- Editorial
- Quill and Ink
- Guest Article: Jason Caits-Cheverst
- Guest Article: Highwing
- Guest Article: Calantorntain
- Contest Corner
- All Good Things
- Highwing's Top Ten

- September Cover
- Warriors
- Untitled

- Every New Day
- Veil Revisited
- The Crimson Badger
- Skies of Mossflower

- Vengeance Quest (ex.)
- Cassidy
- Stolen Song
- Bennegaris (ex.)
- Birth of an Avenger
- The Chains of Love
- Don't Read This (ex.)
- Untitled
- Silent Sam: Weary of Angst
- Ripped Away
- Long Fall from the Heavens
- The Hedge
- Phuri Dae Trilogy

- Triss

- Credits
- Links
- Back Issues

In no real order...

Brian Jacques. Redwall and all related items are, of course, copyrighted the lovely man himself. In no way am I, or any of the contributors therein, claiming to own Redwall...I mean, if we did, would we be doing this for free? Huge thank you to BJ for his wonderful series. He's such a wonderful person. Without him, this 'zine (quite obviously) would not exist. :)

Highwing. He's been writing Redwall Fanfiction since 1995.  His first posted story was "The Obligation" (featured in this month's issue!) on Tsarmina's old RFF Board this March.  As Vodola, he was the winner of this summer's "ROC: Survivor" audience-vote-participation RPG game/contest.  He lives in New Jersey with his drum set, one cat, a snake and a mouse-eating pitcher plant.  In spite of his incompetence with computers in general, he plans on being part of the ROC for a long time to come. Now known as "Sex Fiend." No, not really. In this issue: The Crimson Badger, "Guest Article: Highwing," "Highwing's Top Ten," and "Chains of Love."

Catamount. A regular at what is now known as Tsar's Redwall Fan Fiction Board, Catamount has tried her paw at writing fan fics, so far, all of which have lacked something which is universally known as an "ending." (And perhaps a plot for that matter.) This is not a problem with writing webpage reviews.  In her free time, Catamount enjoys attempting to make her multiple webpages bigger and better.  The hard part is finding that "free time," she is a college student after all.  Occasionally she can be heard raving about what is generally regarded as her nonexistant 'l33t skillz' at Command and Conquer or whatever other game happens to catch her fancy when she is not hiking or reading SciFi/Fantasy, or homework as the case may be.  Want your Redwall related website reviewed or just want to send something Cata's way? E-mail her at Catamount3@hotmail.com, please, she's desperate for e-mail with intelligent content. She also has incredible fears that I will add something frightening into her bio. Go figure. I'm not that mean to my staff members, am I? ...something like that... In this issue: "All Good Things" and "Warriors."

Mitya Shostak. Mitya Shostak (AKA Antietam) has been an active fanfic writer and Redwall-net surfer for more than two years. When he's interested in something, that interest is an obsessive one. Redwall is clearly one of those obsessions. Other topics that send Mitya into a hyperactive state of spouting out useless information are the American Civil War and the music of 20th century Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich (compare the names). When he finds time outside of his obsessions (though it should really be the other way around), he plays piano and viola, sings, attempts to compose, and gets irritated by stupid college applications. He can be reached at FstBullRun@cox.rr.com. In this issue: Skies of Mossflower.

Rosethorn. Rose is an insane thinggummy that likes to write, draw, and other various things. *coughsuckbloodcough* She is the organizer of the contests for Redwall Digest. She likes little children for her dinner and her favorite time of day is evening or dawn. She has been called a biscoti and her animal personality is a prairie dog. Heh・ure. That's so..fitting. She has now run out of things to say, and wants to stop before she begins to ramble. If she isn稚 doing that now, however. O.o In closing, she would like to add a word of wisdom to all・ob! If you can't tell, we're not quite sure what to think of her, either... She can be contacted at fantasia@ozisland.com. In this issue: "September Cover."

Snowspine. She's been a Redwall fan for perhaps four years now, and thinks the only stuff worth reading from her earlier Redwall years is her poetry. She spends most of her time on the Internet roleplaying, working on websites, and chatting on AIM (screen name: Snowspine)- when she isn't writing offline. An index of all her sites and more about her can be found at Snowspine's Space, and she can be reached at briar@snowspine.com. In this issue: "Quill and Ink," Vengeance Quest, and "Stolen Song."

Bandeye. Not only is she the talented cover artist for Redwall Digest (excuse me while I stare, transfixed, at the cover again... ^.^), but she also runs Silverpeak Island. You can reach her at bandeyelinsang@hotmail.com. In this issue: Cover Design, Cover Art, and Banner.

