Welcome to Vagabond's Deadland's Page

I'm working on some new stuff and will put it up as soon as it's ready... Hopefully my Chat Room should be through here...
Unfortunately the University doesn't run Java capable browsers yet (and I've no way round it since I don't have 7meg of disk space to put a higher version of netscape in), so you won't meet me in there yet...

The faux advert for Hell on Earth I made before it came out...

My Hell on Earth page.
This page will likely be empty until I get hold of a copy of the Main book... [sigh]

My first aventure



Evil creatures

Goofey Conversation

Real Men/Roleplayers/Loonies and Munchkins

Famous Last Words from the group I play with.

Some non-Deadlands related links

Click here to download act.bas. An action deck generator I wrote with the help of my housemate (thanks Dave)

If you want to see some more deadlands stuff, I suggest you jump to the PEGinc page or jump on the web ring...
It can be found on: The Official Deadlands Homepage

And Goddammit someone Add to or Read my GuestBook.

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Legal Mumbo-Jumbo

Deadlands is a Trademark of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc. Copyright 1998, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
All material used (such as the pictures), is done so without permission.
Cyberpunk:2020 is a Registered Trademark of R.Talsorian Corporation.
Original Cyberpunk:2020 material Copyright 1994, 1995 by R.Talsorian Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission.
I take no responsibilty for the homicidal actions of anyone reading this page (it's all in their genes), nor do I accept responsibilty for anything else whatsoever... (A court of law may force responsibilty on me, but that's another story...)

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