Chapter 332

Guardian Earth and the three sailor scouts were blasted away from the building with great force. They all hit the ground and looked in surprise at the now burning building.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Uranus said.

"Doesn't seem like it," Pluto said.

Guardian Earth stood up quickly brushing off his wounds. He pulled open his communicator.

"Moon, there?" he asked. He received no response and went charging towards the building.

"We've got to stop him," Uranus said.

"Neptune Deep Submerge!" Neptune shouted unleashing her attack. Guardian Earth was hit and thrown to the ground.

"No! I have to help them!" he shouted. "Where's your sense of decency!"

"It's not safe for you to be in there regardless of your purpose," Uranus said.

A wall exploded, belching fire into the street.

Sailor Pluto leapt into the air and landed by Guardian Earth.

"Let's say for's a truce," she said. "Do you agree?"

Earth nodded.

"I'm in no position not to," he said.

"Can you contact them?"

"I tried," Earth said.

Sirens whirred as cars raced to the scene.

A manhole blew open and out crawled Nephlite followed by General Patterson. Several more SDF soldiers came flooding onto the street.

"We have to get inside there!" Earth said. "I have no idea what's happening."

Another part of the building exploded.

"We have to get out of here," Pluto said. "This is unsafe."

"We can't just leave them!" Earth shouted.

Another wall exploded, but this time from a different source, and four figures staggered out, charred, but in relatively good shape.

"There they are," Earth said in surprise. Guardian Moon stepped forward.

"Impressive," he said. "Earth, let's get out of here."

Earth nodded and the group either leapt or flew off.

"Pluto!" Uranus said hurrying up.

"Let them go," Pluto said. "We've got other concerns."

Fire trucks began to roll up as well as other assorted emergency vehicles.

"Mercury Bubbles Blast!" Mercury shouted unleashing a wave of cold water onto the fire. The other scouts moved in to do their best to help fight it, and eventually the building was put out.

"What the heck happened here!" Chief Ozaki said hurrying up.

"I'd like to know too," General Nagumo said.

"Well, sir, allow me to explain," General Patterson said. "We had set a trap for the enemy."

"And you blew up a building!" Ozaki shouted.

"No!" Patterson said. "They did, I'll file a full report you can get it later."

"Get it later. No you don't! Now, something happened here. You don't seem to think much of it, but who do you think you are? This is a populated area!" Ozaki shouted.

"I've got nothing to say to you," Patterson shouted back and headed off. Nagumo followed.

"What did happen?" Nagumo asked.

"The professors' latest device didn't react well with the energy of the enemy. It combusted."

"This is terrible, we have to tread carefully on this."

"I know," Patterson said.

"Fortunately, we can blame it on the enemy, but we'd better watch it."

"Yes sir," Patterson said.

"Are you all right?" Guardian Earth asked.

"I have been better," Guardian Moon said. "However, this is nothing."

"From the explosion I thought that.." Earth began to say.

"It looked worse than it was," Moon said.

"But still," Earth said.

"I did underestimate those humans, I should have suspected something like this," Moon said. "Still...once we get back I have plans to make."

"The SDF will pay for this," Jasen said.

"No," Moon said. "Don't see it that way. We already have enough vendettas, we will deal with all this in time, but right now we must regroup," Guardian Moon said.

"Yes sir," Jasen said.

"Well..that was unexpected," Sailor Pluto said. The scouts were all sitting in a park recovering.

"Just how did that happen?" Sailor Uranus said stretching slightly.

"It seems that something the SDF did caused the explosion," Mercury said.

"I didn't think the enemy scouts could level a building on their own, and why would they drop one on top of themselves," Jupiter said.

"I can't help feeling that we should have attacked when they were weak," Sailor Uranus said.

"It wasn't the time," Sailor Pluto said. "You might not understand now, but believe me it was."

"Looks like Nephlite's safe for at least a little while longer," Sailor Neptune said.

"Can we go home now?" Sailor Moon asked. "I mean unless there's anything else."

"We'll handle it if there is," Sailor Pluto said.

"We should find out what did happen," Sailor Uranus said.

"Uh..could I come along?" Guardian Saturn said. "I know you have more experience working as a team, but I figure one of us should know too."

"All right," Sailor Pluto said. "The rest of you go home, and do what you were doing. Rest if you can."

