Chapter 333

In the depths of yet another hidden SDF base, Doctors Tomoe and Richter stared at various data readouts on their computers, trying to assess the use of the little bit of negaenergy they had left.

"So aren't you glad we took this job?" Doctor Richter asked with a grin.

"It's interesting at least," Tomoe said.

"Still, I was thinking of moving into a less controversial field of research."

"Like what?"


"Oh," Tomoe said.

The two let out a laugh.

"So how's your daughter doing?" Richter asked.

"No idea."

"Oh, that's right," Richter said. "She hasn't been around much."

"Yes, guess she's off doing something."

"Well it's good that you're keeping track of her," Richter said.

"You have any kids?"

"Nope, who would want to marry me?"

"Good point, but knowing you, you might have created some."

Richter grinned.

"Well, it's always been a thought, but I don't make that enough money to fund private experiments," Richter said.

"Good point," Tomoe said. "Want some coffee?"

"Nah, I try and avoid it when I can."

"Ah..I see, you don't know what you're missing."

"I do fine with other forms of stimulation," Richter said.

"Ah.." Tomoe said. "Thanks for letting me know that.." he muttered and walked out of the lab heading for the coffee machine.

"Nice night isn't it?" he remarked to one of the guards standing around.

"I wouldn't know sir," the guard said.

"You hate your job don't you?"

"Well right now I do."

"Don't blame ya," Tomoe said and got himself a cup of coffee.

Alarms started going off.

"Oh they're back," Tomoe said.

"Better get back to the lab sir," the guard said.

"Yeah, yeah, like that'll do much good," Tomoe muttered and walked back in.

"Hey, Richter, guess we've got some more company," he said.

"Wonderful," Richter said picking up several of their negaenergy storage devices and walking to a nearby tube. He threw open the doors of the tube and stuck the devices in them. They dropped. Tomoe dropped several more in.

"Well there they go," Tomoe said.

The sound of gunshots followed echoed through the hallway.

"Shall we?" Tomoe said.

"Sure," Richter said. The two palmed a button. A trapdoor opened in the floor. They both jumped down it.

The doors to the lab was blasted open.

Guardian Moon strode in, his soldiers following behind. He glanced at his watch which was scanning the area.

"They moved all the negaenergy out!" he said in frustration.

"So what now?" Guardian Earth said.

"We find them!" Guardian Moon said.

"Clever aren't they?" Sailor Earth said observed.

Guardian Moon blasted a hole in the far wall and then fired in a straight line around all the room.

"No escape routes there," he said and walked across the floor.

"Tear this floor apart!" he said.

The group all let loose some low level energy attacks. The secret tunnel was uncovered.

"Come on," Guardian Moon said and leapt down it. The others followed.

"Hmm..some kind of transportation tunnel," Guardian Earth said.

"Did they tell you anything about this?" Guardian Moon asked turning to the negaverse generals. They all shook their heads.

"Very well," Guardian Moon said. "We'll make our own transportation.

And the six began to leap down the tunnel.

The small transport train that Doctor Tomoe and Richter had taken had since raced down the tunnel and arrived at it's destination, an SDF airfield on the outskirts of the city.

"That worked well," Tomoe said with a grin as they emerged.

"So you got out safely," General Patterson said. "And we received the negaenergy too. We're flying you out of here immediately, I'm afraid our research might suffer, but maybe out of Tokyo you'll get a break."

"I suggest you hurry General, they may have found the tunnel," Richter said.

"They have," Patterson said. "Their E.T.A. is two minutes."

The two scientists and the energy were put into a plane which was soon rocketing down a runway followed by fighter escort.

Seconds later, the tunnel entryway was blown apart, as the rogue scouts rushed into the area.

"Too late," General Patterson said.

"What makes you think we just won't destroy this base?" Guardian Moon said angrily.

"You're welcome to try," General Patterson said. "But I'm sure the scouts will be glad to punish you for it in just a couple of minutes."

Guardian Moon scowled.

"There is only so much you can do," he said.

"And we're doing it all," Patterson replied trying to maintain an aura of confidence even though he knew Guardian Moon really had the advantage.

