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This Page Last Updated:

November 26, 2003



Queen of the Poor Souls in PurgatoryThe Poor Souls: Holy Mother Church has consecrated the month of November in a special way to the remembrance of the Poor Souls in Purgatory, that place of expiation where the souls of the just, stained with the temporal punishment due to forgiven sin (and/or unforgiven venial sin), are purified for Heaven. Unable to help themselves and in dire need of our charity, these members of the "Church Suffering" must surely be among those for whom Our Lady gave us the prayer between the decades of the Rosary, in which we say: "...lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of Thy mercy." In such great need of reparation for our own sins and those of all mankind, we have another singular and charitable motive for prayer and penance – the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Let us join with fervor in the daily prayers of Holy Mother the Church for the Souls of the Faithful Departed, from the liturgy of All Souls Day (Nov. 3rd) throughout the entire Month of the Poor Souls. Let us pray for the relief of their sufferings and for their triumphant entrance into Heaven, especially since they are so much neglected by Modernist disbelief in this place of painful expiation for sin, required by the infinite justice of God.

"Here You See Hell": The terrible vision of Hell shown to the three children of Fatima reminded them, as it ought to remind us, of the ultimate consequence of failing to respond to Our Lady's plea for Amendment of Life. This is the greatest chastisement of all, the loss of an immortal soul redeemed by the Most Precious Blood of Jesus on the Cross. It was the fact that most of those who die in wars go to Hell, that caused little Jacinta to say that this was the real chastisement of war – not their physical death, but their eternal spiritual death – the ultimate chastisement of an irrevocable separation from God. Without this horrible vision of the demons and damned souls "floating about like sparks in the midst of a fiery furnace...with terrible shrieks of rage, pain, and the most dreadful despair" (a vision we must not allow ourselves to forget), we will never truly understand the Message of Our Lady of Fatima, because we will not understand what is at stake – what it means to lose our immortal soul, forever. The reality of Hell is denied by Modernist "theologians" of our day, but this vision tells us the truth; a truth which can profoundly change our way of living, as it did for the children of Fatima.

The Five First Saturdays: Our Lady appeared with the Child Jesus in 1925 to Lucia, to fulfill her earlier promise of manifesting this special devotion, which provides a particular means of grace aimed at effecting a true amendment of life. This grace is given to those who endeavor, for this period of five months, to persevere in living a life of grace and, on the First Saturday of each month, to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion, for the specific purpose of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Discuss the other requisite conditions for obtaining the promises that Our Lady has made to those who make the First Saturdays, and endeavor to fulfill them as a means of true amendment of life.

OPENING PRAYERS: * Come Holy Ghost
* The Rosary with meditation on each mystery
* Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
* Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
* Hymn to Our Lady
* Prayer to Our Lady of Heede, Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory
MEDITATION: * from the "Imitation of Christ"
STUDY & DISCUSS: * Officer's reports; Cell Memos; reading of the Salve Maria Regina (a portion should be read at each meeting if appropriate).

First Meeting

(10 min. report;
10 min. discussion)

ALL SAINTS DAY – Discuss this important Feast and its significance for us, especially in light of the command of Christ to strive for holiness and perfection, and that no one is saved without becoming a saint.

Reference: Sermons: "All Saints Day – Striving for Holiness", & "Narrow is the Gate" by Bishop Francis Konrad Maria. (The Cell member giving this report should listen to both tapes and take reference notes as material for their report.)


(10 min. report;
10 min. discussion)

Review the doctrine of Purgatory and the terrible expiatory pains endured by the Poor Souls; discuss our obligation and the means we have to aid them in their sufferings, particularly through the intercession of the Queen of the Poor Souls; discuss the Modernist denial of Purgatory.

Reference: Review the apparitions of Our Lady of Heede in Germany, Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory; Sermons: "Narrow is the Gate" & "The Apparitions of Our Lady of Heede"; "Purgatory" by F.X. Shouppe; "November Prayers for the Faithful Departed".


(10 min. report and

Feast of the Holy Relics (Nov. 5); discuss the veneration that Holy Mother Church has shown to relics of Our Lord, Our Lady, and the Saints throughout the centuries. Review the reasons that commend this pious devotion.

Reference: Article, "Holy Relics"; pilgrimage videotapes featuring shrines and reliquaries such as those of the Precious Blood, the Crown of Thorns, etc.

 Second Meeting

(10 min. report;
10 min. discussion)

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Pope St. Pius X’s Encyclical E Supremi, calling for a "Catholic Restoration of all things in Christ". Read and discuss parts 13-14, reminding us of the necessity of sound religious instruction and of the meaning of true charity. Review and discuss previous parts of the Encyclical as needed.

Reference: Pope St. Pius X’s Encyclical E Supremi, calling for a "Catholic Restoration of all things in Christ"; parts 13-14; review previous parts, as needed.

(10 min. report;
10 min. discussion)

REPARATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: Discuss the importance of observing First Saturdays in a spirit of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Where Mass & Communion are not available, discuss ways of observing First Saturday in the home; offer spiritual Communions of Reparation; pray 15 decades of the Rosary, 15 min. meditation on the mysteries, offer acts of penance & mortification in reparation, etc.

Reference: "The Five First Saturdays" (leaflet).
(Choose two or three of the Saints listed for a 10-15 min. report & reflection; discuss briefly the lessons learned and virtues taught by their lives, and how to practically apply these virtues in our own daily lives.)

