far Away - Voice of a Distant Star

Otanjoubi Omedatou!

I can't believe I completely forgot...today is the one year anniversary of my site Solitary! ^-^ Okay...time for short speech. *ahem*

In a single year, my site has gone through many changes in layout and style...although not by much. ^^; Recently, I had modified my site to work in Mozilla, though it's far from perfect in that browser. (Mozilla doesn't like me too much. <.<) The highlights of my site is my online journal (of course,) various mp3s and pictures. Besides the daily toil of social work and church, the site is mainly my outlet into my thoughts on my fav fandoms and updates into my newly established hobby: cosplay. However, being a journal, this site also contains harsh words of critism, rants and vendettas that I hold against the world. My site is only frequent by a few individuals, not because I'm exclusive, but because not everyone needs to know the chaos that lies within.

I made my site as user friendly and asthetically pleasing as possible (which is hard since artistic fonts/colors are not usually readable. ^^;) However, away from the public eye, I have two links...the location of which I give out exclusively. One is to my geocities cosplay site (with a link to my cosplay.com site.) The other is to my yaoi pics site. (You guys know why! ^-^) Other than that, my blog is open to everyone and anyone that cares or not...whatever the case may be.

So...will there be anything special for the site's 1 year anniversary? Perhaps.... Don't forget, I just remembered a moment ago.... ^^; Give me a good night's sleep and I might think of something special. ^-^

P.S. Maple Story update

I'm at lvl 30! I became a cleric! *dances*

10:55 am ~ Status: jumpy

Ebay lot...and then some

Yesterday I received my Yu Yu Hakusho movie special with the 3 plushies. It was suppose to only come with two YYH figurines and the GBA YYH game...but alot of other YYH stuff was thrown in. ^^; I got a couple TCG cards, a boton figure and other figurines. ^-^ It was a nice surprise.

I got book 3!

This morning, I went ahead and bought FMA novel 3, 'Valley of the White Petals'. I deducted that if I bought this at Borders, I would have to drive there. Even with a coupon, the cost of the book and gas would probably equate the price of the book without the coupon...or something like that.... ^-^; So...I bought the book in a bookstore in Penn. ^.^ Yay!


Besides the FMA special 'Reflections', there are 3 other OVAs. One of the Japanese movie dvds came with 3 animated shorts. The first one is the 'Good Work Party' which features the FMA cast plus movie cast chibi-ized. ^.^ The last two are 'Alchemist vs. Homuncoli' and 'Hagaren Kids' (exact titles uncertain.) I downloaded all 3 ovas, but the last one (even though there isn't much speaking) seems to be subbed in a different language. I'm going to redownload it. All the ovas are so cute and funny...especially the 'Good Work Party' one. ^-^ I wonder if there are any more ovas.... *searches the net*

5/16/06 ~ Tuesday 3:15 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: Flower of Diamond - Black Cat OP

cellphone debut! ^-^

On sunday, I found out that the cellphone I really want has come out already. ^-^ The samsung a960 has all the features of the a900, but it's a bit smaller. Also, it's better then the a940. ^-^ When I talked with the Best Buy worker, it turns out that the phone just came out a couple days ago. I'm totally going to get it.

Spray paint stinks *literally*

Last night, I spray painted the spear head. The color is nice...a light silver with a shiny gleam. I'm going to give it another coat of paint tonight. Even though I painted it outside, I needed to bring in the spear at night (since I don't want bugs or anything else stuck to the paint. ^^;) My living room became filled with the stench of paint though. *feels fainty* Oh well, can't do much about that. I'm going to have to do this again tonight. ^^; Slowly but surely, I'm making progress into my cosplay. ^-^

5/15/06 ~ Monday 1:00 pm

Status: distracted ~ Listening to: Chiisaki Mono - Asuca Hayashi

Mp3 dedication: my cosplay ^^;

I think I uploaded this before, but here is a chance for you to listen to this again. ^-^ 'Chiisaki Mono' (A Small One) is sung by the wonderful Asuca Hayashi, a young 16-17 year old girl with a mature voice. This is the ending song from the 6th pokemon movie featuring Jirachi. She even sang this song with Cindy Mizelle as a Japanese/English duet in the English version of the movie...a decision that has NEVER been heard/seen before by 4Kids. (That was Pokemon's first NA company before the Pokemon Co. took it back when the contract ended recently. Just some Poke-trivia. ^^;) The duet was beautifully done and I may upload it someday.

