Chapter 328

Mike stumbled into his house and sighed.

"Don't tell me you got beaten up again?" his father asked.

"No," Mike said and began to go up the stairs.

His father shrugged.

"So what do you think his problem is?" he asked Mrs. Leslie.

"Have you had the drug talk with him?"

"It's not that! Haven't we been over that!"

"Well, yes, but."

"Our children got the insane gene from your side, remember that," Mister Leslie muttered.

Mike pushed open his room door still in a haze of despondency. He stopped dead in his tracks when he found Mina lying on his bed staring at him.

"Well hello there," she said.

"Mina, you're in my bed," Mike said.

"That's all you have to say!" Mina snapped.

"Sure," Mike said. "Now move, I need to sleep."

Mina looked at him, in surprise.

"Fine, here ya go," she muttered and rolled off of it.

"Thank you," Mike said and collapsed onto it.

"And just what is that for?" she asked.

"I'm tired all right?"

"Oh, so Alina takes a lot out of you doesn't she?"

"Yes, and for all the wrong reasons. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Took you long enough to ask," Mina said.


"I was worried okay."

"Worried about what?"

"About you of course."


"Because she's all wrong for you Mike."

"What do you care?"

"Well, I am your friend right?"

"Yeah, but still."

"Trust me Mike, Alina's just not your type."

"I know."

"You know..but that's not the point see...wait a minute! What do you mean you know!"

"I mean I know, and I just haven't been able to admit it to myself."

"Oh..." Mina said at a loss for words.

"Yeah, you're right, she just sees me as entertaining."

"Isn't that your whole point of existing!"

"No, I have needs."

"I'll be going now.." Mina said.

"Mina," Mike said. "Seriously though, you're right, while she laughs at my jokes and seems to like hanging around, I realized I don't get anything out of her, it's one way completely. I mean, I like people laughing at my jokes, but that's not enough. I've been dating her for a while and I just began to realize how little fun I was having."

"Hmm..serves you right for..never mind.."

"What?" Mike said.

"Nothing," Mina said.

"I mean Alina's nice and all, but there's just something about her...I don't know..I'm just not her type."

" you're going to dump her then?"

"What exactly is the big deal to you?"

"Well...I'm just curious. You should dump her shouldn't you?"

"I guess," Mike said.

"Come on Mike, you know you need a special kind of girl to suit you, and she isn't it, trust me."

"You seem to know a lot about her."

"Of course I do, I've been spying on her for three weeks now. But that's not important."

"At least your honest," Mike muttered.

Prime Minister Coral slumped in her chair.

"Have you made any progress in dealing with these troublemakers?" she asked.

"Well, yes," Nephlite said. "Just not anything definite."

"I see, they destroyed a military facility and are responsible for millions of dollars in property damage. I want them stopped. Never mind the risk they pose to the people of this city."

"Everyone is working on it," Nephlite said.

Her intercom buzzed.

"Yes.." Coral said.

"Prime Minister, Ambassador Churchill is here," her secretary said.

"Send him in, in a minute all right?" Coral said and then sighed.

"More bad news," she said.

"I see," Nephlite said. "Guess I should be going."

"No..stay," Coral said. "I just like the idea of it."

"All right," Nephlite said.

A minute later a suited man walked in the door.

"Prime Minister Coral," Ambassador Churchill said and gave a slight bow.

"Ambassador Churchill, meet one of my advisors, Maxfield Stanton," Coral said.

"A pleasure," Stanton lied as the two shook hands.

"Prime Minister I wished to speak with you about some things."

"You can speak openly, my advisor would only have to hear it from me later."

"Very well," Churchill said and sat down. "To be blunt, the United Nations has become more concerned then ever with the situation here."

"Concerned?" Coral asked curiously.

"Extraterrestrial life forms are attacking this planet, and your government seems uninterested in informing the rest of the planet as to what is actually happening."

"To be perfectly honest, most of these matters are strictly internal," Coral said. "Our national defense is compromised, no one elses."

"Not yet,"Churchill said. "But who is to say these alien forces might not attack somewhere else. And yet the only ones with information is your government, and you are withholding it."

"With all due respect ambassador," Nephlite said. "Our scientists have very little to withhold. We are dealing with new forms of energy and matter that have never been encountered before. We are more concerned with unleashing this information on the world and the possible results. A panic could ensue."

"I don't think you understand the situation," Churchill said. "The UN wants you to provide all the information you can to the security council on this matter."