The enemy turned and hurried off.

"Just how long would it take the scouts to get here sir?" a subordinate asked.

"You kidding, Sailor Moon probably isn't even out of bed yet," Patterson muttered. "Still, they don't know that."

In the city.

"Hmm...pancakes," Serena said contemplating the plate of food in front of her.

"What's wrong Serena?" Amy asked. "Aside from the obvious."

"The obvious is enough," Serena said.

"I thought you were feeling better."

"So did I," Serena said. She pulled out a fork and pulled a pancake out. She began to chew.

"This used to be fun," she said.

"Buck up, things are all right," Amy said.

"Yeah, yeah, sure they are, I just know those rogue scouts are going to ruin my birthday."

"If you think like that, they already have."

"Yeah, but I just know it, because they're jerks," Serena said. "What an annoying bunch."

"You've never let the enemies get this much in the way of things before, and we've dealt with some pretty troublesome people," Amy said.

"I know, but I'm also beginning to realize that there are just things that are going to happen and my birthday getting ruined is one of them."

"We'll do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen," Amy said.

"I know you will, but even you guys only do so much," Serena said.

"Will you at least try to enjoy yourself?" Amy asked. "Tell you what, I'll get everyone together, we'll go out and you can pick out what you want."

"All right," Serena said. "Guess someone will be able to enjoy that."

Amy sighed.

This is tough. She thought. But we'll cheer her up.

There was a knock at the door. Greg answered it.

"Ah..Greg, my man just who I wanted to see," Mike said walking in.

"Oh.." Greg said worriedly.

"I need your help," Mike said.

"Can't wait to hear why.," Greg said.

"No trust me this is important, it's all about love and romance."

"And why are you coming to me?" Greg said as they ascended the stairs.

"Because you know me."

"Yes, but..."

"Trust me, now listen up. See there's this girl I've kinda been interested in, but I'm not sure we should go together."

"How am I supposed to know if your should or not?"

"Cause you know her."

"I do?"


Greg was getting even more confused and worried.

"All right, who is she?"


"MINA!" Greg shouted in surprise.

"Greg is everything all right!" Amy called from downstairs.

"Probably not!" Greg shouted back.

"Odd response," Amy said.


"I know, I know, it doesn't seem right and all, but I think she's changed a little," Mike said. "Anyway, she wants me bad man."

"That's impossible, no one could ever want you that bad enough," Greg said.

"I'm hurt," Mike said.

"Mike, she two timed remember?"

"Yeah, well I've done that too, sort of, but we don't follow the rules."

"But Mike, she didn't find you exciting, she got sick of you as a boyfriend."

"Yes, she did, but once she lost me, she realized what she missed."

"How do you know?"

"I know, you can sense it in the way she kissed me."

"WHEN!" Greg shouted in shock.

"Mike! What are you doing up there!" Amy shouted.

"It's all Greg, Amy!" Mike shouted back.

"No it's not!" Greg shouted. "Mike are you insane?"


"But's erratic."

"So am I, we're perfect for each other!"

"Is this really the time to be discussing this? I mean.."

"Well.. You know," Mike said. "When the urge hits, you gotta roll."

"I don't know what that means, and don't tell me," Greg said. "Mike..what exactly are you looking for me to do."

"Tell me you think it'll work."

"First of all, I won't, and second how would I know what would work or not, have I ever had a successful relationship?"

"Well...are you saying Michiru didn't count?"

"Are we dating now?"


"Will we ever date again?"

"Probably not."


"Well you're the smart one!" Mike said.

"Yeah, but not when it comes to this stuff, still, this is crazy, you and Mina can't get back together. Has she said she wanted to?"

"No, but it's when we've kissed lately, I've known it."

"How are you kissing Mina if you're not together!"

"It's all part of my mystique!" Mike shouted.

"Mike..please.." Greg said. "Calm down."

"I'm calm, you're the one who can't understand the abnormality of my mind."

"Oh I understand it," Greg said. "And that's why I can't take this seriously, are you sure you're not just doing this for fun or something?"

"Of course it will be fun."

"Mike..please," Greg said.

"Hey, Greg..ah..I see you've got company," Steve said sliding up to the door.

