The Role of Discipline in Today's Society
    We have lost the handle on today's kids. Gone is the strap and the woodshed, and in most ways, that's a bad thing for us. I even read an article that says the reason we have an obesity problem in our country is because we can't teach our kids to say no. I agree with that assesment. In fact, because of laws protecting our children, we have lost the ability to discipline them, to teach them right from wrong, because we are scared they will have us arrested.

     I am currently hearing a story on the news about a lady getting trampled in a Wal-Mart. I think that the lack of concern and the indifference shown by the people reflect on the way these people were raised. They would rather not be bothered with caring about a fellow human being, they are more interested in fulfilling their own selfish motives and desires.We are quickly becoming a society that is nothing more than a bunch of thugs.

     We need to get our parental power back. We need to be able to spank our children when they do something wrong. We need to have the right to correct them when they are selfish, or uncaring. If we can no longer do that, we will be filling up the prisons faster than we can build them.

P.S. If you were expecting an adult porn page, too bad, so sad, very sorry.
Top Ten Pet-Peeves
Driving Pet Peeves
Political Correctness
The War on Drugs
The Dumbing Down of America
Advertising Idiots
Mail-in Rebates
NFL Refs
NBA Refs
Average IQ?
Kerry (or Hillary) for Prez?
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