I have found some areas on the web that have helped me make my page. It's amazing to see how fast one person can learn to do a homepage. I thought it would take me forever to learn how to make one. I have found the people here at GEOCITIES very helpful and encouraging.

I have visited several geocities pages for their help in delevoping my page. I would love to share some of the things I have learned with those of you just starting out to make pages.

First thing, don't be afraid to ask for help. Especially if someone is willing to help. Other people can help you figure out what might be missing from your code line or just give you great suggestions.

Second, look at what other people have done on their pages. It just might give you ideas for your page. I have looked and spoken to several people about their home pages. I couldn't have done it without their help.

Third, just have lots of fun!!!!!

Here are some of the places I have visited for help with my page, I hope that they can help you also.

For Icons, I went to two places:

The first one was: The Icon Depot
The second site: The FX Multimedia site.Here you will find help on banner, icons, and backgrounds.

For Code Help there was two places I went to for help:
First one was the Html Reference Library. If you get stuck on a html code, this is a good place for the answer. The Html reference library also has a list of colors that Netscape and IE use. If you would like to view the color list, for colors that you can use on your backgrounds just go here. I hope those of you who may need the extra help will look into the reference library!

Second one is for basic html. It will help you install sounds and images to your page.Basic HTML HELP. I found it great help in putting my sounds and some of my first graphics into my page.

The third place I went was, Gilpo's How To Make Links. I found the page a good source of what netscape and internet explore would support. It takes all the tag codes by letters. So if you were looking for a tag for basefont, all you would do is click for the "b"tag page. Please, look into it if you need the extra help.Gilpo's How to Make Links.

And we can't forget, our host provider. Geocities utilities page. You can get counters, guest books, and other information of forms that will work on your page.

Visit the Link Exchange to promote your site with banners.Link Exchange Or if you want to promote your page on other sites or search engines go to Starting Point.Starting Point

If you haven't found the right resources you need for your homepage, come visit the Community leader page. You will find a list of community leaders, information on the irc chat Heartland, and other useful information. You can even pull up a chair and get the news to read.

If That doesn't work why not go to Heartland Community Headquarters for more information.

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