"Oh hey Steve, you can help me explain this," Mike said.

"Explain what?" Steve asked.

Mike told him.

"WHAT!" Steve shouted.

"Oh not you too," Mike said.

"Mike, you're insane," Steve said.

"So I've been told, doesn't anyone understand the spirit of romance that has possessed me?" Mike said.

"Something's possessed you, I can tell that," Steve said. "Listen Greg, I need your advice."

"I don't think I can take much more," Greg said.

"No, listen this is seriously. I've been having these strange visions, dreams, and other stuff to convince me I should get back with Lita, what do you think?"

"You're insane!" Mike and Greg shouted.

" it that crazy?" Steve asked.

"Yes," the two replied.

"And I'm supposed to listen to you?" Steve snapped at Mike.

"Hey listen, I know what I'm talking about here regardless of my own personal abnormalities," Mike said.

"Well good for you," Steve muttered.

"Just what is going on up here?" Amy asked hurrying up, Serena followed.

"I could tell you," Greg said. "But I fear that would be like passing onto you some sort of disease involving itchy rashes."

Amy and Serena glanced at each other.

"Let me outline it for you girls..." Mike said calmly.

Fifteen seconds later.

"WHAT! You're both crazy!" the girls shouted in unison.

"Well it's unanimous," Greg muttered.

Soon afterwards.

"All right, the others are going to meet us at Raye's," Amy said. "Do you think you can keep your delusional feelings of romance out of this so we can get Serena her birthday presents?"

"I'm not ready to move ahead with anything anyway,"Mike said.

"Yeah, I'm not sure of what I'm doing. The last thing I want to do is talk to Lita about it now," Steve said.

"Do you two really think you're in love with them again?"Serena asked.

The two nodded.

"Serena it'd be hard for you, or anyone for that matter to understand the chemistry Mina and I have," Mike said.

"I'll believe that," Serena said.

"But it's there," Mike said. "I have to believe she knows it too."

"Same goes for me and Lita, I mean, I don't understand it at all, but I've seen some strange things," Steve said.

"I don't know which of you has less of a basis for believing what you do," Amy said. "Then again, I guess maybe true love is never logical."

"No, they're just insane I think," Serena said.

"We'll prove you wrong, you just wait," Mike said. "Or at least, I'll prove you wrong."

"Hey, don't handicap it like that," Steve said. "I've got a better chance than you do."

"Eh, you think so do ya?"

"Calm down you two," Greg said. "When probability gets so low, as in the case of both of your chances at romance. The subtle possible numerical differences in your chances, are inconsequential since at this level you have relatively the same chance of practically zero."

"Yeah! In your face!" Steve said.

Mike sighed.

When the five arrived they found Raye, Mina, and Lita sitting together on the porch. Rick and Motoki were busy sparring. Darrien leaned against a tree.

"You realize that when Serena turns eighteen, she'll have sorts of new responsibilities," Mina said.

"Their should be a written exam for turning eighteen," Raye said.

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Lita said.

"Hey, times a wasting! Let's gets started!" Serena said.

"Well so much for depression," Amy muttered. I knew better than to believe she was incurable.

The group all headed out.

"Serena, I don't mean to curtail your enthusiasm, but I hope you have a better idea of what you want this year than that list last year," Raye said.

"Oh that," Serena said. "Well, I'm not going to send you guys off in all directions that's for sure. I have simple needs."

"Oh you do?" her friends all replied.

"Hey, I'm the birthday girl, you should tolerate my ideosyncrademocracies a little more."

"I'm just going to let that one go," Raye said.

"Us too," the rest of the group said.

"Guys, stops teasing," Serena said. "This is all so hard on me."

"We're sorry," they said.

"Good, now, let's go in here," Serena said stopping in front of a store.

"All right! Lingerie!" Mike said high fiving Steve.

"Guys stay out here!" the girls snapped.

"Bummer!" the two replied.

"Quit acting like that. It's so 1992," Rick muttered.

Mike and Steve sighed.

"This is going to be fun isn't it?" Darrien muttered.

"It's for a good cause," Greg replied.