"Or else what?" Coral asked.

"Why are you being so uncooperative?" Churchill asked.

"I have my reasons."

"Which are?"

"Not your concern at the moment."

"This could lead to sanctions," Churchill said.

"Good luck," Coral said.

"I warn you, we are well aware of the programs undertaken by your government to utilize this new what do you call it..."negaenergy" and use it as a weapon."

"Churchill, I suggest you check your information again," Coral growled.

"Yes, jumping to conclusions is dangerous in your position," Nephlite said.

"I can see this is getting nowhere, but be warned. The world will not accept your response," Churchill said and strode out the door.

"Nice guy," Nephlite said.

"There's no way I'm going to let this tactical information fall into the hands of rogue countries, that's all we need," Coral said.

"Yes, well, looks like you've got a lot to deal with."

"So it does," Coral muttered.

"So when do you start hearing about your novel Greg?" Serena asked.

"In about a month or so," Greg said.

"Oh, I see, are you excited?" Serena asked.

"I'll be excited if someone likes it," Greg said.

"Guess there's some logic to that," Serena said.

"I hope you like this cat food Luna," Amy said.

"I think I will," Luna said staring at the bowl. "It looks all right."

"So is Artemas feeling better?"

"He's resting, he's embarrassed more than anything else."

"Still it must have been an ordeal," Amy said.

"Yes, well he should be more careful," Luna said.

"You were really worried about him weren't you?"

"Of course I was, you work together for this long, you learn to care."

"Yes, I guess that's it," Amy said with a smile.

"You're the last person that should be badgering me," Luna said.

"Oh, it's nothing to be ashamed of Luna," Amy said continuing to smile.

Luna sighed.

"I wonder what happened to Malichite and Zoisite," Serena said.

"Haven't you heard from them?" Greg asked.

"No, I mean they're probably hiding somewhere," Serena said.

"Yeah, most likely," Greg said.

"Still, maybe we should find out for sure," Amy said. "I mean just to be careful."

"Yeah, good idea," Serena said.

A car screeched up in front of the house, a knock soon followed.

Amy answered it.

"Ah good," Nephlite said hurrying in. "I fear something's happened to Malichite and Zoisite."

"Really?" Amy said.

"Yes, I haven't heard from them in hours, and it's just possible they decided to attack the enemy on their own anyway," Nephlite said.

"You're right," Amy said. "So what do we do now?"

"Let's get the scouts together and go after them," Serena said. "I'm getting sick and tired of dealing with these crazy scouts anyway."

"It's as good an idea as any by now," Luna said.

"No time to lose, let's go," Serena said.

Raye meanwhile was heading down the street, Motoki and Rick were obediently following each carrying a large box of some kind.

"It was nice of you two to come along," Raye said.

"Well..yeah," Rick said. "Always fun to go shopping with you," he muttered.

"I fear this is more annoying then enjoyable," Motoki said.

"Oh you two," Raye said and slid to a stop. "Just what is that!"

The three's attention had been attracted to the display for Chad's new album.

"From the ashes of the Big Crushers rose Chad...." Raye read from the album cover.

"Way to go Chad," Rick muttered.

"And why is our former housemate a celebrity?" Motoki asked.

"Couldn't tell you," Raye and Rick muttered.

"Wait here," Raye said went inside the store.

"So is he skilled in the musical arts?" Motoki asked.

"Not when you put it that way," Rick said.

Raye emerged soon afterward.

"They've been selling that album like crazy..I don't get it," Raye said.

"Look over there," Rick said in surprise.

An appliance store had several TV's in it's window and there on all of them was Chad.

"The Chad..musical video?" Raye asked in shock.

"That worries me," Rick said.

"This is very odd," Motoki observed.

And on another side street.

"Hah! Lita what a surprise," Steve said.

"Yeah fancy meeting you here of all places," Lita said in surprise.

" about that?"

"Are you avoiding me?"

"Were you avoiding me?"

The two looked at each other.

"Yeah," they said in unison.

"Guess I was afraid," Steve said. "That whole spiritual thing was pretty weird."

"I know," Lita said.

"So, uh...maybe we shouldn't do any more of that."

"I don't know..I wanted to learn."

"Yeah I guess I'll have to think about it some more."

"That might be the best way to do it," Lita said. "Still, I..well.I don't know."

"Yeah, it was just weird," Steve said.

