As parents, we find there are many issues that are surrounding our children. I worry about the future the children may have. Peer pressure is still a large influence on children. As parents, it is our job to let our children know that they do fit in and not because they take drugs or drink with friends. They fit in because they are smart and know what is right for themselves.

As people of the United States, we are assured of our rights under the Bill of Rights. Did you know that children have a rights also? To help our children become the best person they can be, we as parents should take the time and read these rights. The Children's Rights Council has made a list of these rights that children have. To view the list of Rights just click on the word, rights.

Most parents know how expensive it could be to feed growing children. I take part in a program designed to help women,infants, and children. It is called "WIC" I am grateful for this program. This program is designed to help women, infants, and children who meet income levels. It provides the cheese, eggs, milk, formula, cereal, peanut butter, and juice. It also includes other items. If you are interested in learning more, please go to this site and read up on the program WIC Information

Drug Awareness. I hope that all parents take the time to talk to their children on this subject. It is the most important issue facing our children today. I have started talking to my children. It is hard to have small children understand that some people could give them things that could hurt them. I think that starting to talk to them now about drugs, helps open the lines of communications for the future. I have found a site here on the web that address the drug issue. Please, feel free to check it out. Just click on the brain and go to the site and learn more. I hope that it will help parents talk to their children about this serious topic. Remember kids it is cool to SAY NO!!!

Another issue, that seems to be becoming more apparent is finding out your child is Add or AdHd. This seems to be popping up all over. I have a couple of friends who's child has been said to have Add. There is a site on the web that goes into ADD or ADHD further.Infomation on ADD
If your child or a friend's child may have this, please visit Brandee's page on Add and learn more like I did.

Child Abuse, is another issue that can't be ignored. Please visit the next page of ISSUES DEALING WITH CHILDREN 2 Issues part2. There you will also find information on first aid for children.

Another parent thought the issue of premarital sex should be addressed. I happen to feel very strong on this issue. Babies having babies is not what any parent wants for their child. Lucky for me my parents weren't afraid to talk to me on the issue of sex when it came time to. There lays the trouble, not many people know what to say to their children about it. Today there is more sex education going on in school but it isn't enough. I child learns more from their parents then any where else. Yes, it can be difficult to have your child believe what you say to be true. When their friends are saying sex is fun and exciting. Peers will also tell them that they have had sex. If your child wants to fit in with the group, they will also have sex. Open the lines of communication with your children talk to them about this issue. Here is a site that you may want to read with them.Talk sex with your child Aids,other sexual diseases, and unwanted pregnancies are a hard thing for a child to experience. Here is a site that explains aids and other sexual diseases that are out there. AIDS AND OTHER SEXUAL DISEASES. Take the time and prepare your child for the pressure they may face. Sex isn't something a young child should experience. It is better shared when two people are older, in love, and are spending the rest of their lives together.

A missing child is a parent's worst nightmare. I know that if one of my children were to come up missing, I would want anyone who could help to help. If you have seen this missing child, please call the 800 number. Remember we can help end someone's nightmare.

The image seen will change every ten minutes. Currently the 12 most recently reported missing children are kept in this queue. Clicking on the NCMEC logo will bring you to the home page; clicking anywhere else will bring you to the full details of the missing child's record. There is also included a link to view the entire queue of 12 children.

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