We cannot hope to dwell one day in the Heavenly Court of Our Immaculate Queen unless we strive diligently in the pursuit of holiness. The blessed who already dwell in Her Heavenly Court are inspirations for us in this pursuit of that life of holiness to which Jesus calls us. Among them: St. Gertrude the Great; St. Mechtilde; St. Albert the Great (who designed the beautiful Cologne Cathedral under Our Lady's direction); St. Elizabeth of Thuringia.

Reference: Martyrology; articles on St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde in past issues of Salve Maria Regina; booklet on St. Gertrude; book "Love, Peace, and Joy" on the spirituality of St. Gertrude by Fr. Privot.

 Third Meeting

(10 min. report;
10 min. discussion)

Continuation of the Encyclical E Supremi of Pope St. Pius X. Read and discuss parts 15-17, reminding us that all Catholics, including the laity, have an obligation to be zealous for the salvation of souls. Discuss the need for the guidance and Apostolic authority of a true Bishop in the Church. How do the words of the Holy Father refute the error of those who say this authority is not necessary? Discuss the ways and means listed by St. Pius X in order to bring about the "restoration of all things in Christ". What did the Holy Father prescribe in regard to the Holy Rosary, and why?

Reference: Pope St. Pius X’s Encyclical E Supremi, calling for a "Catholic Restoration of all things in Christ"; parts 15-17; review previous parts, as needed.



(10 min. report;
10 min. discussion)

Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Nov. 21). Discuss the significance of this Feast for consecrated De Montfort slaves of Mary. Discuss the ways we can imitate the virtues practiced by the Child Mary during her service in the Temple.

Reference: Article on The Life of the Child Mary in the Temple (current issue of Salve Maria Regina); article on the Presentation of Our Lady (Salve Maria Regina No. 128).


(15 min. report and discussion)

The Necessity of Prayer – Prayer is a Necessary Means of Salvation. Discuss the reasons given by St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori proving the necessity of prayer. Why is it a heresy to deny that prayer is necessary for salvation in adults? What grace will God give us only if we pray for it? Since God knows our necessities, why is it necessary to pray for them?

Reference: Article on The Necessity of Prayer – Prayer is a Necessary Means of Salvation.

 Fourth Meeting

(10 min. report;
10 min. discussion)

While Our Lady of Fatima warned specifically that Russia would spread her errors, she also warned of persecutions against the Church in general. Today we see fundamentalist Islam joinng Atheistic Communism as the chief threats to the Church and world peace. Discuss the current article "Facing the New World Peril".

Reference: Article – "Facing the New World Peril".



(10 min. report;
10 min. discussion)

Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Nov. 27, the apparition of Our Lady to St. Catherine Labouré). Discuss the importance of the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, especially in light of her words at Fatima: "More souls go to Hell for sins of the flesh...certain fashions will be introduced which gravely offend my Divine Son."

Reference: Article on Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.


(Choose two or three of the Saints listed for a 10-15 min. report & reflection; discuss briefly the lessons learned and virtues taught by their lives, and how to practically apply these virtues in our own daily lives.)

We cannot hope to dwell one day in the Heavenly Court of Our Immaculate Queen unless we strive diligently in the pursuit of holiness. The blessed who already dwell in Her Heavenly Court are inspirations for us in this pursuit of that life of holiness to which Jesus calls us. Among them: St. John of the Cross; St. Cecilia; St. Catherine of Alexandria, one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers; St. Catherine Labouré.

Reference: Martyrology; "The Fourteen Holy Helpers" by Fr. Bonaventure; article on Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.


CLOSING PRAYERS: * Prayers for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
* Hymn: Mother Dear, O Pray for Me or Macula Non Est In Te
* Fatima Prayers
LEAFLET OF THE MONTH: * "Here You See Hell" (.20; 30 for 5.00)
* The Five First Saturdays (.25; 25 for 5.25)

 Cell Plan of Apostolic Action for November

* To promote the Message of Fatima  * Sanctification of self, family, neighbor
* Conversion of sinners, salvation of souls * Adoration, reparation, total consecration

  • Eucharistic all-night vigil on First Friday – First Saturday of the month.
  • Personal resolve to honor Our Lady in a special way on Saturdays.
  • Family practice: Plan your sacrifice program for the season of Advent.
  • Put up a literature rack (or use existing ones) in airports, hospitals, etc. (keep them stocked!); distribute leaflets to promote the message of Our Lady of Fatima and the true Catholic Faith.
  • Faithfully remember the deceased members of the Fatima Crusade and all of the Poor Souls in Purgatory throughout this month, especially by devoutly reciting Lauds for the Dead; promote devotion to the Poor Souls among family and friends.
  • Visit the graves of the faithful departed and offer prayers for the repose of their souls.
  • Make visits to hospitals and homes for the elderly. Brighten their day with spiritual encouragement and distribute Fatima pledges, brown scapulars, miraculous medals, and leaflets to those open to receiving these spiritual aids. Explain to them the great value of offering their sufferings for the missions of the Religious and the work of the Fatima Crusade, for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls.
  • Special observance of the Feasts of All Saints, All Souls, Our Lady of Heede, Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory, Our Mother of Divine Providence, the Presentation of Our Lady, and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal of the Immaculate Conception.

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