again in the fall, he will have taken a leap most of us are too scared to try.

      I almost didn't come to school here this year, but for different reasons though. I didn't want to be under the wings of my parents, who are paying for much of this education. That goes back to my discussion on pride for what one has earned unaided, but the point is that I wasn't confident enough in my plan to take that leap of faith my friend is taking now. Kudos to him and all the other dreamers who don't need a standard game plan for life. Hooray for the dreamers.


      Why do we have to tie ourselves up in dreaming instead of living. Life shouldn't make us want to change it. Life shouldn't force our children to dream of running away, or our young adults from dreaming of leaving the easiest place in the world to live (college) and escaping anywhere else, where the standard of living almost has to be worse. It shouldn't knock us around and it shouldn't toss us in to see if we sink.

      It's been proposed by those with an extreme case of optimism that the value of happiness lies in it's elusiveness. That is to say, if you were always happy, it wouldn't mean anything. If that's true, then I guess we're all screwed, because aren't we all trying to always be happy?

      I, for one, wouldn't mind always being happy. Hell, I don't even need to always be happy, I just need things to be a little simpler. A lot simpler.

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      I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. She's working on getting with this guy, but as it turns out, a mutual friend of both her and her would-be lover may be deep in smit with her. It's confusing; no one's really sure what's going to happen...seems to be a common theme. She asked me why things can't be ever be easy, and I didn't have an answer. I didn't have an answer, and I hate when I don't have an answer, though it seems to happen a lot these days. I don't know why everything good in this world must be tainted and even the beautiful things take some making

"I was pissed on, pissed off, and beat down, mutilated and tossed out a dead clown."--Insane Clown Posse, Pass Me By

"Electra Made Me Blind," by Everclear --Track #8

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