5/14/06 ~ Sunday 8:05 pm

Status: depressed -.- ~ Listening to: Screaming - Soul Link OP

No more weddings for me.

I'm not going to go to the wedding this saturday. I'm not going to playing violin/piano at any more weddings. I refuse. Those events are not about me so I shouldn't have to feel so alien in such an environment. I already contacted the bride-to-be this afternoon. The other members of the string quartet has already found a replacement for me. Now I can guiltlessly (as if I had any feelings >.<) step down from the stage of weddings performances. Small victory for me...yay.... *sarcastically*

Convention prep

O-kaa-san finished two obis yesterday for me and P-chan's kimonos. I figured out how to make a butterfly (obi) bow...now I just have to perfect it. ^^; Whether or not you wear it anywhere, P-chan, you'll look fantastic. ^-^

Amazingly, I still haven't bought my fabric for my Asuca outfit yet. (But my jirachi plush should be in the mail. ^^;) I plan to buy white silk fabric and paint the blue design on it. O.o Hopefully, I won't mess up.... That'll be this week. This past week, I have been working on my spear for my Chun Hyang cosplay. I bought sandpaper and paint today...so I should be finished by tonight or latest tomorrow night.

Maple outfit

When I reached lvl 28 in Maple Story, I bought an entire outfit (I placed a big hole in my meso wallet. ^^;) P-chan and Alby hasn't seen me in my new outfit yet...but they are being good and spending time with their family tonight. ^^;

* secret *

I feel very down today. I haven't felt like this in awhile. Maybe it's because I'm tired and I didn't get much sleep last night. My mind is hazy and I don't feel like happy-happy or even sedated. I just feel...down. I hope this is not a setback. My doctor has already been cutting down on my meds in hopes that I'll be off it completely soon. But as my doctor saids I'm in control of my own meds, my own feelings. If I need it, I must take it. *sigh*

5/13/06 ~ Saturday 11:40 am

Status: deflated ~ Listening to: Metamorphose - Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai OP

Cancelled before it even got off the ground

No more trip to Hawaii. There is someone ill in their family, so Dorcas and crew are spending their free time in Taiwan. *sigh* However, I have been requested by Dorcas' mother to become a notary. O.o Apparently she needs someone (a U.S. notary) to go to Taiwan for notarization. <- is that even a word? >.<; Note: I have wanted to become a notary for some time already, and o-kaa-san was the one to suggest me. Time to study up on notary law?!? Maybe....

Pearl-chan's job interview....

I have only one thing to say: Ganbatte! ^-^

5/12/06 ~ Friday 12:55 pm

Status: worried ~ Listening to: True Moon - Angel Links

My day off and I'm still working...sort of

I couldn't confirm two major appts. yesterday...so I need to contact the clients today. (Gotta be responsible.... ^^;) However, one appt. is out of my hands since I can't reach the client. The other...I have way of contacting her since I don't have her number. Hopefully someone from the office calls me back so I can get this out of my hair.... >.< *worry worry worry*

Quick! Think of another excuse! >.<

I'm going to Hawaii, but not for Thanksgiving. Instead, o-kaa-san and I are planning to go in October, the week when Dorcas gets off from school. *sigh* Thats great, but I need to think of another excuse to give to my wedding-happy-friends. >.<;

FMA novel #3

I saw the new FMA novel by Makoto Inoue in Penn station two days ago...though I still didn't buy it yet. ^^; The title is 'Valley of the White Petals'. I will definitely buy it...just want to see if I can a discount of some sort. ^-^ Makes me wish I was a member of Borders just so I can get the 25% off. ^^; If anything, I'll just join today and buy the book. ^.^

5/11/06 ~ Thursday 3:15 pm

Status: deflated ~ Listening to: Dust Trail - Soul Link ED

Weddings blues (not mine)

Several people in my church are getting married and they asked me to play music for them. Even though I said yes, I'm starting to regret accepting the request. How should I put it.... I extremely dislike weddings. Call it what you will, but the entire event directs me down the path of depression. I already am practicing for a wedding coming up this month, so I can't get out of this one. However, I've been asked to play piano for another wedding in November. This one I refused, but they are asking me to 'think it over'. I'm thinking it over and I don't want to go through with it.

The wedding is not about me (obviously) but I feel hurt all over again every time I go. Already, I've been to 2 weddings and each time it's because of me playing music. I have to think of some way to lie and say 'I'm happy for you, but I can't go because something came up.' ^^; Maybe something will come up...maybe I'll go Hawaii.... ^^;

Hawaii for Thanksgiving!

