<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/rick_cindy2006/hannamceuen_ocean.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
I think I'll go down to the ocean
I think I'll go down and lie by the sea
Sit alone and watch the waves break
I don't think I'll ever going to leave,to leave,to leave

Find a girl that looks like an angel
Take her home just to be by her side
The kind of girl you've love to marry
Someday to be your brand new bride
Your brand new bride

I think I'll go down to the ocean
I think I'll go down and lie by the sea
Sit alone and watch the waves break
I don't think I'm ever going to leave,to leave,to leave,to leave
to leave,to leave,to leave,to leave,to leave

I know I've got this mission
Things to do and things to say everyday
And if you give your heart permission
I know you'd feel the same old way
The same same way

I think I'll go down to the ocean
I think I'll go down and lie by the sea
Sit alone and watch the sun set
She'll be waiting by the shore
And I will be,I don't wanna be alone anymore

I think I'll go down to the ocean....

          Hi again!, I am here to fill up this page too. In this page song had a history of me and Rick. He found this song some where in September this year 2006. He was pretty down though at that time cos he have just lost him dear mom not long ago. And he's kind of lost himself for a while and we did not talk for 2 weeks until he found this song that leads him back to me.
             Rick always told me that I am his angel. And I am glad he found this song and if you were to see the lyrics of this song , he said he found his angel by the ocean which indeed I am living across the ocean and he want to take her home and just be by her side, the kind of girl he have love to marry. I can see he loves this song so much cos each time when we have any misunderstanding on something,
he will play this song repeatly on and on. My Rick is like me, I also play song repeatly when I am sad and he told me he had already played this song over and over and I remember I send him back another song name"I can see you drifting" by Kenny Rogers and this two song combines together to make my Rick found his way back to me...
               Today is the 4th day, Rick and me don't talk to each other. And it's all started with some small misunderstanding. I don't know why this time I did not send him any song or email but I do know my heart are still hurt. He call me a stalker and he said I stalk at him so the reason this time I did not write anything to him cos I don't want him to call me again this name. I mean how can he call me a stalker when he and me started as a friend to like each other with. It takes two hearts to like each other. Maybe he only said it out of anger but it doesn't look like cos he called me this name more than once. I miss him alot but I just dare not approach him this time, I don't want him to feels this way at me. Tell me ! what shall I do next, we cannot go on like that....
                 I may not email him anything but I have wrote so many for him and if he misses me enough then he will find all those hidden messages I wrote for him. The words that he said to me are still haunting me. Each time I look myself at the mirror, I hate myself, I really do...
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by    Hanna McEuen
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