December 01, Reviews

AA-Action/Adventure AN-Anthology CR-Contemporary CL-Classic FA-Fantasy
FR-Futuristic HS-Historical MY-Mystery NF-Nonfiction
PN-Paranormal RG-Reader Guide SF-Science Fiction SU-Suspense
TH-Thriller TT-Time Travel WR-Western Romance YA-Young Adult

Dream Knight The Star Prince The Marriage Bed
HR- Alexis Kaye Lynn FR- Susan Grant HR- Claudia Dain
The Dragon Lord Desert Bloom Eden
HR- Connie Mason HR- Ronda Thompson HR- Bobbi Smith
Celtic Rendezvous The Great Baby Caper Lanigan's Lady
CR- Judy Mays CR- Eugenia Riley HR- Sonya Birmingham
Beyond Innocence The Mackenzies: Cleve Sister of the Moon
SU- Erin Fox HR- Ana Leigh FA- Janeen O'Kerry
