Painting an Historic Home - south wall and gable end

July 2005
Aug 2005
Nov 2005
Jan 2006
Feb 2006
May 2006
July 2006
Aug 2006
Oct 2006
Back Porch
Pecan Tree
Kitchen 1
Kitchen 2
Kitchen 3
Dig Footers
Build Foundation
Filling an Antique Septic Tank
Floor Joists
Framing Day 1
Framing Day 2
Framing Day 3
Framing Day 4
New windows
Sewer Line
Water Line
West Wall
East Wall
South Wall-West Gable
Front Door
New East Wall
New West Wall
New North Wall
Last New Wall
Front Porch

Elizabeth found a spiffy ladder at the local hardware store which was just the right height for 8-foot walls. It was also nice to sit on during break times. She is shown here applying oil-base primer to the porch wall.

Below, except for the gable end, the front clapboards of the house are all yellow.

The Georgia Power pickup truck stopped by one day after we notified all the utilities we needed to dig for our sewer line. He needed to verify that we had no underground wires. We thought this pretty funny since we had been trying unsuccessfully for months to make Georgia Power understand that we did not have a temporary pole with a meter standing next to our house. (A typical construction project has a temporary power pole with meter and, in the case of Georgia Power, is a commercial account at $15 per month. A residential account was only $8 per month.) The billing department wouldn't even believe the meter reader when he called them up and said, I'm standing here, there is no pole.

We explained to the service employee that we needed to erect some scaffolding around the power lines so we could paint the gable end and it would be nice to have the lines insulated before we started work. Interestingly enough, Georgia Power did not our scaffolding anywhere near their unprotected lines, and they put in a work order right away.

About 8 p.m. one summer night we heard the rumble of a large truck and went out to see some newly installed "eels." Eels are super-insulators power company employees use when working around high-voltage lines.

Below we have our scaffolding up and it can be seen how close we were to the lines. Someone is getting a bit too comfortable working up there!

Elizabeth is at the highest point she must reach painting on the house. Jim has already prepared the surface for priming. Note that we were good kids and placed plastic on the ground to catch lead-based paint which was removed.

This is one of our best images which shows before and after effects of a good paint job. People who knew the home can't believe what a change we made by painting it; people who don't know the house can't possibly believe what it looked like when we began.

Above Elizabeth paints over the power lines while lying on metal scaffolding. Note the wires are covered with insulators installed by the power company for our safety. Below after working from the top down, she finishes her primer coat.

Finally the west side (except for the addition in the rear) is painted. We can now take down scaffolding and move our operation to another side.

We actually had mixed feelings about completely painting this side of our house. Miss Pinky's house as we knew it, all abandoned and forlorn, slowly disappeared as the paint went on. At this point there wasn't much left to remind us about what the house looked like originally and what mysterious force drew us into this project.