The War on Drugs
    It's a waste of time, resouces and money. Period. And, it is interfering with the medical treatment of certain cases (e.g. treatment of pain and loss of appetite related to cancer treatments). I think the best way to handle it is to make almost all drugs legal (of course there are some exceptions, like Heroin, etc.), but restricted in a way similar to cigarettes and alcohol. You must be 21, and for some drugs, have a perscription. This approach would bring in more money from taxes on sales, create jobs, and help identify people who need help (for dependancy), not to mention shut down the 'mafia' and 'drug lords' because there would no longer be a profit in it for them, at least in this country, much like prohibition did not stop the use of alcohol, it only moved its use underground. I suspect that the only reason drugs are not legal now is some politicians have their hands dirty making money under the table. Don't ask me who, because I don't know, but the current policy is not working at all. We are putting people in jail that don't need to be there, they need professional help. They most likely have an addictive personality! We would be able to seperate those people from the real criminals, and free up our judicial system and jail space.

LET ME BE CLEAR! Some people can handle drugs, of any kind (even legal perscriptions), and some people can't, and we need not confuse them with criminals!
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