Tari. Iris' three favorite things about angelfire is that it exists, it functions, 
and it doesn't send her annoying messages about her bandwidth.  She likes 
dogs, but prefers Hungary.  She has had nothing traumatic happen to her  in 
the last few minutes.  And, oh, she's very excited to be in Redwall Digest. She can be contacted at angstywolverine@hotmail.com. In this issue: Veil Revisited and "Silent Sam: Weary of Angst."

Starose. Poet that can be found on the RFF. In this issue: "Triss."

Jason has been writing for a little over six years, and has just recently tried his hand at fanfiction. He's also a beginning song writer, and has even written a songfic for the Redwall Fanfiction Board. You can find all of his work there, fanfiction or not, at anytime. 'Bennegaris' is his first attempt at a real rendition of the Redwall world, without any outside help. Jason's views on the gray area are very different than Brian's, so don't be surprised if the villains happen to be mice or badgers. 'Riala and The Heroes of Purdricson' is the only other fanfic Jason has written, with the permission of another author to use her main character. It's even more controversial, complete with humans, magic, and religion. You probably won't be seeing much more of Jason after Bennegaris is done, but he's currently active with another songfic project involving several RFFers, so feel free to drop by Tsarmina's site and pay a visit! In this issue: Bennegaris.

Skipper-of-Otters. Fanfiction freak and Star Wars and computer geek (don't get him started, please, it's frightening ^.-), Skip can be found on the RFF. Also, his fanfiction is featured on Fanfiction.net as well as Starfire's Redwall Abbey. Warning: do not inflate ego. In this issue: "Do Not Read."

Uri Fairchild. Also called 'erfie bob' (like on the Redwall Fan Fiction board). He likes food, sleep and mountains, though not necessarily in that order. He also likes writing stuff, but only does so on alternate days. He is a master of avoiding real work, having labored many years to become so. Send him chocolate and he'll be your friend forever. Or just email him at erfull_2@hotmail.com and say nice things about him. In this issue: "Cassidy" and "Ripped Away."

Marc. Well, I actually only joined the ROC a few months ago. I had visited the official Redwall site and read a few e-zines but I never really joined any boards, but I知 currently based at Terrouge and I plan on expanding that soon, and I also plan on trying to widen the range of people joining the ROC, and increase the numbers for a lot more people talking about Redwall. I was a little amazed I won, it was my first Redwall article or story. I just thought how I could keep in the Brian style and still deal with a pretty taboo, but realistic, I think, situation in Redwall. When I get a working scanner I知 going to start trying to draw some Redwall stuff and get it on the Internet, art is probably my favourite school subject, with English and IT as well. I like reading, drawing and a lot of TV programs, as well as trying to play the piano and basketball. You can contact me on AIM as RazorLeaf2001 or PM me at Terrouge (my username as 溺arc・. In this issue: "Contest Corner" winner.

Calantorntain. Can be found on Starfire's message board. In this issue: "Guest Article: Calantorntain."

Retto. Most of you probably know him, yes? You can find him lurking around his website, rw-club.org, or the Terrouge message boards. In this issue: "Long Fall from the Heavens."

Shadown. Can be contacted at icegreenstar@hotmail.com. In this issue: "Untitled."

Shytalon has been on the RFF for many years... the old fart. I've been writing fiction since then, most of it unfinished. I am currently working on my NaNoWriMo novel, Every New Day, which is featured. I am also a wannabe furry artist who never gets off my lazy butt to draw. Since I am desperate for money, I will take both art and story commisions if asked. E-Mail me at pinkpanther101010@hotmail.com if you want one. Please. It's lonely here. I don't want to stare at my Ein wallpaper, even if it is soopah-cool. Now, I must go back to gnawing my hackey-sac... And I'd like to thank Tsar for being half of the inspiration of my story. Even if she doesn't want to be associated with it... *Evil Laugh* In this issue: Every New Day, and "The Hedge."

Tsarmina. The editor (meaning...me, the disembodied voice you've been subject to throughout most of this issue)--responsible for the conception, graphics, and layout of this 'zine. She can be contacted through Tsarmina@earthlink.net, or on Y!Messenger  as "yogaclassforcats29" and "DriedUpAngels29" for AIM. A writer, in the fictional sense, since first grade--and a storyteller years before that--she's an aspiring author. She's an 18-year-old with entirely too much time on her hands (supposedly. Although, in reality, she shouldn't have enough time to "play around on the computer." But what do parents know?)... A fact that she celebrates about. Formerly the webmistress of the deceased Tsarmina's Library (woe be it to Crosswinds...), she can normally be found chatting too often on the Redwall Fanfiction Board (which, incidentally, she is the administrator of). Or you'll find her going aroud, deleting important things like her editorial. Some days she really does need an extra nap... In this issue: "Editorial" and "Phuri Dae Trilogy."

Special Mentions. Everyone who ever read the 'zine. Thankee, all. And Gollum. 'Cause he's cool. -.- Thanks, again, and I know your lives won't be so rich now that we're gone (???).