"Yeah I know, guess it's worth it then, but this is just the beginning."

Six hours later.

The scouts all slugged into Amy's house and put the various gifts they had accumulated on the floor. Most of them collapsed from exhaustion.

"That was long..." Mike muttered.

"Uh thanks everyone," Serena said.

"Sure Serena," Everyone said managing to put a smile on their faces. Serena grinned and headed into the kitchen.

"I don't think I can move," Mina said.

"Well we could just all lie here until her birthday tomorrow," Raye suggested.

"Water.....water..." Mike gasped.

"Oh..grow up.." Steve muttered.

"Well..uh that was productive," Greg said.

"If not efficient," Darrien said.

There was a knock at the door.

Amy answered it. Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna appeared.

"Oh please come in," Amy said.

The three walked in.

"Jeez..what happened to all of you?" Haruka asked.

"Not a battle I hope," Michiru said.

"Worse," The group said.

"So is there anything we need to know?" Darrien asked.

"Well, the rogues have been laying low, the SDF gave them a little surprise, they didn't appreciate it," Setsuna said.

"But that doesn't mean there won't be trouble," Haruka said. "Anyway, we just wanted to check in with you and find out what your status is."

"We're tired," the group moaned.

The outer scouts looked at each other.

The day passed.

Serena woke up from the guest bedroom and staggered down the stairs. Amy and Greg were already eating.

"Aw..good..everyone managed to get home safely," Serena said.

"All we know is that they left the house," Amy said.

Serena grinned slightly.

"So this is what it's like to be eighteen.." Serena said. "It's not that much different then being seventeen."

"Of course it is, you have to be much more maturer," Luna said.

"Oh there you are," Serena said. "Haven't seen much of you lately."

"I've been busy," Luna said. "You're practically an adult now Serena, you should remember that."

"It won't help," Amy and Greg quickly said.

" two are supposed to be the most supportive," Serena said.

"Sorry, it's the six hour shopping marathon talking," Amy said.

"Yeah," Greg said.

"But it was fun wasn't it?" Serena asked.

"Of course it was," Amy said smiling. "And I'm glad we did it. It made you feel better, and it wasn't as bad as all of us say."

"Just physically exhausting," Greg said.

"Well..all right..but now I'm eighteen, so that means big things right?"

" theory," Luna said.

" off," Serena said. "What's for breakfast."

"Anything you want?" Lita said popping out of a side room.

"Oh..goodie!" Serena said happily. "Let me write it all down."

"I expected that," Lita said grinning.

Later that afternoon the scouts were all sitting around Raye's house, with the various presents they had picked out. Serena was rapidly opening them and seeing what was inside. There were few surprises.

"Now Serena, I know you liked food, so we the Guardian Scouts went and got you something extra today," Mike said.

"Uh oh," the girls all said.

"No really," Mike said. "Let's roll it out!"

Steve and Rick rolled a barrel into the yard..

"What's that?" Serena asked.

"Several gallons of cookie dough," Mike said.

"Well you can never have enough you know," Lita said with a grin.

"How thoughtful," Serena said starry eyed. "It's like you're speaking to my inner self."

"We all got you something though Serena," Raye said. "We collected our money..."

"In some case stole..." Mina added.

"Shush about that.." Raye said.

"And we got you and Darrien something really special," Raye said.

They handed Serena and Darrien an envelope.

"An envelope! We bought them an envelope with all that money! What a jip!" Mike shouted.

"Shut up Mike!" the girls said.

Serena opened it.

"'s a reservation at the most romantic restaurant, slash ballroom in the country," Serena said calmly. "YIPPPEE!" she shouted leaping into the air.

"Sorry to break up the fun!" came a voice. The scouts whirled. Guardian Moon and his troops stood waiting.

"Oh no..Nephlite.." Amy said in surprise. Now a converted Nephlite stood with them.

"Yes, we got him this morning in fact," Guardian Moon said. The scouts transformed quickly.

"You dare attack me on my birthday," Sailor Moon said. "Oh you've got a major whooped butt coming!"

"Yeah, what kind of jerks are you!" came three more familiar voices. Everyone looked to see three more scouts arrive....the Starlights.

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