Simply Sandis' Clematis Tutorial
I did a clematis tutorial awhile back, but didn't think the resulting flower was a good likeness, so now that my clematis is blooming again, I picked a flower, scanned it, and made selections.  This graphic represents my results using those selections.  It turned out so well, I thought I would attempt a tutorial making a clematis.  You will need to download my selections by clicking on the graphic above.  Save them in a folder of your choice, you will need to unzip them to use them. 
Don't forget to save often!!  We are making the purple flower this time.
1.  Open a new image 300 x 300.  Add a layer (just because, LOLOL),
2.  Selections, load from disk, stem1, flood with 011301,
3.  Selections, invert, effects, drop shadow, these settings-V 2 H 0, Opacity 100, Blur 4.9 color C0FD2D, ok
4.  All of the petals will be done the same, so will only give these instructions once.  I suggest you add a layer for each petal.
5.  Add layer, selections, from disc, find the selections and start with petal 1, ok, floodfill with 462550, selections invert, effects, drop shadow- V & H -1, opacity 100, blur 46.7,
color blk.  Selections invert again, effects,
noise 15, blur 1,deselect .  Do rest of petals each on new layer
6.  Add layer, selections from disk, stem2, floodfill with same dark green used on stem1, ok, selections, float, dropshadow-V 2, H 4, Opacity 100, Blur 30.9, color 8CA004, ok, on same layer selections, from disk, center, ok, floodfill with 9BA761, deselect, add layer, selections, center flood with 9BA761, ok.  Click on deformation tool and pull it out a little to the left where it shows. 
Now you can either be done or  go back and do some more shading if you want to, and add another dose of noise for good measure ( I am falling in love with noise, I think)  and that is the reason for putting each petal on its own layer.  If you are done, just merge visible and save.
If you want to do more shading, find a petal, make it the active layer, select all, select float. Now everything you do will stay inside the petal and the marching ants.  Effects, eyecandy3, innerbevel, bevel width 65, bevel shape Mesa, smoothness 10, shadow depth 16, both brightnesses at 100, direction 305, inclination 55.  I used gaussien blur and the smudge tool to smooth some of the beveling out.  You can use the smudge tool, set to lighten rgb and lighten an area, set it to darken rgb and darken an area, then take either the smudge or push tool and smooth the area you worked on.
These setting are arbitrary,  I know very little about this tool, so you might want to experiment and find some you like better.  These are the settings I used for the smudge tool.......
round, size 15(varied it some, at times), hardness 6, opacity 73, step 34, density 69.
These are settings I used for lighten rgb...round, size 16, hardness 24, opacity 51, step 23, density 30.
These are settings I used for darken rgb-round, size 9, hardness 1, opacity 35, step 1, density 19.
These are the settings I used for push...round, size 7, hardness 41, opacity 37, step 25, density 39.

If you have any questions, email me
Other Simply Sandi tutorials
simple gold frame
blind's frame
Make own maskframe
Here is a leaf tube I made,  you may use with your clematis if you like
This tutorial is entirely my own work and was written and place here 7-17-2002
This tutorial may be used at your discretion, it is a pleasure for me to be able to write them and an honor that anyone wants to work them.  Sandisuetoo
I have made a zip with instructions for shading which you can get by clicking here.
make rose
Fishing girl tutorial
Making a cake
NEW football helmet mailbox tutorial
Click HERE for table of contents for tutorials I have written