Links to fellow Geocities users and friends

I would like to share links to my friends and fellow Geocities users homepages. I hope that you enjoy their pages as much as I have.

Theresa Goebel Theresa is a community leader for Heartland. She has helped me with a few things. Thanks for the help. I hope everyone gets to look at her page or even if you need help she is wonderful.

Freeze King
Toutz's Place.

Dedra's Homepage.

Manda's Homepage

Beth Carwile

Lady Duttie's Victorian Homepage

Gypsy's Homepage(Jacqueline)

Truddle's homepage

Micbran's Homepage

Geneseo's Homepage

BethAnn's homepage Safe and Happy Kids Page!

Dindo Visit Dindo and learn some really interesting stuff.

I hope you enjoy visiting my friends.

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