Our Support Systems
Our adoption journey has been enriched by the love shown to us by our families, our church, and other adoptive parents.  We are so thankful to have our lives full of people who are supportive of our adoption process.
Our Families
Ohhh, our wonderful familes!  We have an entire extended family just waiting to love our daughter.  Leah will be very lucky to have two sets of grandparents that live within an hour, lots of Aunts, Uncles, and cousins!
Our Church
We are blessed with an awesome church family that has spent years praying for us to have children.  They are thrilled with our decision to adopt and the love and support we've received from our church family has been overwhelming!
AWAA Group 102
Once our paperwork was submitted, our agency assigned us to a travel group.  We then received a letter with our official DTC (Dossier to China) date, our group number (102), and then names and phone numbers of the other families in our group.  Fortunately, I'd already been in contact with Julie and we've become very close friends.  David and I are looking forward to our trip to China with Julie and Tom!.
Internet Groups
While waiting, I was fortunate enough to find support groups specific to China adoptions.  I'm a member of several groups that provide wonderful information about the entire adoption process.  My favorite group is the Precious Pumpkins (Oct 2001 DTC group) since this is made up of families who sent their paperwork to China during the same month we did.  Many of these families will be in China picking up their daughters at the same time we are.  It has been a great way to "meet" prior to being in China together!
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Links to Our Other Pages
About Us Why China
Paperchase The Nursery
Waiting Hobbies
Referral Travel