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Student Profiles Page #1

Here is the first page of the University of Chicago Class of 2006 Profiles. I hope everyone is happy with the webpage and will send thier Picture and info to in order to be posted. If you see something in your profile that is not correct or any other error I may have made fill free to e-mail and let me know. If you would like to add anything to your profile or change your picture let me know. Lastly... every ones picture is a link to their e-mail address, so if you would like to e-mail anyone on this page just click their picture.

Katherine Oppenheim
Katherine Oppenheim
Age: 17
AIM: kateo1184
Hometown: Monticello, New York
Major: Econ and int'l studies/polisci/pub policy
Room Assignment: Max Palevsky Central, New House, 404A
Hey everyone - I can't wait to finally see all of you in person this fall (although I?ll be enjoying my summer in nyc)!  I love politics, economics, art history, fashion, music - from bach to glass to radiohead and the strokes - dance, smiles, sunflowers, sunny days, pools, snow, snowball fights, long walks on the beach. yeah I think you get the point.  feel free to IM me :o)

Jerrod Lee Lowmaster
Jerrod Lee Lowmaster
Age: 18
Homtown: Carrolltown, Pennsylvania
Major: Philosophy
AOL IM: JeSuisAdonis
"Hello everybody. I can't tell you all how anxious I am to meet you, especially the lucky chico-garcon who gets to be my roommate next year. If there is anybody out there who is majoring in philosophy as well, please talk to me; I can't handle these Law and Linguistic people much longer. Enjoy the rest of your summers, and see you in September."

Elise Johnson
Elise Johnson
Age: 18
AOL IM: ProseGoddess
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Major: Sociology, political science, English, comparative literature, theology, philosophy, gender studies...
Room Assignment: Max Palevsky West, Wallace House, 201A
As you can see by my list of potential majors, it's probably easier to list the things that I'm NOT interested in than the things that I AM interested in.  To spare you all, just talk to me in the fall for more information or talk to me online if you just can't wait :)

Check out Elise's Poetry in the Poetry Corner.

Chris Shipman
Chris Shipman
Age: 18
Hometown: New York City, New York
Major: ?polysci, int'l rel, philo, anthro, psych, econ, neurosci, hist?
I plan on going to lots of jazz clubs around town, but I like all types of music: two-tone and trad ska like toots & maytals and the specials, although ska-punk like opivy is great; love some easy rap/hip-hop like tribe called quest; can definitely work with some good trip-hop, d'n'b, and house; DEFINITELY jam bands; funk of course; good hippie 60s beatles dylan stones janis jimi etc; classical; weezer/radiohead get a category of their own, mostly cause of the fan base; helluva lot of flecktones and most especially the legendary Medeski Martin & Wood. beastie boys, pink floyd. plenty of things.Also plan on going to sporting events, notably Cubs, Fire, Kane County Cougars (A team in Geneva IL), and Wolves (damn good minor league hockey team that plays in the city). Play all sports, but would be especially interested in playing soccer, ultimate, lacrosse, baseball, tennis (or other raquet sport) or any hand-foot combo game (rugby, aussie rules, or gaelic football, etc) with those interested. I love games like go, chess, d&d, and diplomacy. I've always done lots of theate. Am pretty upfront about things and easily adapt to new situations. Of course very interested in anything that remotely falls under any of the possible majors listed above (and if asked i could probably name about 20 more possibles). Very much enjoy good conversations with good people while chilling to some really good music.

Age: 18
Hometown: Edina (Minneapolis), Minnesota
Major: Psychology
AOL: insolentia
I'm really looking forward to Chicago...been stocking up on things for my dorm room, and even pre-planning autumn trips to IKEA for postmodern Swedish diy furniture.

Ryan Macy Rubin
Ryan Macy Rubin
Age: 18
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Major: whoooo... no idea. just a humanity.
AOL IM: SyrPageAbone
How're y'all doin? I'm the GUY in the picture, just an FYI... but yeah. That's actually how we dress for prom, not just me. I'm into theater, singing, playing my geetar (though not very well) and reading... and i'm not sure what else to say. But hey. Drop me a line.

Check out Ryan's Poetry in the Poetry Corner.

Maren Christensen
Maren Christensen
Age: 18
Hometown: Salinas, California
Major: International Studies
Room Assignment: Max Palevsky Central, New House
"Hello future classmates! I play the trumpet, and I'm really busy with that. I played a bit of soccer in high school, I was in a play, did a couple years on student council, and I love to travel. I also enjoy long walks on the beach and....wait! What am I saying?! I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all both in and out of the classroom. See you soon!"

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