It seems that Dorcas' mother is inviting o-kaa-san and me over to Hawaii in November. That may just be my ticket out of here...literally. ^.^ I already said yes, just need to confirm everything like plane tickets. I haven't been in Hawaii since I was 8 years old. I can't wait to go. O-kaa-san even wants to visit my old pastor from TARCQ. They're in California so we might go there too. ^-^ At least I have that to look forward to....

Maple morning, sucky afternoon

Today is the first time I ever did a party quest in Maple Story. I totally sucked at it. >.< Even though I read the info on it online, I completely forgot and got totally lost (mentally) during the quest. The worse part of it was that I was holding back the other people in my party. Gomen ne, guys. >.< (Alby and P-chan must be sooo pissed at me.... *sigh*)

5/10/06 ~ Wednesday 5:55 pm

Status: happy ~ Listening to: Virgin Love - Wedding Peach DX

Plush prop: check

I won my bid on the jirachi plush this morning. It's a life size jirachi that will be fantastic with my Asuca Hayashi cosplay. ^-^ Last night, I sawed off the end of my spear (finally!) and am planning to work on it tonight. No mapling tonight. I've been mapling during the day though. Because of the game, I've been actually eating some sort of lunch (instant noodles ^^;) so that I can play during that time. Yeah, my priorities are all in line.... ^^;

Me eating lunch => something bad happened

My co-workers are quite familiar with my quirks.... I don't generally eat lunch, except for the usual instant noodles. However, today I needed an actual lunch since I finished a very draining phonecall with a client and attorney. I was so stressed over the call that I took a walk with my co-worker and I ended up buying lunch.

Another co-worker came back from an appt. and saw me eating at my desk. O.O The first thing she said to me was 'You're eating lunch...did something happen?' ^^; lol I never thought about it, but now I see usually eat to de-stress at the office. ^-^ Oh well, as long as it's yummy like the chicken I had today...or ice cream which I might get on the way home. *checks wallet* ^^;

5/9/06 ~ Tuesday 5:25 pm

Status: jumpy ~ Listening to: me typing

My day: cliffnotes

Since I have only less than 5 minutes until I leave, here is the highlights of my day.... I beat a jumping quest in Maple story!!! It took me a looooong time, but I did it. ^^V I'm never doing this quest ever again. It's the one in Ellinia, with the crisscrossing steps and banana throwing monkeys. It's called the 'Forest of Patience' but it's more like the 'Forest of Frustration'. ^^;

This morning, I won a bid on a Yu Yu Hakusho lot of the mini movie on dvd, 3 YYH plushies ^-^, a YYH GBA and two figurines. I bid on it mostly for the plushies and the dvd. ^.^ I'm so happy. Now to buy a money order.... Can't wait to get the entire series and the main movie. ^.^

5/7/06 ~ Sunday 11:35 pm

Status: nostalgic ~ Listening to: GW music

Brotherly love...and I don't mean Elricest. ^-^

Last night, I watched the FMA movie, 'Conquerer of Shambala' with my FMA buddy from church. We watched the entire series together (ever since we got hook when we saw ep. 2 on tv) and finally, we officially completed the series with the movie. The movie was good. It gives an ending to the series, closing any loose ends and giving us (mainly me ^.^) shounen ai fans some wonderful hints of Al/ED, Roy/Ed and MunichAl/Ed. ^^; I'm glad the series ended this way...not exactly a bang, but at least it wasn't a disappointment. I'm actually glad the manga is totally different. At least there will be another official 'ending' that hopefully isn't as sad (a happy kind of sad) as the anime. I won't say much about the movie since most of you guys don't know about the series, will most likely not watch the movie and you won't know what I'm talking about anyway. ^-^ I like the movie. That's all you need to know. Now to wait for the ending of the manga....