"Oh I will," Sailor Moon muttered.

"Deal with it, Sailor Moon," Mars said.

"Oh come on Mars, I'm not in the mood."

"Well then get a stiff upper lip okay."

"Fine, just don't badger me."

"I'm done," Mars said growing worried at Sailor Moon's assertive tone.

"Good," Sailor Moon muttered.

"Tomoe, I thought you said it would work," General Patterson growled.

"Well, I didn't expect them to react that quickly," Tomoe said. "You rushed us you know."

"Yes, given the resources we had, and the lack of an adequate test facility," Richter said.

"Wonderful," Patterson muttered. "All right, I'm not blaming you here, but now we've got even more problems."

"It seems we are dealing with some very dangerous individuals here," Tomoe said.

"And when did you figure that out?" Richter muttered.

"Listen, there are plenty of people who can blow things up," Tomoe said.

"Wonder how you reached that conclusion," Richter said.

"I hadn't made my point yet," Tomoe said.

"Will you two cut it out," Patterson said. "I need you two to work extra hard to find a way to neutralize these rogue scouts."

"I got it," Tomoe said. "We could develop a highly sophisticated phone powered by negaenergy that you could use to call the sailor scouts whenever there was trouble."

"Now there's an idea!" Richter said.

Patterson sighed.

"It's not a matter of that anymore," Patterson said. "We are facing pressure from all sides, if the armed forces of Japan cannot demonstrate an ability to contain these forces, the countries of the world will react."

"Oh come on I have to think Africa couldn't care in the least," Richter said.

"And Belgium too," Tomoe said.

"Get serious!" Patterson said. "Things are spiraling out of control down here. We must stop those scouts!"

The two doctors became straight faced and nodded.

"Then we will," Tomoe said.

"Somehow," Richter said.

"What a mess," Patterson muttered walking down a corridor. He rounded a corner, and not unexpectedly he found four scouts standing there waiting for him.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"Tell us what happened," Sailor Uranus said.

"Where should I begin?" Patterson muttered.

"Couldn't sleep either huh?" Raye asked encountering Rick standing on the porch of the temple.

"No," Rick said. "You know...a lot of things have been happening, I should be a wreck right now, but I'm not. At least I don't think so."

"Believe me, I understand, I haven't felt so good myself."

"These scouts, they're so...different from our enemies, and everything around us. The damage, the chaos...." Rick said. "It used to be easier didn't it?"

"Well the enemies preferred to be as discrete as we were trying to be," Raye said. "Though Jaedite started things off with a bang himself, but back then, no one could believe that this was happening."

"Now it's all sort of sinking in," Rick said. "The only problem is that it's not good."

"People scare easily," Raye said. "And we're right in the middle of it."

"But you know it doesn't bother me," Rick said. "Not anymore, I've got other things to think about. I mean, we have to win. That I know, and I we have to survive, all of us do. And that's what I handle. Me and you, we don't get a second chance, but then again, it's not so bad, the afterlife and all. But, I'm not ready to leave."

"Don't you worry about that," Raye said.

"I'm not, it's all a matter of rationality," Rick said. "I'm not going to let it stop me, but I'll tell you this, I'm not going to let anyone else go either. You especially."

Raye just stared at him.

"You know..we Guardian Scouts, haven't exactly been the most useful of people, but that's going to change, we've got a battle, to win, and those rogues, they've got another thing coming. I'm focused now."

"That's good, but don't push yourself. You've got a lot on your mind," Raye said.

"No I don't. Not right now. I'm going to soon enough trust me, I can't run forever, but right now, I've got one purpose and that's to win this war."

"You can't do it alone."

"I'm not going to do it alone, but I'm going to make sure we all do it together."

Raye had little to say to this.

"Why did you see fit to drag me out in the middle of the night anyway?" Lieutenant Nelson said.

"Because I've got the best lead I've ever had," Captain Ozaki said.

"Really," Nelson said. "And what would that be?"

"Well, follow me with this one," Ozaki said.

The two drove into the streets.

"Now I've been thinking this over, and I've been trying to find things in common about the scouts.. Now we know for a fact they all go to Juuban High School correct?"

"I didn't know it was a fact," Nelson said.

"It sure seems like it," Ozaki said. "Now we look through the student records and we find several interesting pieces of information."