"What can you say," Lita said.

"Guess nothing," Steve said.

"Well..I'd better get going."

"Me too," Steve said.

"You wanted to see me Ozaki?" General Nagumo said with some annoyance walking into the Chief's office.

"Ah..yes, Nagumo," Chief Ozaki said with a grin leaning back in his chair. "I have something that might interest you."

"Which is?"

"Patience, you in a hurry or something?" Ozaki asked.

"Unlike you, I actually have duties, as well as a group of rogue scouts to deal with."

"I wouldn't worry, it's not like you could do anything about them."

"Ozaki...get to the point."

"Ah..yes, all right," Ozaki said and held up a small device.

"What is that?" Nagumo asked in surprise.

"Don't you recognize it? It's one of your negaenergy storage devices."

"And what are you doing with it?"

"My secret," Ozaki said enjoying his position. "But I think you'd like what's inside, a sample of negaenergy, which I believe you don't have anymore."

"You're obviously teasing me with it for a reason. So what do you want?"

".005 percent of the defensive budget," Ozaki said.


"You heard me, I want that money flowing into the Tokyo Police, in exchange, you get this back."

"Keep it," Nagumo said. "We weren't stupid enough to leave all the negaenergy in one place."

" you were," Ozaki said and sighed.

"Don't waste my time like this again Ozaki," Nagumo muttered and headed out.

"How'd it go?" Captain Ozaki said poking her head in.

"You and your stupid plans!" her father snapped.

"Sorry," his daughter whined.

Night fell. Nephlite and the scouts were hurrying along rooftops.

"We're almost there," Nephlite said.

"Can't wait," Sailor Moon said bitterly.

"Nephlite, do you think they could do to Malichite and Zoisite what they did to Jaedite?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"I don't know," Nephlite said. "Yet I sense somehow that it's possible. I don't know why though."

"Hmm..well, maybe we can end this now," Sailor Moon said.

The group of scouts dropped to a roof. They all stood and looked down at a building.

"There it is," Nephlite said.

"So now what do we do?" Sailor Moon asked.

"There's always the possibility of a trap," Mercury said.

"Especially with them onto us, if they are," Tuxedo Mask said.

"Then we'll have to look the place over first," Sailor Mars said.

It was then that the building under them exploded.

"Everyone jump for it!" Nephlite shouted. The scouts all jumped off the building as it collapsed and landed on the HQ of the rogue scouts. As they touched the ground that building exploded as well. The scouts all dived off landing awkwardly on the street below. Energy blasts flew at them from above. Nephlite raced forward and sent a wave of energy flying into them.

"Take up some sort of defensive position!" Tuxedo Mask shouted in the chaos. Energy blasts flew at them from all sides. They dived out of the way of them and tried to locate their attackers.

"The scouts are on the roofs above, there are six now," Mercury said quickly.

"I think we know what that means," Sailor Mars said.

"I'm getting sick of this!" Sailor Moon shouted and leapt forward drawing her moon sword.

"Wait up!" Tuxedo Mask said racing after her. The two leapt onto a roof top, a barrage of energy shot at them. They ducked it and turned to face their enemy.

"So we meet again," Guardian Moon said.

The rest of the scouts were pinned down by the fire.

"Where is it coming from?" Uranus said angrily. "I mean, the roofs, but who?"

"Not just the roofs," Mercury said. "Up there!"

Three figures floated in the night sky.

"Ah..there they are," Nephlite said. "I'll keep them busy. You all handle those scouts."

"But there are three of them Nephlite," Sailor Mercury said.

"I know," Nephlite said. "Don't worry."

He flew into the air. The others pounced and soon the sky was being brightened with energy blasts.

"Let's go," Sailor Mars said.

"Moon Tiara Magic!" Sailor Moon shouted.

"I'm getting awfully sick of that thing!" Guardian Moon said and grabbed it out of the air.

Sailor Moon watched in shock, but Tuxedo Mask reacted unleashing a rain of Roses. Guardian Moon swung into the roses, knocking most of them away. Some of them shot by him, cutting his arm. He swung his sword. The two jumped out of the way of the ensuing energy blast.

"Sailor Moon, you just wait for an opening," Tuxedo Mask said and drawing his staff he leapt forward.

"Challenge accepted," Guardian Moon said. The two were soon sparring.

Sailor Moon readied her moon sword.

