×4-H in Canada...×

....Is a youth development program for 9-19 year olds, 20 & 21 year old are Specialty Projects, across the country. Most clubs focus on one or more projects, usually an animal, but there are many other options available. The animal projects in 4-H are: rabbit, horse, dairy, beef, swine, poultry, llama, sheep, goat, dog and many more.  4-H members participate in other aspects of the program besides showing their animal.  In the winter months we hold public speaking and demonstration competitions.  During the spring the clubs from the district hold their own club judging practices, and a judging rally.  Into the summer clubs become busy at local fairs and exhibitions where members show their animals.  In the fall 4-H clubs usually finish up the year with an awards banquet and prepare for another year of head, heart, hands, and health!

To learn more about the 4-H program, or to find a club near you, go to the Canadian 4-H website:




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