"Like what?" Nelson asked.

"Take for instance, the house attacked just a few weeks ago, that of Serena Tsukino, a student in class 1, second year."


"So...Class 1, both first and second year has featured attacks on it personally by enemy forces."

"And where'd you find this?"

"I had to do some back checking and strangely enough some of the reports are missing, but I did some interviews and such," Ozaki said.

"Oh..wonderful," Nelson said.

"Why don't you believe a thing I've said?"

"Because we shouldn't find out who the scouts are that's why."

"WHAT?" Ozaki said stopping the car.

"You heard me, the more people that find out, the more dangerous the scouts' positions becomes. They're very vulnerable as humans, and yet you go chasing them down like it's the right thing to do. If they wanted us to know who they were they would say so."

"We have our orders," Ozaki said.

"Can't you see that we're wrong to do this though?" Nelson asked. "How can it help things?"

"Shouldn't the police department know?"

"No, because the police department has been taken over before, remember? The same thing with the SDF."

Ozaki seemed moved by that comment.

"I don't could we ever not follow this up?" she asked.

"Well if you weren't so vigorous we might have a way out," Nelson said.

"But my father won't accept failure, if we don't do it, he'll investigate personally."

"That may be a problem, but at least we'll have stalled."

"I don't know..I can't...I mean..orders are orders, I mean, if it wasn't my father...I could do it, but he'll throw me off the force as well as you."

"Not if we play this right," Nelson said.

"You have a plan?"


" you know who they are?"

"No," Nelson lied.

"Sure you do...then again I guess if my daughter was one I'd try and protect her."

Nelson started.

"That's what I thought," Ozaki said. "Yes I know who they all are now."

"Then we're going to have to remedy that," Nelson said.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been taken over before you know. The less you know the better."

"And just how are you going to remedy it?"

"We can see some friends."

"Oh not that again!" Ozaki said. "Do you know how many times I've been zapped!"

"What do you mean? How did you.."

"I'm not that stupid Lieutenant, I eventually figured things out."

"Then how long have you known all this?"

"Long enough, but I just haven't been able to figure out what to do either," she said.

"Well now you know."

"You'd think that wouldn't you?" Ozaki asked. "This is not going to be a good day."

"Ah come on..we'll figure something out, but let's sleep on it okay," Nelson said.

"Yes, I guess that's a good idea," Ozaki said. "It is late."

"Too late," Nelson said.

"Sorry, I just got impulsive for some reason."

"It happens."

"I just hope I'll be able to sleep tonight, I've never gone against my father."

"Don't look at it that way, it's more like, working for humanity."

Two days later.

"Have you found anything Ozaki?" Coral asked.

"Ahem..well ma'am, we've had several promising leads, but the scouts have covered their tracks incredibly well. We are doing our best."

"Very well, try harder please," Coral said. "I'm going to be in New York at UN headquarters getting grilled for the next few days, see what you can do in the meantime."

"Of course Prime Minister," Ozaki said.

"And try to keep anything else from blowing up."

"That's always a top priority," Ozaki said.

"June 26th," Serena muttered sitting on the rooftop of the A.P.T. house.

"Serena you okay? I get worried when you become all reticent like this," Amy said popping out of the roof trapdoor and stepping onto the roof.

"Well," Serena said. "Amy, my birthday's in a few days."

"Oh that's right, any idea what you want?"

"That's just it, I don't know,"Serena said. "Usually I know for sure, but.."

"I understand," Amy said. "Don't you worry though, we're not going to let this war stop us from celebrating it."

Serena smiled.

"I didn't doubt it, I just hope I can enjoy it," Serena said.

"Of course you can, don't worry about it, it'll be great," Amy said.

"I don't even know if my parents remember it," Serena said. "I mean given that they're still living in the hotel and all."

"I'm sure they will," Amy said.

"Yeah I guess," Serena said. "I shouldn't be so worried about them. They can be weird, heck everyone I know can be strange, but they come through when it counts."

"I don't think I'm that weird," Amy said.

"You study too much," Serena said.

"That hardly qualifies."

"Love letters Amy?" Serena asked with a grin.

"It's a recognized psychological condition," Amy said nervously.

Serena started laughing.

"Now even I know that's not true," Serena said with a grin.

Amy blushed.

