
      I ask myself every single day why the world is as evil as it is. I'm not talking about earthquakes, famines, and Full House reruns, though those are the best examples. We all know how horrible those events can be, but they don't hit home like other tragedies. We all know someone who has it bad.

Real bad.

     Maybe he or she is your neighbor, your closest friend, the guy down the hall from you in your dorm, or that name on your buddy list that seems faceless nowadays. Maybe it's you that has it bad. Real bad. Why? How can this happen? I don't know. I know I don't believe in any benevolent God, not one I could ever understand or worship anyway. Children dying, women crying. I will never understand how those in the horrid pits of Earth are able to find their faith. I will always wish I was one of them. Do you? Yes, if you're not one of those people that have found the light of the Lord, even if you are the most devout, church-hating atheist, you wish you were, and that's ok.

     More than once in my life I have seen a religious bumper sticker of some sort ("Jesus is coming, look busy" or "Come Rapture, you're going to wish you had a Jesus sticker on your car") and then looked down to see the handicapped license plate. That is beyond me. I'm not going to debate theology here, but I just can't look out my window and not see the perfect evil outside. I want to grab some of my closest friends and hold them high. I want to lift them above everything in this world that seeks to bring them down. I want to pay their bills when they have no money. I want to place my foot firmly in the ass of their parents, and then I want to make them make up. I want to set them on a pedestal so high that no hate can ever reach them and I can't. I can't get anywhere near helping them. In the end, they have to stand here and face this world on their own, despite all the support I can offer. There are others there that help out too, and they do help. They're there to lend a hand when needed, and it's always needed, but that's not enough. All the errands ran and the dollars handed over, even all the phone calls and visits won't make the nights any warmer or the smiles any more real. It won't straighten things out the way they should be. Friends can be there to get you laughing when you're sure you'll never laugh again,

"Look at your young men fighting/ look at your women crying/ look at your young men dying/ the way they've always done before."
--Guns 'n Roses, Civil War

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