Michael Baker Junior's Homepage
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MBJ's BEER Page!

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MBJ's Favorites

MBJ's Comedic Quotes

The Haiku Page
Click on Bill to hear a HEY HEY HEY!
Get your back issues of Nintendo Power magazine here!
Ph.D. to be
Click here to see my DVD collection!
See the DVD collection!
Thank you for visiting my Homepage. It's just a little place where you can learn all about me, the one and only Michael Baker Jr. / "MBJ"
Make your own DVDs!
4/30/2005: There's been quite a bit that has happened since my last update. I seem to only be updating 2 or 3 times a year now. This used to be my blog before blogs existed.
Anyway, I got married to Rachel on March 11th. It was a great wedding and I'll probably post some pictures of it on the site in the not too distant future.
The summer is now upon us as the Spring semester ended last week and Rachel and I will be heading off to T. H. Stone Memorial Park at Cape St. Joe, FL for our camping honeymoon. We are currently packing and excited about the trip.
In other news, I have gotten back into video games in a big way. We got a Nintendo DS and now have 4 games. I highly recommend that system and I am looking forward to the Nintendo Wii (Yes, I said Wii).
Click here to read my NEWS ARCHIVES
Some spiffy web sites:

Florida State University
: See the school that was kind enough to accept me into their doctoral program in Social Psychology. Time for research!

Rachel Roden's Useless Page: See my fiancee's web page!

The Digital Bits: This is my one of my favorite sites for DVD news.

Fake Bands: Here is a page with some bands that might have been had my friend Tyler chosen a career in music rather than science.

Jeff's Page: This is the personal web page of my philosophical friend Jeff Roberts. You can see Jeff ready to wreak havoc on the blasting page

For even more spiffy web sites, visit
MBJ's Favorites
My snazzy ride
Tony Clifton says:
"You call this a website? I coulda made a better page any day of the week than this stupid mick. I got no idea why anyone would wanna waste their valuable time lookin' at this nonsense".

See Tony's spectacular performance in Universal's
Man on the Moon
Look here for a ROCKIN' guacamole recipe
Read a Book! Go to:
The Internet Public Library
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Like bad poetry?
See MBJ's
Haiku Page!
Joyful nice sunshine