The Branding

Branding is used at the discretion of the Master sometimes as soon as a slave is collared...sometimes after a period of time when the Master feels the slave deserves His mark.

The branding rack is an X-shaped table with either leather straps or rings for binding fiber for the slave's wrists and ankles at the ends of the X. The slave's left thigh is held motionless during the branding by leather straps, binding fibers, or a clamp that fits onto the rack.

The Master binds the slave onto the branding rack. He then holds up the heating branding iron for the slave to see and says, "You will soon be branded, girl."

When the iron is white hot, He takes it from the fire and holds it over her left thigh and says, "You are to be branded now, slave." The Master then presses the iron firmly into her skin for five seconds, then swiftly and cleanly removes it. He examines the mark closely to see that it is clean and deep enough to create an excellent brand.

Common Gorean practice allows the slave the luxury of screaming, since it is her final act as free person. Sometimes other slaves stand by with healing salve to apply to the fresh brand to prevent infection and promote healing. The Master then frees the slave from the rack and says, "You are now branded property, slave."

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