Gundam Wing series: 3x4 is total love

As a fitting end to my anime watching weekend, I finished watching GW (again. ^^;) The last couple of dvds are full of 1x2 and 3x4 hints...with Duo looking for Heero and Trowa protecting Quatre.... *.* *fangirl squeal* The anime totally milked the last two scenes between Relena and Heero (I guess for the 1xR fans. ^^;) The scenes were good...but I just got a tad creeped out when the cockpit door closed and you see Heero 'smiling'. *shudder* That is so un-Heero-like. ^-^ A 1x3 hint I caught was Trowa's comment about Heero in the last episode, 'He is quite the guy.' O.O lol I hope Quatre doesn't get jealous. ^-^

5/6/06 ~ Saturday 1:10 am

Status: happy ~ Listening to: Maple Story music

Quatre wrote 'Dear ***...' *squeal* ^-^

*happy sigh* My godsister gave me Brad Swaile's (GW's Quatre) autograph from Anime Next. ^-^ It was the one autograph I really wanted from the con since I already have Vic's (FMA's Ed) autograph...though more is always good. ^-^ I totally love Quatre's voice...it's the one time I prefer NA VAs as opposed to Japan VAs. As soon as I pulled out the pic (headshot of Quatre and Sandrock) with Brad's autograph, I literally squealed. In public...in 'Sweet and Tart.' I cut my squeal short before I totally embarassed myself. ^^;

On the paper, he wrote 'Dear ***, Hope I get the chance to meet you next time! Love Brad Swaile' *fangirl squeal* ^__^ He even drew a little pic of Quatre on the side. ^.^ Kawaii!!!

'Who is this for?' *point*

O-nee-chan told me that they were saying only one autograph per person at the convention. So, she took my pic to get it autographed first and my second godsister and their friend took the other two pics...all of which belong to my oldest godsister. (She has more than two pics though since she is a major fan of Brad's characters...one of them was in Megaman: NT Warrior. I forgot what the other animes were.) She asked him to sign the pic for me. ^__^ Then, she took a chance and asked if he can autograph another pic for her, which he did. (Always for the fans. ^-^) My second godsister came up and he asked 'And who should I write this to?' (I find alot of VAs like to write their fans' name, more personal I guess. ^.^) My second godsister pointed to my oldest godsister. ^-^ After that, their friend came up and Brad asked the same question. The friend pointed to my oldest godsister as well. ^^; It was an amusing moment...wish I was there to see it.

FYI, besides voicing Quatre in GW, he is also Lan (Megaman), Gohan (DBZ), Mousse (Ranma 1/2 ^-^), Amuro (Mobile Suit Gundam) among others. I was surprised at Amuro since (if you remember,) that was the character I chose to dress as when I was taking a picture with the Gundam in Japan. ^.^ I never saw the NA version of Gundam's main series so I didn't know the voices.

Oh yeah, on a side note, both NA VAs of Dark and Krad (D.N.Angel) was at Anime Next (Vic Mignogna and Ilich Guardiola respectively.) Pearl-chan, I know you're an otaku purest, but I thought you'll like to know. ^-^

Cafe all gone >.<

Since I was totally drained after my afternoon appointment, I headed over to 'Bubble Cafe' for some milk tea. O.O It was closed. I don't know if it's renovating (again) or if it's been terminated...but I think it was the latter. *emo tear* I like that place...though it was better when they served food and snacks (bad as it was ^^;) as well. The people were nice and service was fast. As some of you may know, I totally liked the seafood salad they had there...though it wasn't anything complicated. Perhaps thats why I liked it. ^-^ *sigh*

Since that is gone, I went to my second choice (which is now my first,) 'Quickly'. FYI, it's a chain store from Taiwan (yay! ^.^) and I love their spicy chicken pieces (though don't call it that. When you order it, say 'yen su ji'. ^.^) After eating that and watching Nausicaa on my mp4 player on my way home, I felt much better.

Cellphone love: part 2

I mentioned before, I decided instead of the Samsung A900 (which is suppose to be the Motorola Razr rival,) I chose the Samsung A920 because of too-many-reasons-so-I-won't-name-them. ^.^ However, I found out that Samsung is releasing another phone (likely for Sprint) which is the A960. That phone is the one I want...though it won't be out for awhile. ^^; It has all the qualities of a small phone but the screen is bigger. That aspect I like among other things. ^-^ I will most likely choose the A920 since it's a good phone. And most likely, by the time the A960 come out, more good phones will be released for Sprint. (I hope. ^^;)

Man, I don't talk to you guys for a week and look at all the stuff I wanted to tell you. ^^; On a side note, I'm going cloth shopping tomorrow for cosplay and I'm at lvl 23 in 'Maple Story'. ^.^ (Now I can kill octopuses and pigs in one blow. Fire boars, you're next! ^-^)

5/4/06 ~ Thursday 4:00 pm

Status: dazed ~ Listening to: Wish (CLAMP)

