Slave Dances

p. 172, Dancer of Gor
"On Gor, dance of the sort in which I was expected to perform, is called, simply, "slave dance." That is presumably because it is a form of dance which, for the most part is throught to be fit only for slaves, and would be performed only by slave. The thought crossed my mind that the lovely woman who been my techer on Earth had once remarked to me, "We are all slaves." I think that is true. Certainly, however, not all women are legal slaves. Many women are free, legally, whether it is in their best interest or not. such dances, then, "slave dances," at least on Gor are not for such women. If a "free woman," were to publically perform such a dance on Gor she would probably find herself in a master's chains by moring. Her "legal freedom," we may speculate, would prove quite fleeting. It would soon be replaced, we may suppose, with a new and more appropriate status, that of being a slave legally, a status fixed on her for all the world to see, fixed on her as plainly as the collar on her neck and the mark on her thigh."

p. 260, Guardsman of Gor
"There is no standardization, or little standardization, for better or for worse, in Gorean slave dance. Not only can the dances differ from city to city, and town to town, and even from tavern to tavern, but they are likely to differ, too, even from girl to girl. This is because each girl, in her own way, brings the nature of her own body, her own dispositions, her own sensuality and needs, her own personality, to the dance. For the woman, slave dance is a uniquely personal and creative art form. Too, of course, it provides her with a wondrous modality for deeply intimate self-expression. 'They all wear collars,' is the first portion of a familiar exchange, of which Goreans are fond. The second, and concluding, portion of the exchange is, 'But each in her collar is different.' This exchange, I think, makes clear the attitude of the Gorean toward the slave girl. In one sense, she is nothing, and is to be treated as such, but, in another sense, she is precious, and is everything." p. 172, Dancer of Gor " "Slave dance," on gor incidentally, is a very rich and varied dance form. It covers a great deal more than simple "ethnic dance." For example, it includes dances such as hunt dances, capture dances, submission dances, chain dances, whip dances, and such. Perhaps what is done in slave dance on on Gor would count as "exotic dance" on Earth, but, if we are thinking of the actual kinds of dances performed, then there is much in slave dance, for example, story dances, which are seldom, if ever, included in "exotic dance" on Earth, and there are forms of dance in "exotic dance" which for one reason or another, are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, for example, certain forms of carnival dancing, such as bubble dancing or fan dancing. Perhaps the reason such dances are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, is that Goreans would be likely to regard them as being "real dance." They would be regarded, I think, as little more than culturally idiosyncratic forms of commedic teasing. They are, at any rate, not the sort of dance, or the "danse-du-ventre" sort, so pleasing to strong men, which a slave on Gor, fearing the whip must often learn to perform."

p. 190, Dancer of Gor

"The passage starts off by explaining there are three types of Gorean virgin dances. one performed by an actual virgin, and celebrating that. it would not be danced in a Tavern normally. "The second sense is the obvious one in which a dance danced by a virgin, and usually just prior to the loss of her virginity. In that sense, it could be almost any dance which serves the prupose of displaying the girl before her initial ravishing. The third sense of the term is that of a specific dance, or type of dance, most often, interestingly, not even danced by a virgin, but usually by an experienced slave. It is not exactly a story dance, but more an an emotional or attitudinal piece, more in the nature of a "role dance," a dance in which the slave dances as though she might be a virgin, but knows she is to be ravished, and that she is expected to be pleasing. the dance I was expected to perform was, I suppose, a "virgin dance" in both the second and third senses of the term. Mirus, paradocxically, speaking obviously in the third sense of the term, has told me that I would do better at this sort of dance when I was no longer a virgin."

p. 192, Dancer of Gor
"There is nothing coy or teasing about a Gorean dancer if the dance is of the scrolls. the girl wishes to be taken, wishes to please, she wishes to "excite them, and twist them with torments of desire, and make them gasp and scream with pelasure! ... They would not compromise with a woman like me. They would want her too much. They would throw her to their feet. They would dominate and master me, mercilessly! I was a female. In the arms of no other sort of man could I be fulfilled! ... what an excellent slut, what superb slave meat...."

Girls should always Remember the rules Of Dance...

Dance is not masturbation to music.

Try the movements to be certain they are real.

Write what is being seen.

Write what is being felt by the dancer.

Establish a reason for the dance. (story, joy, desire, sorrow, etc?)

Watch your tense and do not change it.

If no real music, describe with movement the music. Smooth, urgent beat, etc. Dance is moving music.

Personalize the music.

Do not be afraid! This is your expression .. something you have the right to do in your own way. Too many rules destroy art!

If working from a macro for spelling, timing, etc. allow time for responses and personalize it heavily to the occassion where you are dancing.

If working at the moment (which is always most desirable and shows the very best of dancers, post in short enough posts that continuity is maintained.)

Never copy another sister's dance. There may be hundreds of whip dances, each beautiful and each correct.

A kajira never touches a blade and if she touches the whip .. she acknowledges that she is behaving improperly and may be at risk for punishment at the end of her performance.

Sometimes a piece of cloth is sexier than nude. But not always.

Never allow another to take from you the joy of creativity .. no matter how knowledgable they profess to be.

(Without apology, these girls wish to inform most of these are not dances strictly from the Gorean Novels, but are rather reflective of the feelings of a kajira as she uses her body to express herself. in this manner, she believes they are appropriate for a kajira to perform.)

These dances should be considered in "outline" form. this one dances 40-60% of the dance spontaneously adapted to the audience. the music files are mounted not embedded in them, for speed of loading, but rather as separate links. none of the midi files are copyrighted, to this ones knowledge. if any find different, please message and the file will be deleted and changed. thank You for allowing a girl to perform, and to share. A brief selection of quotes describing Gorean Dance. if any would wish their pages, dances or Tavern linked, please message a girl.

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