"Well..we all have our quirks," she admitted.

"Breakfast is ready," Greg said popping up through the trapdoor.

"FOOD!" Serena said. "A beacon of hope in the fog of depression!" she said and dashed inside.

"Never heard it described that way before," Greg said.

"Well she's just a little weird Greg," Amy said.

"Guess so," Greg said.

"Greg, do you think I'm weird?"


"SURE! You're not supposed to say that!"

"Oh..well..I thought you wanted me to be honest."

"Not this time! I was counting on you not to be!"

" was I to expect that from you?"

"Guess you have a point."

"Talk about us second guessing each other."

"I hope this doesn't happen very often.

"Me too."

"What blatant stupidity," Guardian Moon said. "Those humans and their traps. Well I guess they know better know."

"But you were the one practically blown up," Guardian Earth said.

"Do you see me in any worse shape then usual?"

"You were at the time," Earth said. "A scout attack....."

"Wouldn't have happened. They have some honor?"

"We should not have this conflict," Sailor Earth said. "Our mission is at hand."

"Let's do it," Jasen said.

"I grow tired of hiding," Malcian said.

"Yeah, let's do what we came here to do," Ziarca said.

"Indeed that is the idea," Guardian Moon said pulling a crystal from his pocket. "We shall take care of a lingering problem and then..continue operations."

The six moved down the street on rooftops, their target a large apartment structure.

"Seems like they're on the move again," Sailor Uranus said watching from afar.

"I think we know where," Sailor Neptune said.

"Too bad, it was a nice day," Sailor Pluto said.

"Well, let's take care of this menace and maybe we can enjoy it!" Sailor Uranus said. And the three scouts leapt after them.

"So you want to fight us yet again?" Prince Diamond said. The eight dark moon members said facing the six rogue enemies in the street.

"Not particularly," Guardian Moon said. "Now!"

His five comrades surrounded him and fired energy. The dark moon contingent swung into action and attacked.

Guardian Moon drew his crystal.

"Moon Healing Activation!" He shouted.

From it came a wave of white light, it covered the dark moon warriors and they all weakened fell to the ground.

"Now they will no longer be a problem," Guardian Moon said with a grin.

"What did they just do?" Sailor Neptune said.

"They drained the supernatural energy out of them leaving only their human forms," Sailor Pluto said. "They're now powerless."

"Wonderful," Sailor Uranus said.

"Do we attack?" Sailor Neptune asked.

"We wait for the other scouts," Sailor Pluto said.

The rogues turned in their direction. The three negaverse generals floated into the air.

The three scouts ducked behind a wall.

The rogues then leapt off, their fellow soldiers following.

"Now we follow them," Sailor Pluto said and the three scouts leapt after their opponents.

"Oh I see we're being followed," Guardian Moon said glancing at a watch shaped computer on his right wrist. "Well that's good and all, but I really don't like being followed."

"Do we turn and fight?" Guardian Earth said.

"And let the other scouts have time to arrive?" Moon said. "No not today, today we lose them."

"That should prove harder then it sounds," Sailor Earth said.

"Yes well, I'm always up for a challenge," Guardian Moon said. "Then again, we have some advantages."

The group dropped to the street amidst the buildings.

"That's just great," Sailor Uranus said. The scouts raced after them. The six rogues fled on foot, rounding corners and leaping down alleyways.

The three outers raced after them.

"And of course they could teleport at any time," Sailor Uranus said.

"Something tells me they would prefer not to," Sailor Neptune said.

"Still, we've got to work fast," Sailor Pluto said. "We have to get the other scouts with us."

"This isn't going to work," Uranus said. "If they turn and fight."

"Guess you're right," Pluto said stopping.

The rogues hurried off into the city.

"We'll get them the next time," Pluto said.

"We can always hope," Neptune said.

"Well we got away!" Guardian Earth said.

"Of course we did," Moon said. "The outer scouts are not stupid. It's hardly a victory to escape, however, not using the teleport allows us certain opportunities."

"Like what?" Guardian Earth said.

"The SDF obviously believes it has fooled us into believing we destroyed all their negaenergy, but as we can see they were lying," Moon said. "So our next move, we're going to get the rest of it."

"And is that even possible?" Guardian Earth asked.

"Anything's possible," Guardian Moon said. "Especially when we're doing it."

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