Dinner and anime

My god-sister(s) and I are meeting tonight for dinner. ^-^ With our schedules, its always so hard to meet each other for any length of time. I can finally give them the artbooks they wanted from Japan as well as talk about Anime Next (which they went to,) Japan (where I was, ^-^) and Kingdom Hearts II (which o-nee-chan is currently playing.) I have two more hours before I head out. Hopefully, I can get all my stuff done.... ^^;

5/3/06 ~ Wednesday 5:50 pm

Status: dazed ~ Listening to: me typing

Maple quest items list

Alby, P-chan...you guys must've already have such a list of all the quest items you need.... But just in case, here is a link to such a list. ^-^ Now I can calculate what I need to get for me and my other character as well as see what I can sell/throw away without worrying about 'do I need this?' ^.^

Ossyria boat attack

You may laugh, but I tried to get to Ossyria twice and both times I got killed by the crimson balogs (whatever they're called.) >.< Yes, I tried to go into the cabin. No, I couldn't get in. Should I try again? How come I couldn't get in? >.< *sigh* I lost 10000 mesos while attempting this trip. And I was having so much fun gliding along too.... (I would have screenshots, but I got distracted by the giant gargoyles. >.<;) Insanity and stubbornness dictates my actions. Once I confirm that I can go inside the cabin, I will try again.

1:20 am ~ Status: sleepy ~ Listening to: silence

cosplay prep plans

I've been busy mapling these last few nights so my cosplay prop/clothes were postponed. However, tomorrow, I plan to place my game on hold and really work on my cosplay stuff. (Priorities are very important. ^-^) To give myself a set schedule, here is my detailed to do list.

    1. Saw off the ballie end of my staff (I had it last year and it was really annoying and out of place)
    2. Cut/melt/form the wonderflex into my spear head
    3. Buy cloth and accessories for my Asuca Hayashi outfit. (Buy a jirachi plush)
    4. Buy paint for my spear
    5. Sandpaper and paint my spear.
    6. Work on Asuca Hayashi outfit.
    7. Buy cloth and accessories for my Chun Hyang outfit redo.
    8. Work on my Chun Hyang outfit.
    9. Wash/iron all my cosplay outfits.

And I plan to do this all in the month before Anime Next. Ganbatte, Rai! ^-^

hotel and kimono info

This is for those of you that are coming with me to Anime Next '06. The hotel we're staying at is the Courtyard Mariott in Meadowlands. It's one of the 3 hotels that are next to the convention center. The room I booked has a single kingsize bed. I will be requesting for roll-in bed(s) if needed. The price is about $200 so it will be $66 per person. I hear the price is $40, so please pre-register soon.

Pearl-chan, how is your kimono? Are you able to get it sewn up? I'm going to go shopping for cloth soon (over the weekend) so if you want to come over to LI for a few hours, you can get something for your obi and obi-jime. I'm going to be in queens this friday since I have a late advocacy and will be meeting my god-sister(s) afterwards (though I haven't confirmed it with her yet. ^^; lol, I need to confirm where I'm staying at night too....) Anyway, I'll be buying your obi too, P-chan, when I go buy cloth for my cosplay. The kimono is blue, so I will most likely get a shade of blue or another type of gold cloth for the obi. If you have any preferences, just let me know. I need to buy an obi for my new yukata as well. Most likely, it'll be a black or gold cloth. ^^; And later, I'll be giving a lesson in 'how to wear a kimono properly'.... Of course, it'll be after I do some more research and confer with my Japanese co-workers. ^-^

5/1/06 ~ Monday 9:15 pm

Status: annoyed ~ Listening to: me slurping (food ^-^)

One more thing from Saturday.... * warning: rant ahead *

My co-worker went to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden on saturday as well, though we didn't see each other. She went with her Japanese friend and the two of them were annoyed at the same thing I was: people picking/pulling sakura blossoms from the trees. Walking around the park, I saw people with sakura blossoms in their hair, some holding whole branches of blossoms. One or two flowers I guess it's okay...but whole branches?!? O.o Some girls in kimonos had sakura in their hair and it was weird since it's so unconventional (not to mention un-Japanese. ^^;) Also, my co-worker saw people shake the branches so the petals would fall. >.< Sakuras are short lived flowers and when people go 'hanami watching' they don't pull the flowers from the trees...even for fun. They gaze at the flowers, admire the scene, smell them, maybe touch them gently...but never pluck them. When I was Japan, I didn't see anyone do that. I don't know if they did, but I'm pretty sure if it happen, they're probably foreigners.

I'm being elitist, but stuff like that just piss me off. (Also my patience is like 0.) After talking with my co-worker, I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one in the park getting angry at them.