They aren't honorable, they're not playing fair, and I'll make them pay for it. He accepted fighting both of us, so he'll understand when I jab this sword right into his back.

"Ah...the Guardian Scouts, how quaint," Guardian Earth said. " wish to fight me all at once do you?"

The four tensed.

"Very well, then let's fight!" Earth shouted, unleashing a wave of energy in all directions. The scouts did their best to avoid it. Saturn leapt over the attack and fired his sword. Earth avoided it and shot forward swinging through an unprepared Neptune and kicking him off the roof. He spun meeting a punch from Pluto and jabbing his sword into his stomach. Pluto cried out, but brought his own sword down. Earth backpedaled sidestepping a thrust from Uranus. Saturn charged forward. Their two swords met for an instant, before Earth jumped away unleashing another barrage.

Uranus leapt upward and fired. Earth spiraled away in mid air, and then fired back. Uranus twisted and landed awkwardly. Earth touched the ground and charged at Pluto who fired madly. Earth somehow avoided the attacks and leapt, Guardian Saturn swept in front of him and pushed him to the ground.

"I'll fight you anyway I have to!" Saturn said punching Earth in the face. Earth swung back knocking Saturn to the ground. He rolled up and swung his sword. Saturn slid under him and the two swung at each other again.

"Uranus Fire Spikes Attack!" Uranus shouted leaping into point blank range. Earth took a sword hit from Saturn, but pulled the scout right into the path of the attack. Saturn was thrown to the ground.

"Pluto Hurricane Punch!"

The attack missed and Earth charged swinging through a wounded Pluto again. Uranus charged forward and dug his sword into Earth.

Earth shouted out and swung around. Uranus avoided him and slid back.

The two stared each other down.

"How annoying all four of you!" Sailor Earth said and stood with her staff at the ready.

"Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" Venus shouted. The attack smashed through the air.

Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter leapt forward calling on their attacks and ready to hit Earth as soon as she dodged. Earth didn't, instead she let the attacks slam into an energy shield sit there.

"Everyone run!" Mercury shouted. The attacks spiraled out in all directions. The scouts all leapt out of the way.

Sailor Earth leapt into the air and spun, energy swirled around her and flew in all directions. The scouts dived out of the way again.

"I am ready for you!" she shouted.

"Looks like we're going to have to really take it to her," Sailor Jupiter said.

"How is she so powerful though?" Venus asked.

"I'll find out," Sailor Mercury said.

"Look out!" Mars shouted. A wave of energy flew at them. They all jumped over it.

"Jupiter Oak Evolution!"

"Venus Love and Beauty Shock!"

"Mars Fire Soul!"

The three attacks flew at Sailor Earth. She dodged them.

"Her shield couldn't take that," Venus said. "Venus Love Chain Encircle!"

Her energy chain flew out. Sailor Earth knocked it away with her staff.

"Mars Celestial Fire Ball surround!"

Sailor Earth moved to knock it away. Jupiter leapt over her and dropped down drawing her Maverick sword in the process.

Sailor Earth was hit dead on and thrown to the ground.

"MERCURY FRIGID TSUNAMI!" Mercury shouted. The attack smashed along the ground. Sailor Earth scurried away only to be punched in the face by Sailor Jupiter and knocked into the attack. It through her off of the roof and to the ground.

"Yes!" the four shouted happily.

"Now it's my turn!" A female figure said leaping at them.

They jumped out of the way and backed up.

"I am Ziarca, and you are know going to have to fight me," she said.

"Zoisite," Venus said worriedly.

"I am better than you!" Guardian Earth said.

"Try us!" Uranus said firing another barrage.

"Saturn Blade of Galaxies!" Saturn shouted.

"No!" Earth replied and knocked it away with a barrage.

Uranus swung into him. Earth shouted.

"Neptune Tide of Destruction!"

"Pluto Hurricane Punch!"

The two attacks slammed into Earth and knocked him to the ground.

"I'm done," Neptune said and promptly collapsed.

"Now, now, don't tell me the fight's over," a familiar figure said dropping to the ground.

"Malichite!" Uranus said in surprise.

"Somehow I doubt he is anymore," Guardian Saturn said.

"Malcian, at your service," the former Malichite said.

"You're well skilled, but I am more experienced!" Guardian Moon said.

"I don't see why," Tuxedo Mask said.

And with a battle cry, Sailor Moon leapt forward, her Moon Sword aimed right at Guardian Moon's chest.

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